• 某些观察政客轻易攻击巨额红利。

    Some observers said it was easy for politicians to attack big bonuses.


  • 某些观察家来说只要欧元还是一个没主儿的货币无法美元统治地位构成挑战

    For some observers, the euro cannot challenge the dollar's hegemony as long as it remains a currency without a state.


  • 英国一家科学期刊这个问题展开了一争论,从中我们可以看出某些观察研究结果不可轻信。

    A debate over that question in a British scientific journal shows why some observational studies should be taken with a big shaker of salt.


  • 某些观察中国经济过一直心存疑虑他们警告说,多数初次购买奢侈品的消费者品牌意识――因此回头率

    Some observers remain sceptical of the Chinese boom and warn that most new Chinese consumers have low levels of brand awareness—and therefore low brand loyalty.


  • 观察某些男人可能对的,并不适用所有男性

    While her observations may be true about some men, they could hardly apply to the entire gender.


  • 这项技术使研究人员能够创造选择性忽略某些营养成分的溶液然后观察植物影响

    This technique allows researchers to create solutions that selectively omit certain nutrients and then observe the resulting effects on the plants.


  • 看起来当通过观察特定染色体端粒长度我们实际上可以预测某些细胞能够成功分裂多久

    It seems that, by looking at the length of the telomeres on specific Chromosomes, we can actually predict pretty much how long certain cells can successfully go on dividing.


  • 某些情况下针对观察访谈现有成就的研究包含课程里。

    In some instances, field trips to existing establishments for observation and interviews are incorporated into the curriculum.


  • 通过观察一些现象相信人类习惯自然法则可以通过某些产品来融合一起。

    I believe, through some kind of phenomenon, human habits and the principle of nature can be embodied in product.


  • 他们正在观察某些影响也许短期的。

    Some of the effects they are observing may be short-term.


  • 多数定制清理器都会观察某些模型对象根据更改击发逻辑来使一个多个缓存页面到期失效。

    Most custom sweepers observe some model object, and based on changes, fire logic to expire one or more cache pages.


  • 可以通过观察某些常见问题预防内存漏洞

    You can prevent memory leaks by watching for some common problems.


  • 有些认为欧文同事只是观察到了大脑那些区域听见某些词语后的自发激活而已。

    Some argued that what Owen and his collaborators saw was nothing more than an automatic activation of those brain regions on hearing certain words.


  • 该组研究人员通过研究化石,发现后肢长度骨盆结构变化证据这种变化可能使某些黑猩猩容易直立行走,就像上述实验观察的那只一样。

    In the fossil record, the research team found evidence of changes in leg length and pelvic structure that may have made it easier for some chimps, like the one in their study, to stand upright.


  • 例如古人观察到了水滴某些雕琢过宝石可以把按照一定的方向折射出去。

    For example, ancient people discovered that drops of water and certain gemstones distorted light in a predictable way.


  • 仔细观察某些位,模仿看到的。

    Scrutinize how the lip forms certain sounds. Imitate what you see.


  • 问题某些方面神秘的,几乎人的,希望能让我们细心观察一下。

    This question has certain mysterious, almost formidable sides; may we be permitted to look at it fixedly.


  • 很久以前人们留意到:观察某些周期移动会产生镇静乃至催眠的效果

    Long ago people have noticed the soothing and even hypnotic effect, when watching certain cyclic movements.


  • 如果需要找出某些名称编号,以便设置特定屏蔽建议观察格式化输出一个示例。

    If you need to find some names or Numbers to set up a particular mask, it is recommended that you look in a sample of formatted trace output.


  • 果真如此的话通过观察我们亲缘关系最近灵长类动物之间的沟通交流,可能从中发现某些线索,证明人类语言到底是怎样咕哝有声或者打手势进化而来的。

    If so, it should be possible to find clues about how human language evolved from grunts or gestures by observing the communication of our close primate relatives.


  • 当时已经贝考察了15个月收集了大量野外数据这些数据大多通过某些黑猩猩个体耐心观察而得到的,珍还给这些黑猩猩分别取名为灰胡子大卫麦克、奥利菲菲

    By then she had 15 months of field data from Gombe, most of it gathered through patient observation of individuals she knew by monikers such as David Greybeard, Mike, Olly, and Fifi.


  • 以下摘录学生们就某些问题的观察分析,包括他们的学习方式如何发生改变,他们如何使用图书馆(如果还使用的话),以及如何利用图书馆的空间

    Below are excerpts of their observations on how studying has changed, how they use libraries (if at all) and how to use the space differently.


  • 某些情况下我们观察SharpReader接受guid放置交付提要站点地址的末尾处,以便构建链接

    Under some circumstances, we saw SharpReader take the guid and put it on the end of the address of the site that delivered the feed, in order to construct a link.


  • 对此思考一会儿观察某些其他迹象有了一个理论解释为什么超级天使们可能他们看起来聪明。

    After thinking about it for a while and observing certain other signs, I have a theory that explains why the super-angels may be smarter than they seem.


  • 某些情况中作为观察能力有限的。

    In certain circumstances the capabilities of a human observer are limited.


  • 编写大量访问者之后,另外一项观察发现就是功能某些通用片段多个访问者重用。

    Another observation after writing many visitors is that some common pieces of functionality should be reusable between visitors.


  • 国家联盟党应该某些清醒观察人士希望那样试着现政权保持距离,国家联盟党实际上是个重要党派

    Should the NUP come to exercise the kind of independence from the current regime as some bright-eyed observers hope, it would become an important party indeed.


  • 这项格拉斯哥大学科研小组进行的研究显示来自东亚观察更难分辨某些脸部表情的不同。

    In the research carried out by a team from Glasgow University, East Asian observers found it more difficult to distinguish some facial EXPRESSIONS.


  • 这项格拉斯哥大学科研小组进行的研究显示来自东亚观察更难分辨某些脸部表情的不同。

    In the research carried out by a team from Glasgow University, East Asian observers found it more difficult to distinguish some facial EXPRESSIONS.


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