• 拿破仑的统治荷兰并入法兰西第一帝国,1815年荷兰王国成立今天荷兰、比利时卢森堡组成。

    After briefly being incorporated in the First French Empire under Napoleon, the Kingdom of the Netherlands was formed in 1815, consisting of the present day Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.


  • 铭文解释说,这个容器盛放着“世上伟大的女子之心”---布列塔女公爵安妮先后嫁给查理八世路易十二,两成为法兰西王后。

    The writing explains that the vessel contains “the greatest heart that had any lady in the world”. Anne, Duchess of Brittany was twice queen of France, marrying, in turn, Charles VIII and Louis XII.


  • Jack是一条巴吉犬,生活德国法兰克福,看那对耳朵,它一定听过不少事儿,耳朵肯定也

    Poor Jack, a basset hound living with his owners near Frankfurt, Germany, probably hears that a lot -- and probably pretty well, given the size of his ears.


  • 去年法兰克福居民唐娜·帕斯内(DonnaParssinen)把儿子送到了一家森林幼儿园,但是据她,儿子因为沾染类患上了姆关节炎,后来又导致脑膜炎,一张脸瘫痪了。

    Frankfurt resident Donna Parssinen sent her son to a Waldkindergarten last year but says he got Lyme disease from ticks. It resulted in meningitis that temporarily paralyzed half his face.


  • 法兰表面粗糙密封效果影响很大特别是采用软质垫片时密封表面粗糙的造成泄露主要原因之一。

    Flange surface roughness of the influence, especially sealing effect when using the soft cushion, seal surface coarse degree value big are caused by the leak is one of the main reasons why.


  • 所以垫片不同要求法兰表面粗糙相同

    Interface leak So, gaskets are different, the requirements of the flange surface roughness is not the same.


  • 本文可靠约束法兰螺栓联接进行了优化设计

    In this paper presents optimum design of flange bolt connection with constraint of strength reliability.


  • 文中理想情况下法兰密封模糊可靠进行了较为详细研究

    The sealing fuzzy reliability of a flanged system is investigated under the ideal case.


  • 系列风机的叶片采用特殊扭曲设计机壳采用法兰边工艺,使风机噪音更低风量更大等特点。

    SF (b) series adopt special twisted blade design and flange flanging casing, which makes the noise lower and the air volume larger.


  • 例如驱动桥主减速器油封装配技术要求输入法兰中心线对油封座中心线偏心超过0.1mm

    For example, the main driving axle reducer seal assembly technical requirements: input flange oil seal centerline hole of the center line of the small eccentricity of more than 0.1mm.


  • 圆柱形壳体法兰对接环形焊缝引起壳体径向变形法兰平面变化

    The changes of the radial deformation and the flange's planeness are induced by the circumferential weld at the joint between the cylindrical shell and the flange ;


  • 安装搅拌器设备法兰容器轴线垂直容许偏差为1/500。

    The flange face of agitator mount nozzle shall be perpendicular to vessel axis within tolerance of 1/500.


  • 平行检测利用测距传感器检测喷管发动机法兰之间距离调节平面平行

    The parallelism examination is completed by making use of the range finder sensor examining the distance between the range finder and nozzle and the engine flange to adjust two planes parallelism.


  • 喷油泵驱动齿轮连接方式改用法兰连接,避免由于轴加工误差安装同轴影响

    Another one is to connect the injection pump to the driving gear with flange to avoid the influence from machining error of shaft and coaxial degree while installing.


  • 法兰克福市场上30多个摊位销售传统德国特色食品,这里的景象香味成为一年一值得期待享受。

    The sights and aromas of the market from Frankfurt, with 30 stalls selling traditional German specialities has become an annual treat to look forward to.


  • 法兰克福市场上30多个摊位销售传统德国特色食品,这里的景象香味成为一年一值得期待享受。

    The sights and aromas of the market from Frankfurt, with 30 stalls selling traditional German specialities has become an annual treat to look forward to.


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