• 美国情报机构伊拉克问题失败得到教训,于2007得出结论德黑兰已经提前终止核武器计划

    American intelligence agencies, rightly chastened by their failure in Iraq, concluded in 2007 that Tehran had halted the weapons portion of its nuclear program four years earlier.


  • 为了自己及其家人安全着想阿米可能会强调自己被迫离开伊朗的,离开时也许带着伊朗可疑核武器计划秘密

    For his own and his family's safety, Mr Amiri may well wish to stress that his disappearance from Iran, perhaps with secrets about its suspected nuclear-weapons programme, was involuntary.


  • 但是法律分析报告说,援助巴基斯坦核武器计划尽管只是一个保护项目,也会破坏国际法美国法律

    But a legal analysis found that aiding Pakistan's nuclear weapons program - even if it was just with protective gear - would violate both international and American law.


  • 同时避免那些国家出现要求自己有权提炼情况,否则就如同目前伊朗事例,将不可避免地形成有关非法核武器计划嫌疑

    It would also avoid a situation in which countries demand the right to enrich their own uranium, which inevitably raises suspicion of illicit weapons programs, as is currently the case with Iran.


  • 对于核电站机组而言,秘密核武器计划无异于只幽灵只有信息控制系统发生瞬间失误故障时才有可能被发觉。

    A secret nuclear weapons program is a ghost in the machine, detectable only when the system of information control momentarily lapses or breaks down.


  • 美国官方声称,在新的协定援助计划进程会依照“行动行动”原则,依照朝方践行承诺、销毁核武器计划的进程比照进行。

    American officials say that, under the new agreement, aid will be provided in tandem with North Korean progress towards declaring and disabling its nuclear programmes.


  • 伊朗计划提供国内民用能源必须的,但是其他国家声称注意的真正目的是在制造核武器

    Iran says its nuclear program is necessary to provide civilian energy for the country, but other countries have voiced concern that its true purpose is to produce nuclear weapons.


  • 今年早些时候华盛顿俄罗斯国际社会反对而且担心伊朗核武器项目情况下,仍然坚持计划启动布什尔核电站提出批评

    Earlier this year, Washington criticized Russia for going ahead with the planned opening of the plant amid global disagreement and concern over Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program.


  • 《不扩散核武器条约》缔约国2010年审议大会重申了《条约》生效重要意义将其纳入商定行动计划

    The vital importance of the Treaty’s entry into force was reaffirmed at the 2010 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and included in the agreed action plan.


  • 但是即使不能参与这项计划这些国家还是市场价格国际原子能机构购得核武器燃料(尽管一定程度上生产燃料棒)。

    But if it was refused nuclear fuel for no good reason it could buy some from the IAEA at market prices (though this would still somehow have to be fabricated into fuel rods).


  • 因此,伊朗陷于孤立《不扩散核武器条约成员惟一不能国际社会相信计划用于和平目的的国家——惟一的成员。

    And that is why Iran also stands alone, as the only member of the NPT unable to convince the international community that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes — the only member.


  • 《不扩散核武器条约》缔约国2010年审议大会重申了《条约》生效重要意义将其纳入商定行动计划

    The vital importance of the Treaty's entry into force was reaffirmed at the 2010 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and included in the agreed action plan.


  • 通过发表演说马歇尔宣布欧洲战后经济重建计划肯尼迪则呼吁全球禁止核武器试验

    Marshall used his speech to announce his plan to rebuild the postwar European economy, and Kennedy used his to argue for an international ban on the testing of nuclear weapons.


  • 核武器实验室参与新的曼哈顿计划一个巨大核武建设其中包括设计测试建立新的核武器

    S. administration. The nuclear weapons labs are also engaged in a new Manhattan project: a huge nuclear buildup, which includes designing, testing and building new nuclear weapons.


  • 核武器实验室参与新的曼哈顿计划一个巨大核武建设其中包括设计测试建立新的核武器

    S. administration. The nuclear weapons labs are also engaged in a new Manhattan project: a huge nuclear buildup, which includes designing, testing and building new nuclear weapons.


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