• 在有配偶释放情绪抱怨需要的时候,勿过度,而且带有具有洞察性有趣观察力

    Always balance your need to vent and complain to your spouse with an insightful or funny observation.


  • 我们认为已经洞悉物质行为规律时候,其实没有那种感知的存在,无论怎样,本质上来说假设一致也没有以洞察力为根基。

    There is no such perception, when we think we have insight into the way the physical things behave, at bottom there is this assumption of uniformity which is based on no insight whatever.


  • 如果学会辨认跟踪大脑状态,你可以思维清醒专注重要脑力工作,当创造洞察遇到难题,就要反道而行了。

    If you learn to recognize and track your mental state, you can concentrate on important mental tasks when your mind is most "awake". For creative insight into a problem, do the opposite.


  • 黑色给人洞察深度感觉不过黑色背景会降低可读

    Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth, but a black background diminishes readability.


  • 通过这些分析结果可以洞察支持SOA解决方案已有数据价值完整

    The results provide insight into the value and integrity of the existing data that will support the SOA solution.


  • 通过这些分析结果,可以洞察支持SOA解决方案已有数据价值完整

    The results provide insight into the value and integrity of the existing data that supports the SOA solution.


  • 甚至洞察渴望具有破坏男人但是却喜欢这个的好男人

    You even have the important insight that you desired damaging men, but don't fancy this good man, who loves you.


  • 竞争个体学习策略相比合作学习更好地利用水平推理策略、道德推理策略、培养洞察批判思考的能力。

    Cooperative learning promotes a greater use of higher level reasoning strategies, moral reasoning strategies, insight and critical thinking than do competitive or individualistic learning strategies.


  • 可以用来评估建模假设充分可以更清晰地洞察数据中的模式其它可视化方法

    Other visualizations that can be used to assess the adequacy of your modeling assumptions and to gain deeper insight into the patterns in your data.


  • 专栏中编辑们简要地概括出Frankel论证要点,强调所建议出口价格指数挂钩重要,在新的一期“政策洞察”中,对此有展开的描述

    In this column, the Editors briefly sketch Frankel’s argument to highlight the importance of his proposed export price index peg, described extensively in the new Policy Insight.


  • 葛林很多挑战科学观点解释上有种罕见天赋每个人都能为富于洞察力的解释感到眼前一亮。

    "Greene has a rare gift for explaining the most challenging scientific ideas, and everyone can appreciate his refreshingly insightful explanations." — Jennifer.


  • FileNetP8支持其他重要功能比如遵从业务流程运作分析洞察

    FileNet P8 can also enable other important functionality, such as compliance and analytic insight into the operations of the business process.


  • 这本《如此人世间》(The WorldIsWhatIt Is:取自奈保尔小说河湾严厉开场白),完全典型奈保尔风格,紧张戏剧节奏一流小说的深刻洞察感伤悲悯。

    “The World Is What It Is” (the severe opening words of “A Bend in the River”) is fully worthy of its subject, with all the dramatic pacing, the insight and the pathos of a first-rate novel.


  • 明天一早社会媒体营销研究者DanZarrella将发布一个Twitter工具,允许你通过分析t witter用户最近1000条tweets洞察用户内心世界方法

    Tomorrow morning, social media and marketing researcher Dan Zarrella is debuting a new way to see into the minds of Twitter users by analyzing their most recent 1,000 tweets.


  • 试点项目中,惠普实验室家庭环境中部署传感器一个应用,因此我们将以前所未有可视洞察来监测家庭能源使用

    In a pilot project, HP Labs has deployed sensing technology and a cloud-based application that provides unprecedented visibility and insight into a home's energy use.


  • 独创在于真理本质进行洞察,探讨传统认识论意义上真理的根据条件

    His original creation depends on seeing clearly the essence of truth and inquiring into the foundation and condition of truth on the mean of traditional epistemology.


  • 我们努力大家提供研究深入、信息广泛、颇具娱乐洞察同志新闻

    We strive to provide well-researched, informative, entertaining and positive insights into queer culture.


  • 形成评估专家管理机制促进专家公正责任感提高专家的预见能力洞察能力。

    Should form the management to assess expert mechanism, and promotes just nature and the sense of responsibility of expert, and raise the foretelling ability of expert and sees clearly the ability.


  • 他们那些考虑明天的生活会怎样的人群具有洞察并且具有创造解决问题的能力。

    They were more insightful and generated more creative solutions to problems than those who were thinking about what their lives would be like tomorrow.


  • 目标设置理论未来时间洞察研究存在一些问题管理教育临床人格养成等领域重要越来越大

    There are still existing problems in future time perspective researches of goals getting theory, but it will be more and more important in management, education, clinic, personality-forming field.


  • 一些时间进入机器人可能洞察嵌入式系统

    Please take some time to read it to get an insight into the possibilities of robotics and embedded systems.


  • 由于多年行业服务经验敏锐市场洞察,本公司功能化学品研究应用服务方面达到国内外先进水平

    Having several years professional service experience, and acuminous market insight, we have reached the foreign advanced level in functional chemicals research and service.


  • 帕金森·詹姆斯获得一个用于创建不同寻常深度复杂人类排序洞察力相结合侦探小说令人羡慕声誉只有找到最好小说家

    P. D. James has gained an enviable reputation for creating detective stories of uncommon depth and intricacy, combined with the sort of humanity and perceptiveness found only in the finest novelists.


  • 数学建模过程就是创造思维的过程。通过数学建模训练,可以培养双向翻译能力综合分析能力,联想能力,洞察能力。

    The mathematical modeling process is followed with the creative thought. This process can cultivate the following ability: two-way translation, synthesis and analysis, association and insight.


  • 第三部份则进一步探讨研究资料以求洞察被研究者(含美术设计/科技教师)之主观经验

    The third , probes the qualitative data further for insights arising from the subjective experience of the art and design & technology teachers who were the survey respondents.


  • 这种洞察,由于洞察对象中包括中介,因此也就是包含中介知识

    Such discernment, where the content we discern carries with it the ground of its dependent nature, is a knowledge which involves mediation.


  • 这种洞察,由于洞察对象中包括中介,因此也就是包含中介知识

    Such discernment, where the content we discern carries with it the ground of its dependent nature, is a knowledge which involves mediation.


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