• 一个现任者能够定义这个角色

    The next incumbent will be the person who really defines the role.


  • 现任维克托·尤先科平静地放弃权力

    The incumbent, Viktor Yushchenko, gave up power peacefully.


  • 挑战指控现任划选区是为了保住席位

    The challengers accuse the incumbent of gerrymandering to keep his seat.


  • 各个选举中要求改选现任比例总是很高很稳定

    The proportion of incumbents who seek reelection is high and remarkably constant from election to election.


  • 其他现任者不同,英国电信没有移动分支,出售其O2减轻债务

    Unlike other incumbents, BT has no mobile arm, having spun off O2 to reduce its debts.


  • 扎克伯格关于“现任者建议是,就像称之为技术巨人:“上车吧。”

    Zuckerberg's advice to "incumbents," as he calls technology giants: "Get on the bus."


  • 现在欧洲现任者已经进入彼此的市场,竞争只能进一步强化

    Now that Europe's incumbents are moving into each other's markets, competition will only intensify.


  • 市场新进或许能够制造电梯现任全面维修网络展开艰苦的竞争

    New entrants might be able to make lifts but would struggle to compete with the comprehensive maintenance networks of the incumbents.


  • 这些现任者将会形成我们历史看到根本上更低层次收入”。

    The incumbents, he says, will generatefundamentally lower levels of earnings than we've seen historically.”


  • 凭借强大的品牌一系列固定移动宽带服务Orange呈现其他国家现任的危胁。

    With its strong brand and its bundle of fixed, mobile and broadband services, Orange poses a threat to incumbents in other countries.


  • 对于现任来说,今年苦战林肯女士这样骄傲温和派现任者来说更是如此。

    But it is a difficult year to be an incumbent, and doubly so to be a proudly moderate incumbent, as Ms Lincoln is.


  • 2006年,尔斯沃思先生血腥第八区”(一个南部选区,一向以赶走现任者而闻名)入选国会

    In 2006 Mr Ellsworth was elected to Congress from the "bloody eighth", a southern district fond of booting out incumbents.


  • 但是这个产业自由化8年后财政危机5年后,它们开始瓦解欧洲电信现任者面临困境

    But eight years after their industry was liberalised and five years after a financial crisis that brought some close to collapse, Europe's big telecoms incumbents face troubled times.


  • 鼓励各州继续选本州现任参议员,鼓励现任者在位子待得尽量长。当前超过70岁的参议员有26名。

    It also encourages states to keep voting for incumbents and incumbents to hang on until they drop. The current Senate contains 26 people who are 70 or over.


  • 同意管理服务业务网络部门中分离出来,如同意大利电信建议,而欧洲管理希望所有现任都如此进行的那样

    It agreed with regulators to separate its services business from its network division, as Telecom Italia now proposes-and European regulators would like all incumbents to do.


  • 现任领导必须决定是否工作移交年轻的一代负责。

    The present leaders have to decide whether to hand over to a younger generation.


  • 人们普遍认为现任领导当然继任

    She is widely regarded as the current leader's natural successor.


  • 这次紧张的竞选几乎上个月佐治亚州南达科他州选举翻版,由共和党挑战竞争一个现任的民主党人。

    The tight race is almost a duplicate of the elections in Georgia and South Dakota last month that pitted a Republican challenger against a Democratic incumbent.


  • 显然,高排放国家现任领导人需要做出决定希望自己被视为气候变化暴君还是开拓

    It is clearly up to the current generation of leaders from high-emitting nations to decide whether they want to be remembered as climate change tyrants or pioneers.


  • 现场调查密切接触呼吸道疾病指征

    Field investigations have not found any indications of respiratory illness in close contacts of the patient.


  • 某些客户会议上我们发现参与可以阅读需求,他们没有问题

    On some of our customer engagements, we have observed that the stakeholders can read the requirements and not have any questions or issues.


  • 迄今所有查明病例接触均无异常,目前地区进行的监测活动尚未其他病例

    To date, all identified contacts of the case remain healthy and ongoing surveillance activities in the area have not detected any further cases.


  • 如果所有对象术语表示找到泄漏容器内存转储中的对象

    If no class objects are found in the owner chain, then this denotes the root object in the memory dump from where the leak container can be reached.


  • 300接触检测监测未能进一步病例

    Testing and monitoring of more than 300 close contacts failed to detect any further cases.


  • 强调这个机关不会插手俄罗斯内部事务因此组织会保持纯洁性未来不会出打压国内持不同意见可能

    Primakov also insisted that the agency have nothing to do with Russian internal affairs so that it wouldn't be tainted by any potential future suppression of domestic dissidents.


  • 同样其他现任前任州长刊物希望看到的参赛——他们分别布•布什、克里斯•克斯蒂米奇丹尼尔斯里克•佩里

    All the same, there are other current and former governors who this newspaper wishes were in the racenotably Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels and Rick Perry.


  • 则更是入乡随俗,接受着人们供奉啤酒龙舌兰酒信徒们认为她同时保护罪犯和守法能实祈求。

    Santa Muerte is even more accommodating: she accepts offerings of beer and tequila, and is thought by believers to protect criminals and the law-abiding alike and to be amenable to all petitions.


  • 过度周期第二如果不足”,管理同意修改或重写协议进行可操作性研究

    After the second year of transition, regulators agreed to conduct a study on the impact of the rules and rewrite them if anymaterial deficienciesare discovered.


  • 练习成为食物挑剔的这些年来从来没有何人间昂贵食品商场里面使用一张优惠券

    In all my years as a practicing food snob, I've never seen anybody whip out a coupon at a pricey food emporium.


  • 练习成为食物挑剔的这些年来从来没有何人间昂贵食品商场里面使用一张优惠券

    In all my years as a practicing food snob, I've never seen anybody whip out a coupon at a pricey food emporium.


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