• 他们研究结果推翻了人们居家工作者的普遍看法:他们具备从事其他工作的资格,以及他们将家庭作业作为处理儿童保育问题短期策略

    Their findings disprove accepted notions about homeworkers: that they are unqualified for other jobs and that they use homework as a short-term strategy for dealing with child care.


  • 这个图表看起来适合短期策略长期来说信号混淆不可靠

    This side of the chart looks best suited to short-term strategies, with mixed or unreliable signals for longer-term strategies.


  • 出口商来说低价常常一种短期策略也是快速进入退出市场最好方法

    To exporter, low price is generally a short-term tactics, however, it's also the best method of quickly penetrating and withdrawing from market.


  • 实施通过由技术金融运营部门关键人员组成的先进团队实施先进短期策略执行计划

    Actions: Developed short-term strategy and execution plan by developing team with key representatives for technology, finance, and operations divisions.


  • 但是如果环境危急存活机会不大——比如饥荒或者敌人众多的时候——那么人们采取短期策略传宗接代

    But if the environment is dangerous and your chances of survival are low - if there is a famine or more enemies - then people will adopt short-term strategies which allow them to reproduce more.


  • 危险重重的策略可能短期会有报偿,但长期来看,更高债务水平公司陷入困境,那时候这些高官已经离开了。

    A high-risk strategy may pay off in the short term; higher debt levels may sink the company only in the longer term, after the executive has left.


  • 美联储敏锐地意识到一旦经济改善短期名义利率不再为零重要问题是涉及避免通货膨胀退出策略

    The most important issue, of which the Fed is keenly aware, involves the exit strategy for avoiding inflation once the economy has improved and short-term nominal interest rates are no longer zero.


  • 但在很多时候市场策略因为企业推进短期销售走向了歧途。

    Far too often, the marketing strategy gets pushed aside as the company goes for a short-term sales boost.


  • 确信短期这种策略就能看到效果,甚至可以作为某些行业营销战略实行

    I have no doubt that this works in the short run. It might even workout to be a viable marketing strategy in some markets.


  • 看上去只要这个策略运转起来,可以短期较小代价消灭掉这种疾病,”米尔纳

    "It seems so obvious that once you can get this thing working, it will eradicate the disease at a lower cost and in a shorter period of time," Milner says.


  • 可能生存策略,就是说,一种短期转为长期策略。 在危机生存总要比受苦受难来的

    This may be a survival strategy – that is, a strategy shift from the short term to the long term – but surviving a crisis is better than suffering from it.


  • 他们的策略短期看护来说非常合理的。

    Their strategy is perfectly rational for temporary carers.


  • 但是不是一种短期反周期策略,它将会延伸510而且应该好地实施,而不是挥霍性实施。

    But it's not a short-term counter-cyclical strategy. It will stretch out over five to 10 years and should be done well and not wastefully.


  • 这里一个短期移植策略,就是Microsoftvb脚本中的组合逻辑移植J2EE中的组合逻辑,作为移植一步一部分

    A short term migration strategy might be to migrate the combined logic from Microsoft VB scripting into combined logic in J2EE as part of a first stage of migration.


  • 必须耐心战略一部分,短期来看,这种策略结果可能格鲁吉亚不得不放弃飞地换取和平

    This must be part of a patient strategy that may, in the near term, result in Georgia having to give up its enclaves in exchange for peace.


  • 对冲基金研究咨询机构得到的数据表明第二季度,一种包括长短期销售的分享规避策略美国英国受欢迎

    Data from Hedge Fund Research, a consultancy, show that in the second quarter, a share-hedging strategy involving both long and short sales was the most popular in America and Britain.


  • DB根据我们内部经验用户交互我们认为部署安全和策略领域短期内有协作影响机会

    DB: From our internal experience and customer interactions, we see good opportunities for collaboration or influence in the areas of deployment, security, and policy in the near term.


  • 产品可能包括亚洲短期股票基金,具体选择洛希尔选股策略为基础。

    Products are likely to include Asian equity long-short funds, which would build on Rothschild's stock-picking approach.


  • 分代GC策略非常适合创建很多短期存活对象应用程序,这种情况对于中间件解决方案常见。

    Generational GC is a policy that is best suited to applications that create many short-lived objects, which is typical of middleware solutions.


  • 诚然不诚实可能成为婚姻矛盾一种很好的短期解决策略

    Granted, dishonesty can be a good short-term solution to marital conflict.


  • 第一公司创建类别定义了一个新产品带来了一项新技术利用一种新的销售策略确实短期定价能力

    The first company to create a category, define a new product, bring a new technology to a market, or exploit a novel distribution strategy does have short-term pricing power.


  • 例如如果创建很多短期对象,则选择gencon策略利用快速分配能力,这样可以获得最佳性能

    For example, if many short-lived objects are being created, choosing the gencon policy to take advantage of its speedy allocation may give you the best performance.


  • 管理者来说这里关键团队当前项目任务提供短期战术领导,同时为团队的未来提供长期策略展望

    The key here is for the manager to provide both short-term tactical leadership for the team's current projects and tasks and a long-term strategic vision for the team's future.


  • 男人们不必负责所以他们追求一种短期配对策略

    Men don't have to commit, so they pursue a short-term mating strategy.


  • 正如我之前定义的,市场时机选择是偏离长期策略目标的,短期操作

    I think market timing, as I've defined it, has to do with short-term deviations from your long-term policy targets.


  • 做好收入短期内受挫的准备——尤其是在2012年那么强劲的增长之后——但是随着时间的推移,这项策略应该会收到成效。

    Pinault says he is braced for revenue to take a hit in the near termparticularly after such strong growth in 2012 — but that the strategy should pay off over time.


  • 目前对于心力衰竭的治疗,短期纠正血液动力学措施转变长期修复策略

    The treatment strategy for heart failure has changed from short-term correction of hemodynamic parameters to long-term rehabilitation approaches.


  • 同样记住的是,我们所的例子不仅适用长期交易策略,同时适用于短期交易策略

    Also keep in mind that any examples referring to long trades can be equally applicable to short trades.


  • 同样记住的是,我们所的例子不仅适用长期交易策略,同时适用于短期交易策略

    Also keep in mind that any examples referring to long trades can be equally applicable to short trades.


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