• 此外收入满意度指标并不是个体风险态度量度一个重复。

    Moreover, our measure of income satisfaction is not a proxy for risk attitude.


  • 目的通过社区卫生服务顾客满意度指标体系建立调查检验专家咨询可靠性

    Objectives To establish and investigate the customer satisfaction index system of the community health service thus to estimate the reliability of Delphi method.


  • 另外本文简要介绍了包含有用于测量分析满意度指标方法工具模型

    Furthermore, the models, which constitute the basic methodological tools for the measurement and the analysis of the presented satisfaction barometers, are briefly presented through this paper.


  • 本文对原评估体系进行修改增加读者满意度指标提出对此指标操作过程应当注意的问题

    The author modifies the old evaluation system, adds the index of users' satisfaction, and presents the problem in doing it.


  • 其中一些示例包括改进服务请求周转时间收入增加x 倍操作成本降低y、改进客户满意度指标等等

    Some examples include improved turnaround of service requests, increased revenue by a factor of x, reduced cost of operation by a factor of y, improved customer satisfaction measures, and more.


  • 统计年报分析了自行车出行结构战略目标实现情况关键指标满意度指标安全指标便捷指标

    The Bicycle Account has analyzed the structure of cycling trips, strategic goals and implementation, as well as key indicators, satisfaction indicators, security indicators and convenience indicators.


  • 首先通过阅读大量文献,收集销售人员工作压力工作满意度指标专家多次评估讨论修改设计出问卷

    First of all, through a lot of reading, collect job stress and job satisfaction indicators, a number of experts are asked to assess, discuss and change the design of questionnaires.


  • 客户满意度指标体系进行探索性因子分析以及验证性因子分析,证明了本研究提出的评价指标体系具有合理性有效性

    And customer satisfaction index system for exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, this study proved that the evaluation index system is a reasonable and effective.


  • 监控整个集团的内外部客户满意度指标制定改进计划监督执行,完成活动反馈报告从而帮助和支持运营部门人提升客户满意度

    Monitor group wide customer satisfaction KPIs (both internally and externally), develop and supervise the execution of action plans and obtain feedback reports to support operational departments.


  • 研究表明解决冲突婚姻满意度重要预测指标

    Research suggests that working through conflicts is an important predictor of marital satisfaction.


  • 一系列指标上发现的,自尊生活满意度幸福感工作邻居朋友个人领域满意度等。

    This was found across measures like self-esteem, life satisfaction, happiness and satisfaction with individual domains like job, neighborhood, or friends.


  • 举例来说,项目刚刚起步可以定量指标(时间错误率满意度)进行测试日后修改网站提供参照。

    For example, at the beginning of a project, you may be testing to set quantitative baselines (such as time, error rates, and satisfaction) for comparison to later tests of your revised site.


  • 5月24日经合组织(OECD)发布衡量幸福一种替代性方法其中包括34个成员国横跨11个方面20种不同指标生活满意度空气污染程度

    On May 24th the OECD launched its alternative measure of well-being which includes 20 different indicators across 11 sectors in its 34 member countries, from life satisfaction to air pollution.


  • 大多数情况下优化的目标不是速度带宽利用率或者其他效率指标,而是模糊的目标:用户满意度

    For the most part, you don't want to optimize for speed, or bandwidth utilization, or any other type of efficiency — but for something more nebulous: user satisfaction.


  • 但是意在计算满意度指标强烈的关系

    But it can buy a strong correlation with a fancy new index that aims to put a number on contentment.


  • 本文一部分我们看看客人满意度指数(guest satisfaction index)这个概念——衡量酒店业绩一个重要指标

    In this first part, we will look at the concept of the guest satisfaction index: the next big measure of hotel performance.


  • {3}快乐指数综合考虑了人们生活满意度、平均寿命以及对环境的影响(主要通过衡量维持居民生存以及提供足够能源消耗所需土地数量了解)等多项指标

    The index combines life satisfaction, life expectancy and environmental footprint — the amount of land required to sustain the population and absorb its energy consumption.


  • 研究指标主观生活满意度调查结果(即人们自称幸福)和各国生活质量客观决定因素结合起来

    The index links the results of subjective life-satisfaction surveys - how happy people say they are - to objective determinants of quality of life across countries.


  • 是否配偶主观无力感(测量失范指标)能够解释生活满意度

    Life satisfaction was explained by whether people had a partner or how subjectively powerless they felt (a question designed to access anomie).


  • 变化KPI关注点摆脱财务指标过度执着转向关注客户满意度指标

    Change is the focus of attention of KPI, should get rid of the financial indicators of excessive dedication, turn to focus on customer satisfaction index.


  • 职业满意度重要一个指标雇主使命是否认同。

    One of the most important dimensions of job satisfaction is how you feel about your employer's mission.


  • 销售业绩客户满意度工作衡量重要指标

    This job will be measured by sales performance and customer satisfaction level.


  • 毫无疑问企业承诺要力争顾客满意度这项指标第一

    Your organization has undoubtedly made a commitment to being number one in customer satisfaction.


  • 倘若如此,那么为你们带来了好消息诚然幸福生活满意度指标——但是追寻生活的意义同样可以给你带来幸福感。

    If so, I have some good news. Yes, happiness is one form of life satisfaction - but finding meaning is another.


  • 顾客成本包括时间成本、货币成本、风险成本、精神成本、机会成本、构成电子商务顾客满意度评价指标

    The total cost of the customer includes monetary cost, risk cost, spiritual cost, opportunity cost, evaluation index to form customer satisfaction of e-commerce.


  • 楼盘总体得分方面,采用业主所在小区总体评价得分单项指标满意度评分进行综合加权得出

    The overall scores of building are worked out by the comprehensive weighted methods applied on the community for the general evaluation scoring and satisfaction rating of individual index from owners.


  • 分析图书馆用户满意度指数测评意义方法指标体系评价标准

    This paper analyzes the significance, methods, indexes system and evaluation standards of measuring and evaluating the users' satisfaction indexes for library.


  • 不同工作时间高校教师工作本身满意度上级满意度以及工作环境满意度的维度存在显著差异,工作时间为11-20的高校教师各项工作满意度指标得分均较低。

    Obvious difference exists among teachers of different working hours on the satisfaction with work, authorities and working environment, with teachers of 11- 20 years of working having the lowest mark.


  • 不同工作时间高校教师工作本身满意度上级满意度以及工作环境满意度的维度存在显著差异,工作时间为11-20的高校教师各项工作满意度指标得分均较低。

    Obvious difference exists among teachers of different working hours on the satisfaction with work, authorities and working environment, with teachers of 11- 20 years of working having the lowest mark.


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