• 美元涨势,再加上报告日本准备市场购入股票使得日经平均指数在最近上涨了2.65%。

    The dollar's gains, combined with reports that Japan is about to buy shares in the market to boost prices sent the Nikkei share average up 2.65% in late trading.


  • 鉴于当日上海股票市场涨势周以来最好一天或许推测成事实

    Given that the Shanghai market had its best showing for seven weeks that day, perhaps this has already happened.


  • 乍看之下似乎一个好坏参半喜讯:好的方面,是因为这些股票巨变之下的市场中不易贬值,的方面是因为它们也不太可能涨势象坐火箭一样取得10倍水平回报

    At first glance, that may appear to be a mixed blessing: good because they're much less volatile in choppy markets, bad because they're less likely to rocket to 10-bagger levels of return.


  • 债券市场的良好行情刺激股票市场整个经济反弹,回过头来又加强了债券市场涨势

    The bond boom helped spur a rebound in the stock market and in the broader economy — recoveries that then, in turn, reinforced the bond rally.


  • 很多市场人士表示A123近期其他IPO交易获得的强劲市场需求表明,近期股市涨势一直持观望立场资金管理公司如今正争相入市。

    Many in the market say the demand for this and other recent IPOs reflects a scramble among money managers who had stayed on the sidelines during much of the recent stock rally.


  • 2006年全球股市涨势开局,不过由于市场人士预计美国利率水平可能接近当前加息周期顶点美元汇率美国国债收益率双双走软

    World equity markets began 2006 in bullish mood, while the dollar and Treasury bond yields softened amid expectations that US interest rates could be near to the top of the current cycle.


  • 英国《金融时报》网站日前刊文指出月度环比计算,中国房价涨势已经几近停滞,许多分析师认为,目前市场正处于个转捩点。

    Chinese property price increases have all but stalled in monthly terms, and many analysts say the market is at a tipping point, said an article on the FT website.


  • 市场庞大的供应过剩问题而受压分析师表示几个月来由低点上扬的涨势可能脆弱。

    But aluminum and nickel markets are still pressured by huge supply surpluses and analysts have said their rally from lows in recent months could be fragile.


  • 世界各地区的股市收益债市涨势可观,尤其是包括东亚在内新兴市场

    Stock and high yield debt markets have mounted strong advances around the world, especially in emerging markets, including those in East Asia.


  • 此后一直2010年一月底,该指数涨了3%,有些市场涨势更为强劲,特别是旧金山明尼阿波利斯

    Since then it has gained 3% through January 2010, with some markets much stronger, especially San Francisco and Minneapolis. (Charlotte, N.


  • 尽管2009年贷款市场表现不俗的涨势,但随后而信贷大幅度膨胀,这加剧坏账数量增多的风险,为银行的未来带来危机

    Yet coming after the extraordinary rise in lending seen in 2009, a further massive expansion of credit would increase the threat of loans turning bad and of a future banking-sector crisis.


  • 正当市场以为欧元区官员控制住危机以及欧元有望重拾涨势之际,主权债券忧虑再次浮出水面

    Just as the market thought that Eurozone officials had the crisis in hand and the euro could resume its uptrend, sovereign debt fears have once again crawled out of the wood work.


  • 随着环球金融中心、开发大厦合生大厦甲级写字楼建成,为市场带来了充足的供应,2007年第二季度以后,上海甲级写字楼市场租金涨势趋于缓和

    From then on rental relief will be witnessed with the completion of further grade A office space such as the World Finance Centre, Kaifa Mansion and the Hopson Building.


  • 随着环球金融中心、开发大厦合生大厦甲级写字楼建成,为市场带来了充足的供应,2007年第二季度以后,上海甲级写字楼市场租金涨势趋于缓和

    From then on rental relief will be witnessed with the completion of further grade A office space such as the World Finance Centre, Kaifa Mansion and the Hopson Building.


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