• 本文需求分析总体架构、CTI平台软件设计几方面介绍镇江电信客户服务中心系统的设计方案。

    This paper introduces the design of Zhenjiang telecom custom service center system, such as user requirement analysis, general specification, CTI platform and software design.


  • HCL表示,其计划通过在巴西南里奥格兰德设立一个用于支持全球本地客户的多语种呼叫中心,以拓展公司在区域基础设施服务的覆盖范围,该呼叫中心还向全球电信客户大型机客户提供全球支持。

    The facility will also provide global support for telecom and mainframe customers worldwide.


  • 澳洲电信宣称自己可以客户提供各种平台上各种优质服务

    Telstra claims it is well positioned to offer customers all kinds of whizzy new services across a range of platforms.


  • 加入Lotus之前,Lori是IBM顾问专注决策支持应用程序企业客户提供咨询服务并且还是保险盒电信客户系统工程师

    Before joining Lotus, Lori worked at IBM as a consultant for enterprise customers focusing on decision support applications and as a systems engineer for insurance and telecommunications customers.


  • Jeff曾经许多IDS客户提供服务最小型企业大型的企业,包括几家大型零售商百货电信公司

    Jeff has worked with hundreds of IDS clients, from the smallest of businesses to the largest, including multiple large retail, grocery, and telco companies.


  • 客户细分电信企业提供面向客户产品服务基础

    Customer segmentation is the basis for the telecom enterprises to provide customer-oriented product and services.


  • 客户必须配备受过技术语言培训人员从事电信服务技术工作。

    The customer must make available persons who are trained in the technical matters and language for the Tele-service.


  • 改善甘肃电信服务形象提高营销服务能力赢得客户市场起到积极地推动作用

    This will play an active role in improving the service image of Gansu Telecom Company, advancing the ability of marketing service and gaining the customer's market.


  • 为了实现通信领域业务繁荣满足不同客户需求电信运营商服务提供商都面临着业务模式巨大挑战

    In order to achieve full service communications and prosperity, meet different customer's demand, telecom operators and service providers will face great challenges of new business models.


  • 如果电信公司客户服务电话时间经常延长有效”,那什么时候可以变得“更有效”?

    If the local cable company's customer service phone help line always has "longer than expected" hold times, when does it ever have "shorter than expected" hold times?


  • 本文分为主要讨论为了获取更多电信客户资源采取一系列服务营销策略

    This text is divided into seven chapters altogether. It was discussed mainly about a series of service marketing tactics that were adopted in order to strive for more telecom client resources.


  • 通过MIS系统支撑科学管理提高内部维护人员的运作效率同时使合作公司电信目标进行客户服务

    Through the scientific management of MIS system to improve the efficiency and also can make our cooperate company provide the service base on Zeng Cheng Telecom's target.


  • 作为电信业务支撑系统核心电信计费帐务系统的准确性直接关系客户服务质量电信运营商的收入

    As the kernel of the support system of telecommunication, the accuracy of billing system has a close relation to both service quantities for customers and income of telecommunication enterprises.


  • nPrime汽车电信行业拥有相当出色表现,并致力于客户提供更广泛,更多元化更高品质的整合服务

    Prime has a particularly strong track record in the automobile and telecom industry. In addition, we aim to provide customers comprehensive, diverse, and high quality service.


  • 现在有数十万家公司使用这一服务,其客户中有音乐在线播放公司Spotify这样新兴企业,也包括瑞典电信巨擘爱立信这样老牌公司

    It is now used by hundreds of thousands of firms, ranging from start-ups such as Spotify, a music-streaming service, to established companies like Ericsson, a Swedish telecoms giant.


  • 电信企业要求转变经营思想,树立客户中心观念迫切需要计算机技术客户服务方面应用

    The telegraphic corporation should change managing tune, build up the idea that puts clients into center. It deeply needs wide use of computer technology on the customer service.


  • 服务接触过程及其提供的客户体验形成电信服务竞争力

    Service contact process and customer experience form telecom service competitiveness.


  • 为了全面适应中国加入WTO电信行业面临的竞争电信公司需要提供快捷到位的客户服务

    Telecom needs to provide more convenient and timely customer service to adapt to competition between Telecoms after China's accession to WTO.


  • 希望其他电信服务客户关系管理应用上有所启示帮助

    Hopefully the dissertation can give some help and inspiration on other CRM implementations project for other telecom service providers.


  • 该国已经选择服务水平竞争虽然电信管理活动企业客户本身

    The country has chosen for competition on the services level, although SingTel will manage the active layer itself for business customers.


  • 之后,思科中国通信高管携手合作中国企业客户提供一系列电信服务包括数字视频和第三代移动通信(3 G)技术

    Executives from Cisco and CCS will then team up to provide business customers in China with a suite of telecoms services, including digital video and 3g technology.


  • 客户关系管理(CRM)可以帮助电信运营商树立客户为中心的战略思想实现从以生产运营为主向以客户服务为主的转变。

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can help telecom operators to set up customer-centered strategy, tran sit from operation -oriented to customer -oriented mode.


  • 公司产品组合包括专门针对运营商企业客户媒体行业移动网络固定网络基础设施电信服务软件宽带多媒体解决方案

    The company's portfolio comprises mobile and fixed network infrastructure, telecom services, software, broadband and multimedia solutions for operators, enterprises and the media industry.


  • 公司产品组合包括专门针对运营商企业客户媒体行业移动网络固定网络基础设施电信服务软件宽带多媒体解决方案

    The company's portfolio comprises mobile and fixed network infrastructure, telecom services, software, broadband and multimedia solutions for operators, enterprises and the media industry.


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