• 尽管如此最终由于国会习惯步调个性可能会奥巴马团队带来更多则。

    In the end, however, the customs, pace, and personalities of Congress may end up being more of a frustration to Obama and his team.


  • 本周我们之所以到了这里由于国会通过了韩国国家贸易协定,这具有标志性意义,将帮助美国劳动者我们经济取得更胜利

    We’re here because this week, Congress passed landmark trade agreements with countries like Korea, and assistance for American workers that will be a big win for our economy.


  • 大房贷巨头并非引起房屋市场祸首,但是近年来,由于国会他们施压,要求他们购买更多次级债,这在某种程度导致他们加速了房屋市场问题的出现。

    Those two giants did not cause the housing mess, but in recent years they greatly contributed to it, partly through congressional pressure on them to increase their purchases of subprime loans.


  • ,1980年代由于管理者国会允许这样一种游戏规则,导致当时存贷款行业遇到麻烦。

    In the 1980s, he says, the savings and loan industry got into trouble because regulators and Congress allowed such a pattern to play out.


  • 比萨默尔先生工作可见特纳先生的工作,由于国会不稳定关系导致陷入一危险的境地。

    Mr Geithner, whose job is far more visible than Mr Summers, is in the more parlous position because of his rocky relationship with Congress.


  • 由于最低工资反对者没有大机会能够成为国会或者议会的多数,他们只能依靠他们最后希望就是司法

    Since minimum-wage opponents have no reasonable chance of prevailing in Congress or state legislatures, they are turning to their last best hope: the judiciary.


  • 但是由于美国历史上从未陷入债务违约的泥潭,分析学家认为白宫国会截止日期之前达成共识

    But as the U.S. has never fallen into debt default in its history, analysts believe the White House and Congress will reach consensus before the deadline.


  • 在1954年一项国会法案之后,使得偿还期为30年借贷方式得以广泛采用,然而直到今天由于众多投资者不热衷这种长期投资,他们青睐的采用调节利率借贷

    The 30-year loan first became broadly available by an act of Congress in 1954 and, from then until now, the vast majority of such loans have been issued only with government support.


  • 我们本可以获得更好结果——如果这些会议能够更具代表性的话,由于不足印度国会不得不为他们分担责任

    Better results would have been achieved had those conferences been more fully representative. But for their defects the Indian Congress must share the blame.


  • 由于大选前针对税收支出措施国会可能会陷入僵局巴马选择有限

    With Congress likely to be deadlocked over tax and spending measures before the election, Obama's options may be limited.


  • 正如美国由于反恐战争虐待折磨嫌疑犯而一直受到批评一样,批评者一定国会就是否批准这项任命举行的听证会上,力图使番经历成为有争议的问题。

    Just as the U.S. is being criticized for abusing and torturing suspects in the war on terrorism critics are sure to try to make that period an issue in his confirmation hearings.


  • 美国建设进程缓慢,一方面由于严格规划程序,另一方面是因为国会阻拦

    In part because of the U.S. 's much more stringent planning process, and in part because of congressional hurdles, progress on high-speed rail here has been much slower.


  • 由于人们担心一个悬而未决国会将会打击市场信心,英镑昨日承受了强大抛售压力

    The pound came under heavy selling pressure on the foreign exchanges yesterday as fears that a hung parliament could delay action on Britain's budget deficit sent jitters through the markets.


  • 简短回答由于七月份通过国会法案能让家公司金融市场急需资金

    The short answer is that legislation Congress passed in July failed to reassure financial markets enough to position the two companies to raise needed capital on their own.


  • 美国建设进程缓慢,一方面由于严格规划程序,另一方面是因为国会阻拦

    S. 's much more stringent planning process, and in part because of congressional hurdles, progress on high-speed rail here has been much slower.


  • 6月6日,诺贝尔经济学奖得主彼得•戴蒙德提名加入美联储董事会,但由于国会上遭到共和党人反对提名最终被撤销

    On June 6th Peter Diamond withdrew his name from consideration for appointment to the Federal Reserve board after his nomination drew opposition from congressional Republicans.


  • 要求国会宣布由于日本1941年12月7日星期日对我国无故进行卑鄙袭击,美国同日本已经处于战争状态

    I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.


  • 由于这些计划所需成本可能花费七千亿美元救助中超过三千五百亿美元资金财政部可能不得不要求国会提供更多资金,帮助稳定金融体系

    Since these plans could cost more than the $350 billion remaining from the $700 billion bailout, Treasury may have to ask Congress for more money to help stabilize the financial system.


  • 国会预算办公室原来认为今年之前失业率去年12月7.2%上升9%;由于刺激方案已经就位,现在认为失业率增加7.9%到8.6%。

    It had thought that the unemployment rate would rise from 7.2% in December to 9% by the end of this year; with the stimulus in place, it thinks it will only rise to between 7.9% and 8.6%.


  • 气候变暖影响几年之内不会可怕的地步,国会由于经常举行选举也不擅长为了长期利益而短期承受痛苦

    The effects of climate change won't be dire for years; and Congress, with its frequent elections, isn't good at accepting short-term pain for long-term gain.


  • 上个月康涅狄格州的大型基金AmaranthAdvisors由于天然气上做错了方向,从而导致了65亿美元的损失,这重新引发了美国国会加强对冲基金管制讨论

    The $6.5 billion loss incurred last month by Amaranth Advisors, a Connecticut-based fund that took bad bets on natural gas, reopened the regulation debate in America's Congress.


  • 要求国会宣布由于日本1941年127星期日我国无故进行卑鄙袭击美国日本已经处于战争状态

    I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, Dec. 7, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.


  • 尽管上个月国会预算报告已经提出,由于问题资产救助计划(TARP)的实施不再向纳税人征收税金,而已经征收到的两百五十亿税金也远远低于最初预计。 但是仍然有很多人对此计划表示不满。

    The TARP program’s unpopularity lingers even after a Congressional Budget Office report last month said the program would wind up costing taxpayers about $25 billion, far less than initial estimates.


  • 由于LHC第一个目标发现希格斯玻色子,所以是华丽丽胜利结果到头来国会取消了这项计划。

    That would have been a delicious victory, as the LHC’s first goal is the discovery of the Higgs. In the event, though, Congress pulled the plug.


  • 由于围绕这个法案激烈经常误导言辞知道许多国会议员来说一次勇敢投票。”

    "Given the heated and often misleading rhetoric surrounding this legislation, I know that this was a courageous vote for many members of Congress," he said.


  • 由于限排法案通过国会进程速度缓慢,一些外国合作人以必须首要考虑医疗法案,或者国会真的复杂难懂借口,他们逐渐耗尽耐心

    But the slow progress of the bill through Congress has foreign partners running out of patience with the excuse that the health-care bill must come first, or that Congress really is complex.


  • 由于担心国会拒绝而动摇信心最初没有要求公共基金购买抵押资产

    He did not initially ask for public funds to buy mortgage assets out of fear that Congress would say no, shaking confidence.


  • 由于飓风古斯塔夫”的影响,路易斯安那推迟了一个举行国会选举这使成为全国最后举行的国会选举。

    Hurricane Gustav pushed Louisiana's congressional elections back by a month, making them the last ones to be held in the country.


  • 由于飓风古斯塔夫”的影响,路易斯安那推迟了一个举行国会选举这使成为全国最后举行的国会选举。

    Hurricane Gustav pushed Louisiana's congressional elections back by a month, making them the last ones to be held in the country.


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