• 徐悲鸿到达巴黎,随后考入国立巴黎高等美术学校,以弗拉为师。

    Following his arrival at Paris, Xu Beihong was enrolled by National Paris Fine Arts College and followed Flameng and Golmeng.


  • 这个星期伦敦尔蒙医院医生里斯基因疗法确实管用证据

    Doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, said this week Rhys is living proof that gene therapy works 8 .


  • 该事件通常被称为20世纪60年代死亡一天,阿·塔特音乐节变成一一场大灾难

    Commonly referred to as the day the '60s died, the Altamont Free Concert turned into one gigantic disaster.


  • 食品公司也有类似绿色形象Trucost数字看来确有不同趋势的画面

    Fresh Del Monte Produce similarly projects a green image, but Trucost's Numbers paint a different picture.


  • 举办第二辩论田纳西州纳什维尔蒙大学,老布什莎拉·模仿者共和党打气。

    George Bush and Sarah Palin impersonators give their support at Belmont University, Nashville, Tennessee, which was hosting the second debate.


  • 尔蒙也同意在下一轮审计合同中的主导地位不可能改变——换话说至少在未来的一二十年之内

    Almond agrees that there's unlikely to be any shift in Big Four dominance over the next audit contract cycle -in other words for at least a decade or two.


  • 自从回来后总喜欢老家——靠近英国布里斯托附近的阿尔蒙斯博瑞,穿着马塞族的衣服从事他的商业活动。

    Since returning, he has worn his Masai clothes while going about his business in his home town of Almondsbury, near Bristol, UK.


  • 法国格拉斯一家法庭受理这一案子律师大卫-安德烈-达尔蒙告诉法新社,“客户应用程序漏洞受害者。”

    "My client was the victim of a bug in an application, " his lawyer David-André Darmon told AFP news agency after the case was lodged at a court in Grasse.


  • 食品公司并未公布其具体环保数据拒绝评论Trucost模型分析或者评论减少环境足迹方面作出的努力。

    Fresh del Monte Produce doesn't disclose detailed environmental data, and declined to comment on Trucost's modelling, or its own efforts to reduce its environmental footprint.


  • 她们是在第八“台尔蒙尼歌之家”吃份饭碰到她们发现彼此对艺术生菜色拉时装的爱好非常一致,便合租了那间画室

    They had met at the tabled 'h? Te of an Eighth Street "Delmonico's," and found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so congenial that the joint studio resulted.


  • 阿克梅娜知道自己十分受欢迎凭借一点跟吝啬的尔蒙交涉,以获得更好工作时间几个月来,这件事却成了意志较量两个人互不让步。

    She tried to use her popularity as leverage against the beggar-pinching Chalmun to negotiate better hours, though it became a stubborn contest-of-wills between the two for months.


  • 约翰逊夫人则在第二次选举中以37%对63%的得票输给了玛里昂.克兰克来自阿肯色州西南部尔蒙县的议员,背后法院群众福伯斯团队的支持。

    Mrs. Johnson lost the runoff by 63 to 37 percent to Marion Crank, a state legislator from Foreman in southwest Arkansas, who had the courthouse crowd and the Faubus machine behind him.


  • 饭店安东尼奥一个标志性建筑

    The Menger Hotel is a San Antonio landmark.


  • 原则上反对女性男性实行性别配额。”一家媒体公司国际业务主管斯弗·表示

    "I am against quotas for women or men as a matter of principle," says Sverre Munck, head of international operations at a media firm.


  • 广告写道:“有贝蒂鲍勃如果我们拥有明亮闪耀厨房——所有的一切都可以金属公司找到,那多好啊?”

    "Betty said to Bob one day," reads the ad, "wouldn't it be wonderful if we could have a bright and shining kitchen—with everything matching in Monel Metal?"


  • ·普斯泰波兰克拉科夫压盖洛尼安大学物理学家。

    Szymon Pustelny is a physicist at the University of Galonian in Kraków, Poland.


  • 广告写道:“贝蒂鲍勃如果我们拥有一个明亮闪耀的厨房——所有的一切都可以金属公司找到——那该多好啊?”

    "Said Betty to Bob one day," reads the AD, "wouldn't it be wonderful if we could have a bright and shining kitchen-with everything matching in Monel Metal?"


  • 迪扎巴只是罗森博格才看了段录像他的话说,他清楚自己行为打开“潘多拉的盒子”。

    Mendizábal, who says he looked at the video only after Rosenberg’s death, knew that his actions would unleash “big trouble, ” as he put it.


  • 如果登上马特高地来到泰广场,你找到海明威巴黎最流连之地

    If you go up to Montmartre Hill to Place de Tertre, you will find Hemingway's first Paris haunt.


  • 迪扎巴同意帮助罗森博格他们开始调查此案

    Mendizabal agreed to help Rosenberg, and they began investigating the case.


  • 老友迪扎巴葬礼之后罗森博格曾请求伸出援手发誓“要不惜一切代价找出杀害穆萨父女的凶手。”

    Mendizábal, the longtime friend, says that after the funeral Rosenberg asked him for help, vowing to “go all the way to find out who killed the Musas.


  • 关于动机对于来说,是个威胁,她回来朋友死报仇的,因此你们不能她。

    On Jules' Motivations: she is a threat to Damon, she is also coming back to avenge her friend's death, so you can't really blame her for that.


  • AIG发言人大卫·衡量友邦市场利率必须十分周到精细。”

    "The process to gauge market interest in AIA was very thoughtful and deliberate," says AIG spokesman David Monfried.


  • 伊莱娜·纽大学心理学家,从事灾害精神健康影响研究,她很担心周末这些灾难的无形之物。

    Elana Newman, a University of Tulsa psychologist who researches the effects of disasters on mental health, said she worries most about the intangibles of the weekend's events.


  • 这种多层在斯里这个地方属于独一份。

    The kind of layer tea Mr. Gour makes is unique to the Srimongol area.


  • 女性应该明白堕胎不会增加遭遇心理疾病风险”,研究的主持者——奥·胡斯大学特伦··奥

    "A woman should know that her risk of having a psychiatric episode is not increased" after an abortion, said Trine Munk-Olsen of Aarhus University, who led the study.


  • 约克郡布拉德福和设菲房租伊德里奇德谢便宜

    In Yorkshire, properties in Bradford and Sheffield are more affordable to rent than in the rural areas of Ryedale and Richmondshire.


  • 约克郡布拉德福和设菲房租伊德里奇德谢便宜

    In Yorkshire, properties in Bradford and Sheffield are more affordable to rent than in the rural areas of Ryedale and Richmondshire.


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