• 地球表面不是构成地壳岩石构成而是许多紧密相连的“构造板块”,巨大的拼图

    Earth's surface is not made up of a single sheet of rock that forms a crust but rather a number of "tectonic plates" that fit closely, like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.


  • 细菌为了生存细胞质膜(纤维素构成长长细丝,这些细丝们又相互重叠缠绕,最终形成一层纤维素构成薄膜漂浮茶汤混合物上面

    Bacteria added to the solution produce long filaments of cellulose that clump together to form thin mats of fabric that float on the top of the mixture.


  • 构建主机构成简单服务依赖主机构成的服务,可以创建复制服务实例抵御主机故障

    By building simple services composed of a single host, rather then multiple dependent hosts, one can create replicated service instances that can survive host failures.


  • 内耳脆弱的薄膜构成承载密集被称作斑疹特殊细胞构成

    The inner ear is composed of delicate membranes which bear dense patches of specialized cells called maculae.


  • 我们倾向赞赏敬佩那些激动人心的重大时刻,若将一个动作剖成几个重要部分你就会发现一些小事儿构成一天天的小事儿、分分秒秒小事儿构成

    We tend to applaud and admire big sweeping movements, but break a big movement down to its essential pieces, and you realize, it’s all made up of small things. Every day things.


  • 这个程序任意数量语句构成,语句任意数量的表达式构成

    This program is composed of an arbitrary number of statements which are composed of an arbitrary number of expressions.


  • 浏览实例所有互相关联窗口框架框架构成网站实例所有来自同一网站的网页构成并存在于浏览实例

    A browsing instance is made up of all interconnected Windows, frames and sub-frames, while a site instance is a collection of pages coming from the same site and existing within a browsing instance.


  • 语言单词(构成语言单位)语法(组织单词的方式)共同构成

    A language consists of words - the bits it is made of - and grammar - the way these bits are put together.


  • 国防部大型作战行动命名设备决定的作战代号名称,都两个字母构成一个字母群再使组成“两个单词构成系列代号”。

    Each command within the vast Defense Department apparatus is given a series of two-letter groupings that they can use for their operationstwo-word sobriquets.


  • 国防部大型作战行动命名设备决定的作战代号名称,都两个字母构成一个字母群再使组成“两个单词构成系列代号”。

    Each command within the vast Defense Department apparatus is given a series of two-letter groupings that they can use for their operations' two-word sobriquets.


  • 而且ETFs一些组合不是一系列广泛的股份构成而是拥有一个投资银行作为对象的衍生部门构成

    And the portfolios of some ETFs consist not of a broad range of stocks but of a derivative position with an investment bank as a counterparty.


  • 基本层次上一种用于描述矢量xml语言。矢量图是绘图线条构成图形,与位图图形相对,后者是绘图像素构成的图形。

    At the most basic level, it is an XML language for describing vector graphics — pictures made by drawing lines (as opposed to bitmap graphics — pictures made by drawing pixels).


  • 我们身体也是粒子构成的,显微镜下人体分子构成一些松散沙子

    Our bodies are formed by the particles under a microscope to see the human body is constituted by elements of some loose sand.


  • 例如大量石头冰川少量气体构成还是重力作用下聚在一起松散的碎石构成

    Is it, for instance, mostly rock and ice with a few pockets of gas, or is it a loose pile of rubble held together by gravity?


  • 人类角膜透明的,只是薄薄蛋白质糖类构成胶状结构,细胞构成组织

    In humans the cornea is clear, but it is more a thin, gelatinous layer of proteins and sugars than true cellular tissue.


  • 物质分子构成分子原子构成

    Matters consist of molecules, and molecules of atoms.


  • 该类犯罪主观罪过可以直接故意构成,也可以间接故意构成

    The subjective fault of this pattern crime can consist of both direct intent and indirect intent.


  • 屋顶波纹金属构成外墙结构定制具有双层玻璃铝制外框构成可固定可移动

    The roof is formed of corrugated metal sheet, and the exterior walls are formed of aluminium-framed double glazing, fixed and moving.


  • 物体分子构成,分子原子构成

    All bodies consist of molecules and molecules of atoms.


  • 视觉元素画面镜头构成听觉元素对话音乐音响构成运动元素则节奏蒙太奇构成

    The element of vision is made up by frame and shot, sense of hearing by dialogue and music, the element of motion by rhythm and montage.


  • 构成语言基础认知功能无所不在分类过程之应用以及相似性抽取构成

    The cognitive function underlying language consists of an adaptation of a ubiquitous process (among vertebrates) of categorization and extraction of similarities.


  • 该类犯罪主观罪过,既可以直接故意构成可以间接故意构成

    The subjective culpability in such a crime can be an offence committed from direct intention or indirect intention.


  • 虽然星星内部大部分中子构成流体地壳破裂的原子未知元素原子核构成

    Though the interior of the star is a kind of fluid mass of mostly neutrons, the crust is composed of broken-up atoms, the nuclei of unknown elements.


  • 黑色咖啡色金属构成盒子侧面穿孔方式构成一种河南本地的花卉——月季花纹理

    The sides of the boxes are clad inblack and coffee colored metal panels textured with perforations patterned after the local Henan wild rose.


  • 针对计算机作战仿真中的具体问题提出了一种参与者对象构成任务方法深入研究了任务链的构成具体应用

    To some problems in computer battle simulation, the method of task chain including participant objects is proposed, the study is concentrated on structure of task chain and its application.


  • 余自手指构成灵巧具有较大的灵巧性,物体进行微细操作以及抓取特殊形状物体的能力也比非冗余自度手指构成的多手要强。

    The multi fingered robot hands constructed by redundant fingers are more dexterous and have bigger possibility to finish fine operation and to grasp objects with complicated shape.


  • 单元粒子单晶体构成细小粘土颗粒,是一种多种结构硅酸盐构成粘土基本单元

    The fundamental particle is the very fine clay particle composed of single crystal, and is the basic unit of mixed layer clays formed by one or several kinds of silicates with the sheet structure.


  • 绳子什么构成?,肯定知道,是一束束纤维构成,是一样的纤维某种方式编织在一起构成

    What makes up a rope? Of course you know, ropes are basically bundles of fibers, very same fibers that have been woven together in a certain way.


  • 地球上生命元素构成的,电脑元素构成的,不是最重要区别

    Earthly life is carbon based, he notes, and computers are silicon based, but that is not a major distinction.


  • 其中碳水化合物单糖构成蛋白质20氨基酸构成的,核酸核糖、脱氧核糖、5碱基构成

    Carbohydrates are made of simple sugars, proteins are made up of 20 amino acids, and nucleic acids are compose of oxy - and deoxy - nucleic sugars and 5 base pairs.


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