• 这种做法经常法律于不顾:尽管印度法定结婚年龄18岁,但是一半左右调查印度妇女这个年龄之前已经结婚

    Such practices often flout the law: whilst the legal age of marriage in India is 18 around half of the Indian women surveyed were already married by that age.


  • 基础上,获得进一步支持因为人们会认识到迈克·阿斯克尔困境中坚持了苏格兰法律法定诉讼程序

    It will gather further support on that basis, because people recognise that Mr MacAskill upheld the due process of Scots law in difficult circumstances.


  • 尽管如此广播公司竟然没有演员超时工作100小时事件感到羞愧,原因是因为这些演员没有处于标准劳动法律法定保护之下

    Broadcasters, however, never felt guilty even when actors worked 100 hours overtime, reasoning they are not under legal protection of standard labor law.


  • 1971年以来我们完全处在了法定货币体系下,但是美联储的黄金储备美国法律武断了42.22美元/盎司,如此低估的金价相当荒谬,考虑到近年来国际上的黄金价格已经达到了350美元到380美元/盎司。

    Since 1971 we have been on a totally fiat money, but the gold stock of the Fed has been arbitrarily valued by U.S. statutes at $42.22 an ounce.


  • 无因管理法定发生原因使本身侵权的行为变成了法律允许行为

    Because management is no legal reason for the occurrence of debt, which makes an infringement in itself becomes a behavior allowed by law.


  • 根据我国的相关法律学生到了法定年龄应当自己行为负有完全责任,那么这份合同显得毫无意义。

    The contract is meaningless as, according to relevant laws, students are held completely accountable for their own behaviour if they have reached legal age.


  • 结婚每个公民法定权利,我国现行法律保护大学生的结婚

    Marriage is the legal right for every citizen. The present law protects the rights for students' marriage in university.


  • 由于公证性质特殊性,因此,“公证人特殊法律人职业,依据法律规定按照法定程序指引相关社会行为

    Because of the particularity of notarization character, "notary" is a kind of special and legal occupation, which will guide relatively social behaviors according to legal procedures and laws.


  • 如果供应商提供约定的对价的内容,伍尔特有根据中国法律规定行使法定抵销权保留权,并且有权拒绝履行合同义务。

    Wurth may exercise its legal rights of set-off and retention as well as the right to refuse performance in accordance with the PRC laws if the supplier fails to render the agreed con-sideration.


  • 买方任何法定事由提出任何主张应当适用相关法律规定诉讼时效。

    Any claims by the Buyer, submitted for whatever legal reasons, shall become statute-barred pursuant to the provisions of the applicable laws.


  • 罪刑法定刑法最高原则,刑法推理具体方法应当根据罪刑法定原则在众多法律推理方法中确定。

    Principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime is the highest principal of criminal law, so the concrete methods of reasoning of criminal law should be chosen according to it.


  • 乙方享有国家规定法定节假日年假其他法律法规和员工手册规定的假日。 。

    Party yB is entitled to mandatory public holidays, the annual leave and other leaves according to laws and regulations and labor handbook.


  • 学校法律地位具体体现学校法定权利义务上

    The legal position of school is reflected by it's legal right and duty.


  • 根据有关法律小明父母小明的法定代理人

    According to the law, Xiao Ming's parents are his legal agents.


  • 程序行为法定式行为,程序规则不同实体法律规则的构成性规则。

    The procedure behavior is a legal must behavior and procedure rules are compositional rules different from legal entity rules.


  • 缓解法律援助需求矛盾,我国确定国家法律援助责任主体同时,又将法律援助规定律师法定义务

    To relief legal aid' s requiring contradiction, nation is confirmed as legal aid respon-sility body, and at the same time, legal aim is ruled as lawyer's legal obligation.


  • 不同类型的法定货币价值基础不同,决定法律属性差异

    Different legal Tender's value foundations are different, which conduce their legal attributes' difference.


  • 重大自然灾害合同法界定为不可抗力,作为法定的免责事由免除当事人合同履行的法律责任。

    The grave natural disaster is regarded as the irresistible force written in the contract law, and so it can be an exemption when the contract cannot be observed.


  • 保险合同无效法定原因约定原因使业已成立的保险合同在法律全部部分产生法律效力

    The nullification of insurance contract means that the tenable insurance contract does not produce entirely or partly legal effects because of its legal cause and promised causes.


  • 非法证据法定调查取证主体违反法律规定的程序获得的证据。

    Illegal evidence refers to proofs obtained against legal procedure by legal subjects who investigate and obtain evidence.


  • 一次私下交流中,进一步真正的各种类型刑法,不论是刑法还是新刑法,也就是善良公民触犯之后会深感内疚法律

    And in a personal communication he has further defined the "real" criminal law as any part of the criminal law, new or old, which the good citizen does not break without a sense of guilt.


  • 传统合同法理论认为,合同关系中义务产生的依据法律规定合同约定,除法定和约定之外,当事人之间没有任何权利义务,彼此不承担任何责任。

    In traditional theory of contract law obligation is according to regulation by law and engagement by the parties, except which there is no any obligation 'or liability between the parties.


  • 现在爱尔兰许多地方使用习惯法的细则目前趋势立足绝大部分法律变成法定法律

    While many areas of Irish law are still governed by common law rules, the current trend is towards putting most law on a statutory footing.


  • 简述法定解除条件强调了法律法定解除条件的限制

    It also discuss the requirements of legal rescission, and emphasizes legal restrictions of it.


  • 简述法定解除条件强调了法律法定解除条件的限制

    It also discuss the requirements of legal rescission, and emphasizes legal restrictions of it.


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