• 首先是航空业然后道路铁路运输,它们运送品种、地点价格的严格限制中解放出来

    First airlines, then road hauliers and railways, were freed from restrictions on what they could carry, where they could haul it and what price they could charge.


  • 如果不能抑制这种性格终结这种友谊限制谈论自己时间然后自己同样长的时间发表意见。

    If she can't curb this trait and you don't want the friendship to end, limit how long you let her go on about herself; then give yourself equal air time.


  • 然后限制状态报告规模

    Then, limit the scale of his or her status reporting.


  • 然后我们得到运行限制条件

    Then we have limiting conditions for operation.


  • 我们可以一个地方定义通用方法然后它们混入跨越多个类型对象同时限制每个对象为基础敏感方法的访问

    We can define generic methods in one place and mix them into our Objects across multiple Class types while limiting access to sensitive methods on a per Object basis.


  • 然后可以其他数据限制报告用户列表中选择团队区域

    Then you can limit other data sets to only the team areas that the report user selects in the list box.


  • 任务限制一部分人员手中必须建立角色并给授予权限然后每个用户分配一个多个角色

    To restrict that task to a subset of your constituents, you must establish a role, grant it permissions, and assign one or more roles to each user.


  • 用户然后可以使用指定条件(比如支持置信界限),先前序列上设置限制来分析该格子

    The user can then explore the lattice by using specified criteria, such as support and confidence bounds, or by placing restrictions on the antecedent sequence.


  • 发现最好做法错误级别开始,然后启用警告级别可以限制验证运行显示消息数量

    I found that it was best to start with errors only, then enable the warning levels as a good way to limit the number of messages shown from the validation run.


  • 软件隐藏起来,然后提交接口限制我们查看我们运行应用程序源代码能力

    By hiding away the software and presenting only the interface, they will limit our ability to see the source code for the applications we run.


  • 然后孩子带去一个地方并计算时间,不要增加时间限制但是恢复理智的时候就要重新加入你们

    Then physically lead your child to a time-out area. Do not impose a time limit, but let him rejoin you when he's regained control.


  • 实际上绑定标识出节点然后这些节点施加特定限制进而帮助定义节点行为

    Rather, a binding identifies a node or a set of nodes, then places specific restrictions on those nodes, which in turn help to define the node's behavior.


  • 如果提出限制真实的各方共同愿望相互达成妥协然后协调工作解决问题通常产生一个令人愉快结果

    If the limits put forth are real but the parties share a mutual desire to reach a compromise, then a collaborative exercise in problem-solving will usually yield an agreeable outcome.


  • 我们通常头脑思考30分钟然后就开始着手工作,我们时间限制之后并没有真正地停下来

    We normally start with the mind-set of only spending 30 minutes on something, but we don't actually STOP after that time limit.


  • 这个限制表明为了保持WBMWID模型同步需要 WBM进行所有更改然后重新生成BPEL导入到 WID 中。

    This limitation implies that to keep the WBM and WID models in sync, you need to make all changes in WBM and then regenerate the BPEL to feed WID.


  • 时间仔细一下所有可以得到服务时间限制然后选择那些能引起兴趣的。

    Take a long, hard look at all of the services available and your time constraints and choose the ones that pique your interest the most.


  • 现在限制引用对象必须先保存然后其他对象才能引用它们

    A current limitation is that referenced objects must be saved before other objects can reference them.


  • 限制自己持续工作最长时间90分钟然后至少休息10分钟。

    I limit myself to a maximum of 90 minute periods of work, then take at least a 10 minute break.


  • 然后我们文档制定我们之前讨论限制策略文档中称为条件

    Then, we have to put in the constraints we talked about earlier, which are called conditions in the policy document.


  • 实际实现中,始终选择可满足业务需求限制过滤,从完全限定的DN开始然后再从此返回

    In an actual implementation, you should always choose the most restrictive filter that meets the business requirement, starting with a fully-qualified DN and working back from there.


  • 如果他们提供其他权限这些额外的权限限制安全概要中,然后完成工作后收回这些权限

    If you have to give them additional privileges, compartmentalize that extra boost to their security profile, then take that privilege away as soon as they're done working.


  • 然后,相应选择规模较大较小的,这取决于预算限制进行怎样竞争

    You can then choose sizes larger, on par with, or smaller than theirs, depending on budget constraints and the competitive stance you want to take.


  • 然后科学家们开始改变它们饮食限制其能量的摄入,低脂饮食。

    The scientists then switched them to a calorie-controlled, low-fat diet.


  • 更危险而且也更难纠正回来。首先反打方向限制车辆侧滑然后轻踩油门以及制动防止车辆突然或者急速回转。

    Limit the slide of the car, and then you must be very gentle with the throttle and brakes to prevent the vehicle from going into a "snap" or violent spin.


  • 然后我们可以使用Back按钮回到可以从中去除上述限制面板

    We can then use the Back button to return to the panel where we can remove the restriction.


  • 限制如果优秀产品,你就要宣传然后除非广告预算不足,否则只有天空才是你界限

    Limit: If you have a good product you need to advertise it and then... the sky may be the limit... or you budget for running the ads...


  • 可以使用——show -limits选项显示xargs默认限制然后使用- s选项输出命令长度限制在允许最大字符串数量之内。

    You can use the — show-limits option to display the default limits of xargs, and the -s option to limit the size of output commands to a specific maximum number of characters.


  • 创建查看控制器控制器与编辑平行,用于显示愿望列表然后将编辑器访问限制一个特定用户

    Create a viewer controller, parallel to the editor that displays the wish list, and then restrict editor access to one specific user.


  • 原先解决方案中所存在限制之一每个模板启动然后结束执行之后,报告match模式

    One of the limitations in my original solution was that it reported only the match pattern when each template started and ended execution.


  • 原先解决方案中所存在限制之一每个模板启动然后结束执行之后,报告match模式

    One of the limitations in my original solution was that it reported only the match pattern when each template started and ended execution.


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