• 特重型楼梯要求提供

    Extra heavy duty aluminum stair treads available upon request.


  • 预制楼梯生产新建建筑内所有楼梯及其平台是用人工大理石进行贴面的。

    Production of the pre-cast stair treads and reconstituted stone surfacing to all stairs and landings in the newly built staircase.


  • 楼梯提供了一个完整楼梯系统,您无需楼梯拼接来实现楼梯铺设

    Stairboard provide a complete stair system for you, you need not use stair nose and flooring joint for finishing your stair lay.


  • 大楼防火保护楼梯井。

    Each building had fireproof drywalls to protect the stairwells.


  • 电表与生俱来的栖息地就是楼梯底下橱柜这样的地方,或潜藏烫衣圣诞装饰背后尘封已久,沦为蜘蛛的巢穴。

    THE utility meter’s native habitat is the understairs cupboard, behind the ironing board and the Christmas decorations, covered in dust and playing host to a colony of spiders.


  • 沿着黑暗楼梯上去进入洞穴状的带有玻璃天花大厅

    Pad down the dark wooden stairs and you're in the cavernous, glass-ceilinged main hall.


  • 10号公寓楼的房间45平方米,有厨房标准预制建筑住房,有灰色混凝土外墙和风可以外面呼呼吹进来楼梯井。

    A 45-square meter apartment with a kitchenette in a standardized prefabricated tenement with thick, gray concrete walls and a stairwell which the wind whistles through from outside.


  • 施工材料包括混凝土底座定向结构木制钢制楼梯两个窗户

    Construction is solved with wooden joists, concrete base, oriented strand boards, wooden or steel staircases and two Windows.


  • 镜子上下颠倒拱门一侧排成一行而在天花上则满了镜子。这些镜子倒映出结构创造出隧道错觉更远楼梯

    Mirrors in the shape of upside-down archways line its sides, while panels cover the ceiling. These reflected the structure to create the illusion of tunnels and further staircases.


  • 这些木材向外形成墙壁、天花一个中央楼梯

    These explode outwards, forming walls, a ceiling and a central staircase.


  • 钢铁用来组成一个悬挂楼梯许多组成家具,西洋杉木装饰墙面

    Steel is used inside to form a staircase with suspended treads and multiple pieces of furniture, and the cedar is repeated on internal walls.


  • 雕花球形灯通过纤细电缆天花上垂下来,刚好落在楼梯中间道中。

    Sculpted cardboard globes affixed to thin cables are suspended from the ceiling and "swirl up the well of the central stair".


  • 客厅采用双层挑高倾斜天花,设有燃气壁炉墙壁楼梯采用未经处理红木

    The living room has a pitched two-story ceiling and a gas fireplace, with untreated redwood paneling on the walls and in the stairwell.


  • 建筑师采用不同种类木材制作栏杆楼梯天花以及其他元素

    The architect used various types of wood to fashion doors, railings, stair treads, ceiling panels and other elements.


  • 这座房子楼梯年久失修,无法使用布满墙体碎石片塌落的天花,天花已经凹陷进去了。

    Thee property's staircase is too dangerous to use and is littered with wall chippings and parts of the ceiling, which has caved in.


  • 同样动态图形颜色使用家具角度楼梯栏杆天花LED灯光带强化效果。

    The same dynamic shapes and colors are used for the furniture's angles, staircase railings and even ceilings, all reinforced by LED light stripes.


  • 内部墙面重新粉刷涂成白色暴露木质天花楼梯形成鲜明对比

    Internal walls were re-plastered and painted white, contrasting with the exposed wooden ceiling beams and staircase treads.


  • 上层楼梯利用天花悬挂下作为扶手栏杆

    The upper staircase is suspended from the ceiling by white rods that create a minimal balustrade.


  • 第五章介绍了点式玻璃技术建筑其他方面——楼梯、遮阳、栏杆扶手、电梯、雕塑、建筑小品博物馆展品中的应用

    The fifth chapter describes other applications of point supported glass on other parts, such as stairway, armrest, sculpture, and so on.


  • 中央木条楼梯拾级而上,俯瞰庭院种植山茶花,能直观一个松木条建的八字形天花

    Going up the strip stairs at the center overlooking the stewartia monadelpha planted in the patio, an impressive slanted ceiling surface constructed with SPF timber becomes visible.


  • 楼梯通过一个空隙通向起居空间它延伸上层倾斜天花顺从屋顶形状

    The stairs lead from the living space through a void that extends into the upper storey, where the pitched ceiling follows the shape of the roof.


  • 展馆建筑用了熔块玻璃波纹金属,从外观可见一个室内悬臂楼梯

    The North Pavilion features a fritted glass and corrugated metal panel facade with a cantilevered interior staircase made visible on the exterior.


  • 楼梯其余部分通向二层卧室,它像是悬挑在天花上的白色体块

    The rest of the staircase leading to the bedrooms on the first floor are contained in a white volume suspended from the ceiling.


  • 走上楼梯结构逐步展现它统一二楼墙壁天花

    By going up the staircase, the structural body unifying the walls and the ceiling of the second floor is gradually revealed.


  • 可以德拉沿着天花楼梯扶手他们

    When the chains are long, you can drap them along the ceiling or stair rail.


  • 38掀起柜台的活穿过侧门沿着暖和昏暗楼梯过道走去,还经过如今回荡着噪音一个个车间一路脸上泛着柔和的微笑

    38A meek smile accompanied him as he lifted the counterflap, as he passed in through a sidedoor and along the warm dark stairs and passage, along the now reverberating boards.


  • 一部黑色楼梯蜿蜒通过狭窄楼梯使用了白色涂层金属穿孔

    A black staircase that winds up through the narrow home was lined with white powder-coated metal guards that are perforated.


  • 古灵阁一样,石墙周围都是熊熊燃烧火炬天花几乎看不到顶。 正面是一段豪华的大理石楼梯,直通楼上。

    The stone walls were lit with flaming torches like the ones at Gringotts, the ceiling was too high to make out, and a magnificent marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors.


  • 钢铁木材楼梯像是漂浮木瓦磨砂玻璃之中,大的百叶窗

    The steel and wood stair floats in a tower glazed in shingled panels of frosted glass, like an over-scaled jalousie window.


  • 这些错列延伸到玻璃墙外,通过房屋各个方位的对角楼梯连接

    The staggered floor plates protrude beyond the glass walls, connected by diagonal supports that relate to the positions of the various staircases inside the house.


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