• 抽出来看,是一个小巧

    Pulling her hand out, she found a small leather book.


  • 奥尔特怀疑自己不会需要第二了,因为笔迹都改变了——我的字体曾经凌乱而有生气,现在却是

    At Ault, I doubted I would ever need a second blue book because even my handwriting had changed-once my letters had been bubbly and messy, and now they were thin and small.


  • 杰佩托给诺乔做了一双外套卖给识字

    Geppetto makes Pinocchio a new pair of feet, and sells his coat to buy him an A-B-C book.


  • 买了一书,惊奇地发现里面有一幅艺术家埃尔·博纳尔的画,和他父亲的画一样,他坐在同样的花园里,同一张椅子上。

    He bought a book and was surprised to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the same garden as his father's painting.


  • “媚族”一最先出现瑞典他们在那里专属于自己杂志,将他们定义为“有钱时间并且愿意消费的”老年人

    In Sweden, where the term originated, mappies have their own magazine which defines them as older people "who have time and money and want to spend them".


  • 这个理念首次哈佛商业评论篇文章提出后来扩展哈默詹姆斯——一家咨询公司CSC指数创始人共同撰写

    The idea, first propounded in an article in Harvard Business Review, was later expanded into a book that Hammer wrote with James Champy, the founder of CSC Index, a consulting firm.


  • 社会学家埃尔·布迪厄2007年出版最后一单身汉舞会》中,描述位于法国西南部的故乡贝亚恩地区性别改变现状。

    In his final book, the Bachelors' Ball, published in 2007, the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu describes the changing gender dynamics of bearn, the region in southwestern France where he grew up.


  • 以色列海法医学中心生化学家迈克尔·艾维·瑞姆带领研究人员发明了一个可以利用葡萄葡萄酒制造方法

    Researchers led by biochemist Michael Aviram of the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, developed a method to make white wine that exploited the grape skins.


  • 。弗西特机长买了不同寻常出租汽车,并开始新的业务。这辆“出租汽车”一架小型瑞士飞机,叫“勒·特斯·波特”号。

    Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service.The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'.


  • 演讲始银行法案》,作为终结

    I began this lecture with Peel's bank act, and I will also finish with it.


  • 令人称奇叫做观察冰块度过难关》,是族长老科学家们共同编写的。

    There's an astonishing book called "Watching Ice and Weather Our Way, " co-authored by Yupik elders and scientists.


  • 令人称奇叫做观察冰块度过难关》,是族长老科学家们共同编写的。

    There's an astonishing book called "Watching Ice and Weather Our Way," co-authored by Yupik elders and scientists.


  • 葡萄酒作家萨撒•斯拉内克讲道,这些斜坡上能生产出一种名为“丁加池”的特种葡萄酒,事实依据在于种植这些葡萄的斜坡直入大海,也就是说左右的耕作都要人工来完成

    These slopes produce Dingac, a wine distinguished, says Sasa Spiranec, a local wine writer, by the fact that the vineyards run sharply down to the sea, meaning all cultivation has to be done by hand.


  • 他们将平板比喻为“电子版的鼹鼠笔记”。

    The metaphor they used was "digital Moleskine, " a nod to the leather-bound notebooks favored in the design world.


  • 达尔文一生有在衣服口袋里装笔记的习惯,过后会将记小笔记上的想法观察记录誊写一些的笔记中。

    All his life Darwin carried small hard notebooks in his pocket, later transcribing thoughts and observations into larger books.


  • 当时,已有著作最畅销157小说

    At one point, seven of the 15 best-selling books of all time were Spillane novels.


  • 评论家一致相信该书伟大的作家的两经典著作《瓶中妖魔《驴记》并驾齐驱。

    The critics were unanimous in the belief that it would take its place with those two classics by two great writers, "The Bottle Imp" and "The Magic Skin."


  • 接下来分钟列出使感觉还不错建议是不够的,对付生活并且鼹鼠密码笔记也是不足的。

    It's more than reading a few tips in a list that make you feel good for the next 10 minutes. It's more than just "hacking" your life and buying a color coded moleskin notebook.


  • 要说迈克尔·乔丹斯科蒂·打个0比4一回事,但是鲁尔·邓和·戈登你输成这样就是档子事啦。

    It's one thing when Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen take you out in four games. It's something else when it's Luol Deng and Ben Gordon that do it to you.


  • 自从诺曼文森特尔(Norman Vincent Peale )1952年出版名为《正面思考力量》(The Powerof PositiveThinking)的上架开始,强调尊严重要性的自助性书籍书店里长久盘踞着一席之地。

    From Norman Vincent Peale’s 1952 The Power of Positive Thinking onward, self-help books proclaiming the virtues of self-esteem have become regular fixtures in bookstores.


  • 特.格威特与1982年还就此内容写了同时2009年发表一些新的测验结果。 在试验时,分别在4个单独的试验中召集了163人。

    Peter Gollwitzer wrote a whole book about this, and in 2009, he did some new tests that were published.


  • 有阳光的温暖午后,一杯咖啡喜欢的静静书房华丽压花阅读感觉如此的美妙

    In warm sunny afternoon, a cup of coffee, a favorite book, quietly leaning on a gorgeous embossed leather study reading, I feel so great!


  • 目的试验目的论证椎体成形术中骨水泥安全范围

    Objective. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the safe range of cement volume during percutaneous vertebroplasty.


  • 同样其他球员·伊姆萨罗一样他们我们一起并不是因为他们免费的。

    That is also the same for other players like Ben Haim and Pizarro. The reason why they are with us is not because they were free agents.


  • 同样其他球员·伊姆萨罗一样他们我们一起并不是因为他们免费的。

    That is also the same for other players like Ben Haim and Pizarro. The reason why they are with us is not because they were free agents.


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