• 如果了一叶子,他就会

    If he picks a leaf, he will die.


  • 个被踏瓢虫,一鸟巢落下羽毛,一根被折断山楂,都会使他们伤感

    A crushed lady-bug, a feather fallen from a nest, a branch of hawthorn broken, aroused their pity.


  • 在中太平洋坎顿附近绿海龟过一珊瑚的不毛之地。

    A green turtle glides over a wasteland of dead coral near Kanton island in the central Pacific.


  • 单个皮肤细胞整个存活来说不是那么重要但是极少重要脑细胞

    Individual skin cells just aren't that important to your overall survival. But you're less likely to scratch off a patch of critical brain cells.


  • 巴比告诉的支持者;他们支持麦戈文这样不会有更多的纽黑文小伙子送到越南。巴比说完之后,房间里响起抱怨倒抽凉气的声音。

    When Barbieri told his guys that they were going to support McGovern so that no more boys from New Haven would die in Vietnam, there were groans and gasps.


  • 虽然四周一静,还是能够想象当初那125块骨骼地底下被激动和喧嚣。

    The place was silent now, but I could imagine the shouts of excitement as each bone—125 of them in all—peeked out from the earth or later emerged from its plaster jacket in the museum.


  • 可是现在呢,是一沉寂

    Now, the stillness of death reigned around.


  • 粉刷参杂了化妆皮肤细胞,而这些都细菌繁衍提供地方。

    Makeup brushes accumulate cosmetics particles as well as dead skin cells creating a perfect environment for bacterias.


  • 警察局周二个花生炖的倒霉鬼一个火山灰放在炉子上,结果发生爆炸,一玻璃样的心脏这个倒霉鬼就瓜了。

    Washington state man who placed a lava lamp on a hot stove died when the lamp exploded and a glass shard pierced his heart, police said on Tuesday.


  • 可是现在呢,是一沉寂

    Lais. Now, the stillness of death reigned around.


  • 唯一叶子那个女孩的棺材里,事情也不知道

    There was one , but it lay in the coffin of the dead; no one knew anything about it.


  • 拉德·,自制力失神眼睛燃起仇恨。“把那些

    The Kang pulls virtuous ·black especially the half rise by half, all of the self-made dint lose, and dejected eyes set alight one old grudge. "Die those".


  • 现在必须承认他们这么小小的给了他们一个他们跳下飞机时不会足够可能性

    Now, admittedly they've got this little piece of cloth that gives them a decent chance of not killing themselves when they jump out of airplanes.


  • 房间窗户看着叶子坠落认定最后叶子掉下来时候,她就会

    She watches the leaves falling from the window of her room, and decides that when the last leaf drops, she will die, too.


  • 后来证明之战帝国是灾难性的:帕尔帕丁执行人达斯·双双第二使帝国陷入了一混乱。

    The Battle of Endor proved disastrous for the Empire; Palpatine and his enforcer, Darth Vader, were killed aboard the second Death Star, throwing the Empire into a state of chaos.


  • 在卢旺达,尼亚拉布耶教区被洗劫得狼籍的教室里发现了四具尸体。一位母亲三个孩子活活打,可孩子们在的时候还紧紧地抱着他们妈妈不放。

    Of Rwanda, and the churchyard of the parish of Nyarabuye where, in a ransacked classroom, I found a mother and her three young children huddled together where they'd been beaten to death.


  • 应许赐给亚伯拉伟大的疆土﹐但是时候﹐只有一小葬身之地

    Abraham was promised great land, but at his death, he only had a piece of land for his burial.


  • 传统的手术方法植皮打包加压固定往往会出现残留固定不确实的情况,且打包固定的缝线处易出现缝线瘢痕

    Traditionally, package and pressurized fixation were performed after skin transplantation; however, it induced residual dead space and unclear skin graft fixation, as well as suturing scar.


  • 据说谁要棵树,谁就要倒霉如果了一叶子,他就

    It is said that if any one touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die.


  • 有时病灶内可见有助于骨肉瘤鉴别

    This can be associated with a sequestrum sometimes, which helps distinguish this from osteosarcoma.


  • 回头焦黑废墟雏菊

    I turn back, a lump of charred ruins, crushed my Daisy.


  • 蓝色细致地不是实一的色彩,而是可以隐约看到青绿墨黑色调隐约跃动其中。

    The enormous strand of blue, in closer scrutiny, does not have blue as its only element, but also hints of indigo green and inky black.


  • 番茄小丑鱼,雄性番茄小丑鱼(学名白条海葵鱼)园丁一样照料一发育中的受精卵同时铲胚体

    Tomato Clownfish : A male tomato clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus) tends his field of developing eggs like a gardener, scooping away ones with dead embryos.


  • 恐吓该国臭名昭著野蛮狼人芬利尔Greyback戴夫Legeno其他吃,甚至已经离开奇才队敬爱Diagon巷废墟

    Terrorizing the country with the notoriously savage werewolf Fenrir Greyback (Dave Legeno) and other Death Eaters, she has even left the wizards' beloved Diagon Alley in ruins.


  • 在卢旺达,尼亚拉布耶教区间被洗劫得一狼籍的教室里发现了四具尸体。一位母亲三个孩子活活打,可孩子们在的时候还紧紧地抱着他们妈妈不放。

    Of Rwanda, and the churchyard of the 13 parish of Nyarabuye where, in a 14 ransacked classroom, I found a mother and her three young children huddled together where they'd been beaten to death.


  • 一个月前刚从背后这座城市回来,那是一废墟。一座城。王家岩垮塌老城条街道掉,数百幢房屋推出两三百挤压

    Wang Yan nearly half of the mountain collapsed and buried the old town five streets, hundreds of buildings were put on the squeeze two or three meters to pieces;


  • 一个月前刚从背后这座城市回来,那是一废墟。一座城。王家岩垮塌老城条街道掉,数百幢房屋推出两三百挤压

    Wang Yan nearly half of the mountain collapsed and buried the old town five streets, hundreds of buildings were put on the squeeze two or three meters to pieces;


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