• 断点平衡试着解释化石记录古怪特点——超过一个世纪的时间里,这特点已经生物学者所熟悉,但一直忽视。

    The punctuated equilibrium hypothesis attempts to explain a curious feature of the fossil recordone that has been familiar to paleontologists for more than a century but has usually been ignored.


  • 气候学家生物学者人类学家,他们将探求地球气候的历史

    With an interdisciplinary team of climatologists, paleontologists and anthropologists, Broad investigates the history of Earth's climate as revealed in this spectacularly beautiful alternate universe.


  • 对于宇宙空间寻求生命痕迹的天体生物学者来说,请勿把充满毒素的空间排除在外。

    So for astrobiologists hunting for life in space, don’t rule out places filled with poison.


  • 芝加哥大学生物学者保罗表示看到生活恐龙时代末年龙骨使人感到难以置信

    "It 's fabulous to be able to see this dinosaur which lived as the age of dinosaurs came to a close," said Paul, a paleontologist at the university of Chicago.


  • 不过一个世纪以后生物学者证明nopsca男爵大部分发现理论都是正确的。

    But over a century later, paleontologists have proven that most of Baron von Nopsca's discoveries and theories were legit.


  • 不过20世纪80年代生物学者发现了完整的牙形刺化石标本直到最近科学家们开始揭露出它们秘密

    In the 1980s, however, paleontologists found full fossilized conodont specimens, and only recently have scientists begun to unravel their secrets.


  • 我们作物太多疑问,”纽约大学土壤生物学者达兹基说,“我们知道着呢必须找出答案来。”

    "We have so many questions about these plants," remarks Guenther Stotzky, a soil microbiologist at New York University. "There's a lot we don't know and need to find out."


  • 台湾海洋生物学者宣布在台湾南部海岸发现了一个新的螃蟹物种,这种螃蟹背部的带有白色点,看上去很草莓

    A marine biologist says he has discovered a newcrab species off the coast of southern Taiwan that looks like astrawberry with small white bumps on its red shell.


  • 一支王玎(中国水生生物研究所科学家)为领导海洋生物学者组成的专家组最近对一部拍摄于长江东部流域数字电视录象带进行了审核

    A team of marine-life scholars led by Wang Ding, a scientist at China's Institute of Hydrobiology, examined digital video footage recently taken along the eastern section of the Yangtze River.


  • 我们我们小行星发现确实物体越多,就能说服我们一个地球再水化的过程,”美国航空航天局天体生物学者玛丽沃伊泰克说

    "The more we find in our asteroid belt objects that do have water, the more convinced we are that that was a possible process to rehydrate the earth," said NASA astrobiologist Mary Voytek.


  • 如果还没有的话,就读读礼拜关于个古生物学者在那里的见闻”的文章(不错的文章,我保证),同时还可以去看看我后来博客中写的另一篇文章(这篇不错)。

    If not, go read the article I wrote last week about a visit by paleontologists there (it's a good article, I promise) as well as a follow-up blog Posting (that's good, too).


  • 其他鸟类武器但是这种其他任何鸟类都不一样。”耶鲁大学生物学者可拉斯•隆里奇(Nicholasr.Longrich)博士,尼可拉斯•隆里奇博士这项研究领头人

    "Other birds have weapons, but this is unlike any other," said Nicholas r. Longrich, a paleontologist at Yale and the study's lead author.


  • 部分生物学者还是这样分析容量缩小原因,他们认为在旧石器时代中,古代人类可能需要在复杂的环境下生存,比如大量咬嚼大块食物(野兔、狐狸、马匹等)、从而直接锻炼了脸部、甚至脑部的发达,另外,脑容量越大、适应野外寒冷环境的能力更强。

    Several theories have been advanced to explain the mystery of the shrinking brain. One is that big heads were necessary to survive Upper Paleolithic life, which involved cold, outdoor activities.


  • 北卡罗来纳州阿巴拉契亚州立大学脊椎动物生物学者Andrew Heckert也没有参与这次研究,但他欣喜的赞叹道:“拥有这些牙齿化石实在太完美了。 一般只能找到生痕化石[例如皮肤的痕迹]或者身体某个部位的化石,然后绞尽脑汁,想方设法的让它成为一个理论的典型论据。”

    The "fact they got these shark teeth fossils with the egg capsules is what makes it really neat, " noted Andrew Heckert, a vertebrate paleontologist at Appalachian State University in North Carolina.


  • 他们喜欢科技食物联系起来。”癌症细胞生物访问学者尼古拉斯·热诺维斯

    "They don't like to associate technology with food," said Nicholas Genovese, a visiting scholar in cancer cell biology.


  • 50年前古典学者威廉·拉塞尔生物学家克斯·伯奇针对如何动物实验具有人道性这个问题拟定了摘要

    Fifty years ago, classical scholar William Russell and microbiologist Rex Burch developed abstracts on how to make animal experiments more humane.


  • 我们真正懂得文明是怎样进化的,”亚特兰大动物园灵长目动物学者塔拉·斯托因斯,她合著一篇文章,即将生物通讯》上发表。

    "We don't really understand how culture evolved," said primatologist Tara Stoinski of Zoo Atlanta, co-author of the upcoming study in Biology Letters.


  • 50年前古典学者威廉·拉塞尔生物学家克斯·伯奇,针对如何动物实验具有人道性这个问题拟定了摘要。

    FIFTY years ago, William Russell, a classics scholar, and Rex Burch, a microbiologist, outlined how the use of animals in scientific research could be made more humane.


  • 除了少数几位持怀疑观点学者外,大多数古生物学家都认为,这些化石最终证实了鸟类起源于恐龙龙(Maniraptorans)恐龙谱系现存代表生物

    The fossils finally have confirmed, to all but a few skeptics, that birds descended from dinosaurs and are the living representatives of a dinosaur lineage called the Maniraptorans.


  • 相关领域著名学者回顾心血管系统生理学病理生理学相关血管生物肌肉生物学、分子生物其他领域的基础研究

    Renowned scientists review vascular biology, muscle biology, molecular biology and other areas of basic science related to the physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system.


  • 相关领域著名学者回顾心血管系统生理学病理生理学相关血管生物肌肉生物学、分子生物其他领域的基础研究

    Renowned scientists review vascular biology, muscle biology, molecular biology and other areas of basic science related to the physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system.


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