• 像是木头一起摩擦。

    It sounded like two pieces of wood rubbing together.


  • 我们从小学到大学一直一起分道扬镳了。

    We went through school and college together, but then our paths diverged.


  • 我们白天和他们一起朋友短信他们一起上,一查看短信

    We text our friends with them during the day, sleep with them by our beds and check our messages as soon as we wake up.


  • 于这个名为“一卡车塑料”的作品,冯·黄和一群志愿者收集了1万多件塑料,然后将它们绑在一起,使其看起来就像是一下子从卡车上倾倒下的样子。

    For this work, titled "Truckload of Plastic", Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to look like they'd been dumped from a truck all at once.


  • 不管我们头天晚上是如何认真仔细擦洗吧台,第二早上,总上面发现个水印,看起来就像是酒吧老板位老主顾呆到很晚一起喝了似的。

    Every morning, no matter how much you had scrubbed and polished the bar top the night before, you would find three water marks, as if the landlord and two regulars had stayed and had a drink together.


  • 菲尔报告一句——“外祖母一起大都会艺术博物馆艺术专家”——仍然一想起来就忍不住想

    The first sentence of Phil's subsequent report -- "I went to the Metropolitan with my grandmother, which is an art expert" -- still makes her smile.


  • 大学里,找到学习玩乐之间的平衡点不是件容易的事,以下几个应用程序更是二者融合在一起难以区分

    Balancing study and play in a college setting has never been easyand with the following few apps, it’ll be tough to tell the two apart.


  • 如果卖空者预测将有一场危机被证明是错误的,他们看起傻子;如果他们是正确的,经济衰退时他们又会所有一起遭受损失。

    If bears predict a crash and are proved wrong, they look like fools; if they are proved right, they suffer with everyone else when the economy dips.


  • 还有早上一起非常想念牛排

    And there was the steak which he had got up longing for that morning.


  • 看起好像不想鱼,他们看起像是朋友一起游戏

    It seemed that the cat didn't want to catch it. They looked like very good friends and played a game together.


  • 午餐不同同事,一些你来就没有和他们餐的同事一起共餐。

    Have your lunch with different colleagues, colleagues you never talked much with.


  • 离线功能不是与生俱与特定站点浏览器有关系的,两者联合一起却是极为强大的结合。

    Offline functionality is not inherently linked to site-specific browsers, but together the two form a powerful combination.


  • 所以一起来就是:吃肉浪费污染我们天然资源-所需土地能量是植物性饮食的许多本身道德迫切需要)。

    So add it all up: Eating meat wastes and pollutes our naturalresources -- requiring many times the water, land and energy of eatingplants (a moral imperative on its own).


  • 我们一起上过一些课程来就失去联系了

    We Shared some classes, then lost touch.


  • 说,宽阔的大街看起来就像是一座高墙筑起的迷宫,那些巨大办公室,以及与之联系在一起大人物遥远而又神秘

    The great streets were wall-lined mysteries to her; the vast offices, strange mazes which concerned far-off individuals of importance.


  • 比如说揭发了一起5000万份退休金记录丢失的案件——如此重大的事件却被掩盖隐瞒公众多年

    For instance, it fairly recently came to light that 50m pension records had been lost, a disaster that was hidden from the public for more than a decade.


  • Google语音搜索Google操作系统整合一起需要在“手机”的限制进行连接

    Google voice search and the Google OS are a natural integration as well. There's no reason for that union to occur within the limitations of the "phone."


  • 引用例子,是关于三岁小孙子孩子父亲一起尼尔·戴蒙德音乐会的时候,他开始模仿这些,因为这我们一个玩具吉他,孩子经常漫不经心地去拨动它,那么接下:上音乐课。

    He cites the example of his 3-year-old grandson, who began mimicking Neil Diamond while watching a concert with his father. That led to the purchase of a toy guitar, which the boy strums constantly.


  • 我们一起上学以来就一直朋友

    We've been friends ever since we were at school together.


  • 这样从未听过的不同成分搀和在一起这样一会产生出一种奇怪感。

    There are ingredients mixed together that you have never heard together before, and that produces a strangeness .


  • 我们来就约好今天一起早午餐。

    And we have plans to go, to brunch together today.


  • 这儿一起在家里因为全部手段不是要提升只是摇晃你、冲击你,让你意识到你本来就从没有离开

    To be here with me is to be at home, because my whole approach is not that of improving you but just of shaking you, shocking you into awareness that you have never left the home in the first place.


  • 简单介绍主题之后接下大家介绍令人激动PHP基准测试世界我们一起进去吧!

    Having outlined the subject of this series, let's introduce ourselves to the exciting world of benchmarking with PHP. Let's get going!


  • 简单介绍主题之后接下大家介绍令人激动PHP基准测试世界我们一起进去吧!

    Having outlined the subject of this series, let's introduce ourselves to the exciting world of benchmarking with PHP. Let's get going!


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