• 施用不同有机肥,对降低烤酒中部叶片硝态氮含量有一定作用,上部叶的硝态氮含量有所提高

    Nitrate and nitrite contents could be decreased for middle but increased for uppers in flue cured tobacco leaves by applying different organic manures.


  • 坐在海滩上拿着烟熏牡蛎只手拿着一杯麝香干白葡萄

    I was sitting on a beach, a smoky grilled oyster in one hand, a glass of muscadet in the other.


  • 品尝了开胃色拉鲜美猪肉后,我们开始享用屋里取暖火炉出来的,佐餐的是一瓶亚克玫瑰

    After gizzard salad and some tasty charcuterie, we ate duck - grilled on the same fire that was keeping the room aglow -washed down with a bottle of Gaillac rose.


  • 土豆锡纸着的马哈鱼,又给的父亲倒了

    She served the baked potatoes and the salmon steaks in their tinfoil. She refilled her father’s glass.


  • 我们在哈里小屋旁停靠,享受美好下午小圆面包松饼香槟,这里在半个世纪曾是伐木工人休闲的地方。

    Docking near Harry's Hut, built to accommodate timber-cutters half a century ago, an afternoon tea of scones and muffins, orange juice and bubbly awaits.


  • 最好牛排而且再来一瓶隆河葡萄

    I'll grill you a nice steak and open a bottle of cotes du rhone.


  • 十五分钟已经餐桌前了,正对面凯塔·琳娜的祖父,我们喝着自酿葡萄吃着凯塔琳娜的嫂子刚刚好的糕点

    Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting across a kitchen table from Katarina's grandfather, drinking his homemade white wine and eating confections that Katarina's sister-in-law had just baked.


  • 这样一个丰厚收益应当预示打开香槟一些北京(以示庆贺)。

    Such a handsome profit ought to be a cue to crack open the champagne and roast some Beijing duck.


  • 此外饭前鸡尾时间上用切块水果、罗马羊奶酪末、胡椒粉混合而成的小食,扦子上虾仁一起串

    Also try serving wedges of the fruit at cocktail hour with a light sprinkling of shaved Pecorino Romano and black pepper, or put it on skewers with shrimp and grill.


  • 索比想到野鸭很对劲——再来一瓶夏布然后是卡门贝干酪一小杯清咖啡只雪茄烟

    A roasted mallard duck, thought Soapy, would be about the thing—with a bottle of Chablis , and then Camembert, a demitasse and a cigar.


  • 女士,先要一杯虾仁鸡尾一些花生米开胃,然后要上海螃蟹仔鸡和菜汤各一份。

    A shrimp cocktail and some fried peanuts for appetizer. A plate of Shanghai crab, a grilled fish, a roast spring chicken and a cauliflower soup.


  • 坐在萨卢姆河口沙滩拿着熏黑牡蛎,烧黑的贝壳反出亮光只手端着一杯麝香干白葡萄

    I was sitting on a beach at the mouth of the Saloum River, a smoky grilled oyster in one hand, glistening in its charred shell, a glass of muscadet in the other.


  • 也许只是表达敬重从来不求利益一些简陋礼物---加仑葡萄一篮子加胡椒粉的塔拉列斯面包---特别制了装点圣诞节桌子

    And perhaps, to show respect only, never for profit, some humble gift--- a gallon of homemade wine or a basket of peppered taralles--- specially baked to grace his Christmas table.


  • 到了晚上密尔葡萄帮助他们消化切片火腿洋葱大蒜佐料制品。

    Come evening there were sliced hams, boiled eggs, and roasted larks stuffed with garlic and onions, with pale ales and Myrish fire wines to help in their digestion.


  • 粤菜最有特色烹饪方法焗、平底软炸。

    The most characteristic cooking methods are cooking in salt, cooking in wine, baking in a pan, and soft-frying.


  • 服务生这是今晚我们牛排特餐,附洋芋凯萨沙拉甜点

    Waiter : here you go. tonight we have a special grilled steak served with baked potato, caesar salad, and dessert.


  • 着加些胡椒粉鸭肉适量的乳酪

    Food and Wine Marriage: Red meat, grilled or in black pepper sauce. Duck and medium cheese.


  • 服务生这是今晚我们牛排特餐,附餐有洋芋凯萨沙拉甜点

    Waiter: here you go. Tonight we have a special grilled steak served with baked potato, Caesar salad, and dessert.


  • 红色典型来自于区的风格,辛辣气息中透出丝丝橡木的香味。

    A deep red colour. Typical wine from this area with spicy tinges and notes of torrefaction.


  • 赫楠迪斯拉赫一位私人好友连同佩雷斯他的家人他们可能赫男迪斯经营牧场乳猪顺便喝点朗姆玩玩多米诺骨牌

    Mr Hernández was a close personal friend of Mr Lage. Together with Mr Pérez and their families, they would meet at Mr Hernández's ranch for roast pig, rum and dominoes.


  • 土豆锡纸着的马哈鱼,又给父亲倒了

    She served the baked potatoes and the salmon steaks in their tinfoil. She refilled her father's glass.


  • 的苦瓜适于苦瓜调味

    Baked Momordica charantia powder was not good for liquor flavoring.


  • 李志延评:这是一款风格浓郁葡萄带有泥土成熟深色莓果草本风味

    Tasting Note: an intense wine with earthy, ripe dark berries and roasted herbs on the palate.


  • 沙拉爽口饮料湖中鸡尾

    Dine on grill or tandoori fishes, salads, refreshing beverages, and cocktails from the middle of the lake.


  • 完美不会,奶油葡萄是软滑的姜汁不会太辣。

    The roast was perfectly cooked and not too dry and the syllabub was perfectly smooth and the ginger spice was not too strong.


  • 叉烧粒,混入耗油,海鲜芝麻米醋绍兴酱油玉米淀粉

    This char siu is diced, and then mixed into a syrupy mixture of oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, roasted sesame seed oil, rice vinegar, shaoxing wine or dry sherry, soy sauce, sugar and cornstarch.


  • 叉烧粒,混入耗油,海鲜芝麻米醋绍兴酱油玉米淀粉

    This char siu is diced, and then mixed into a syrupy mixture of oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, roasted sesame seed oil, rice vinegar, shaoxing wine or dry sherry, soy sauce, sugar and cornstarch.


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