• 但是,四处可见树枝预示着新现实黑暗一面路上的数枝预示着有人在办葬礼

    But every so often are reminders of a darker side of the new reality: branches, laid down on the road to indicate a funeral.


  • 而且,从前谢尔树林深处,冉阿让曾牵着赛特的手黑暗走出来,珂赛特当时得到那种神秘印象不是幻觉而是现实

    And in truth, the mysterious impression produced on Cosette in the depths of the forest of Chelles by the hand of jean Valjean grasping hers in the dark was not an illusion, but a reality.


  • 史泰龙是土生土长的纽波特纽斯人。小说中的虚构城市主人公分别被用来命名华威洛夫蒂斯大道使得《黑暗》在现实世界里变得不朽

    His Lie Down in Darkness is immortalized by the Port Warwick development named after his fictional city, a square bearing his name and Loftis Boulevard, named after the novel's main character.


  • 在困境中长出翅膀(是魔幻现实主义一个反应,他产生于20世纪70年代拉丁美洲的黑暗时代)。

    Trapped, she grows wings (an echo of the magical realism born of the dark times in 1970s Latin America).


  • 当然会是黑暗中的对新的现实的摸索。

    There would be, of course, a groping toward a new reality.


  • 王的身边布满了黑暗并且以那种“第一”的态度能力抗击最坏人,使得成为一个现实的反英雄人物。

    Snake has darkness all around him, and hisme firstattitude and ability to fight off (or fit in with) the worst scum make him a futuristic anti-hero.


  • 如果粗制滥造教学楼倒塌背后怀疑存有地方腐败问题,那么要是没有上层的领导,现实黑暗呢?

    And if local corruption was suspected to be behind the collapse of so many shoddy school buildings, how much worse it would be without those good men at the top.


  • 我们可能10黑暗期,其间必须明智地使用现有的抗生素,而且面对现实:我们无法治疗一类的感染

    We have a bleak window of maybe 10 years, where we are going to have to use the antibiotics we have very wisely, but also grapple with the reality that we have nothing to treat these infections with.


  • 伴随着反对黑暗势力最后一系列行动展开我们继续坚决的设定新的现实我们要圣光的恩典带你们生活

    As the final series of moves against the dark rolls out, we remain adamant about setting up a new reality that brings the Light and its divine grace into all your lives.


  • 伴随着K孤独需要情谊的经历势不可挡现实黑暗几乎有形东西

    The overwhelming beauty and reality of snow and darkness are almost tangible things, along with the isolation and need for companionship experienced by K.


  • 理想并不能够现实征服希望火花黑暗天空闪耀

    Ideal is not can be real conquest, the spark of hope shining in the dark sky.


  • 无论如何说了够多黑暗事物了人们满足于生活想象乌托邦世界里而不是面对现实

    Anyway, enough of the dark stuff. I mean, people are more content living in an imaginary utopia instead of facing reality.


  • 现实黑暗灵魂堕落霸占一切

    The darkness of reality and the decadence of the soul have conquered all.


  • 甚至连黑暗一方那些知道获得力量证据的人现在都不愿面对现实-他们认为因为许多耽搁会使他们获得一丝机会。

    Even the dark ones who know and even get evidence of the light powers now turned against their front - they do think that just because of the many delays they would still have a chance.


  • 不管现实有多惨不忍睹都要固执相信只是黎明暂时黑暗而已

    No matter how horrible reality, you have to stubborn to believe that this is only temporary darkness before the dawn.


  • 通过深入分析盖茨比“美国幻灭盖茨比悲剧根源深刻揭示美国社会黑暗空虚现实

    The author analyzes the source of the ruin on Gatsby s American dream and Gatsby s tragedy deeply, then reveals the dark society and empty reality in America.


  • 本片是一部动作幻想片,讲述个有着丰富想象力年轻女孩借助梦想世界力量逃出束缚黑暗现实的故事。

    An action fantasy set in the vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides the ultimate escape from her darker reality.


  • 作者通过翠翠爱情悲剧淡化现实黑暗痛苦,去讴歌古朴的象征着”与“”的人性生活方式

    Author would like to by Tracy, Tan Song sent love tragedy, to dilute the reality of darkness and pain, to eulogize the ancient symbol of a kind of "love" and "beauty" of human nature and lifestyle.


  • 美化未来乌托邦文学相反,反面乌托邦文学所描述的未来是把现实社会的黑暗夸大最坏程度,讽刺社会现实

    Contrary to Utopias beautification of the future, the literary tradition of Dystopia exaggerates the dark sides of reality to an extreme so as to satirize reality.


  • 部作品中蕴含了深深的幻灭,充分揭示了美国社会黑暗空虚现实以及“美国必然幻灭的结局。

    The whole novel gives the reader a deep feeling of disillusion and exposes the darkness of the American society, the inanity of the life and the inevitable disillusion of the "American dreams".


  • 光明预示社会现实,预示希望黑暗预示罪恶精神上绝望

    The novel of Pearl is full of symbolism: brightness is symbolic of the reality, hope and future while darkness the evil, crime and despair.


  • 光明预示社会现实,预示希望黑暗预示罪恶精神上绝望

    The novel of Pearl is full of symbolism: brightness is symbolic of the reality, hope and future while darkness the evil, crime and despair.


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