• 晚清时期北京社会风尚全国一样呈现新旧杂陈特点

    The characteristics of Beijing's social fashions in the late Qing was the co existence of the new and the old.


  • 现在一切结束了感觉五味杂陈,”说道

    "I'm feeling a mixture of things now that it's over," he says.


  • 对于那些亲戚众多人们来说,红包珍贵传统变成一项让人五味杂陈的

    For many of those who have many relatives, hongbao has turned from a cherished tradition to an annual ritual that brings mixed feelings.


  • 如此覆沓卑杂,真伪杂陈诠释反应于“诗”上,文本不可避免曲解甚而掩盖了。

    With these numerous authentic as well as fake interpretations, the original text of the Book of Odes is disguised by the inevitable misinterpretations.


  • 互联网创造一个虚拟世界这个虚拟世界里,严格逻辑不那么重要,大行其道错综杂陈酷炫图像

    The Internet has created a world in which strict logic is less important than the juxtaposition of striking images.


  • 刚刚打扮好,希腊雅典举行欧洲CIO会议上发表了演讲,在回答观众提问时我感觉五味杂陈

    I just wrapped up speaking at a European CIO conference in Athens, Greece, and felt mixed emotions after Fielding questions from the audience.


  • 重病患者的心情五味杂陈她们感激悲伤、既欢喜愤怒、既乐观挫败可是这许多感受当中,大约只有半数公众面前表露出来。

    These folks admit to feeling grateful and sad, joyous and angry, optimistic and defeated, all at the same time; yet only half of their emotions are acceptable in the public eye.


  • 拾级而上到处醋栗松果金黄色李子错落杂陈一道图案奇特地毯上山

    Ascending the stairs, everywhere was covered with currants, pine nuts and golden plums, which scattered into a peculiar pattern of carpet to take me up to the hill.


  • 虽然这本书就像鸡尾酒一样让感觉百味杂陈批评者也里面故事缺少科学理论依据,但许多读者购买机场读物时的二之选。

    While the book makes for fascinating cocktail chatter, critics say the anecdotes don't support any larger theory. Still, it's a brainy airport buy that few readers second-guess.


  • 家族银行四月份倒闭,这共和党战略家们欢欣心惊并存,五味杂陈人一体。

    In April the bank collapsed, an event that filled Republican strategists with mingled glee and horror.


  • 这种处于科技前沿、市场需求旺盛的产品却不是日本制造人们感觉五味杂陈,毕竟日本科技头脑著称

    But there are some mixed feelings over the fact that such a cutting-edge, in-demand device isn't made in Japan, a country known for its tech savvy.


  • 尽管如此,79岁高龄艾斯伯格面对如此泄密文件,仍然五味杂陈

    Still, Ellsberg, 79, said he had mixed feelings about the release of so many documents.


  • 只不过互联网世界中显得更为突出因为在这里,良好信息、不那么好的信息、错误信息、故意误导的信息或者仅仅就是无知导致的错误并列一处,彼此杂陈

    It's just more dramatic in the World Wide Web, where there's so much juxtaposition of the good stuff and not-so-good stuff and flat-out-wrong stuff or deliberate misinformation or plain ignorance.


  • 苏拉塔一处关押着250名卡扎菲士兵军事监狱里,尼斯将军之死反应也是五味杂陈

    In Misurata's military prison, where 250 of Col Qaddafi's soldiers are being held, reaction was mixed to news of Younis's death.


  • 人生阅历告诉五味杂陈堆积会变味需要适时调制清明条路上行走,才不会迷途

    Life experience tell you, when the five mixed piling up too long, stale, the need for timely modulation Qingming, a road walk, don't lost.


  • 我们必须认识到,当今世界文化纷然杂陈丰富多彩。

    We must recognize that the world today is diverse, manifold, colorful and rich in terms of culture.


  • 中国对跨境电商零售进行税改政策引起买家卖家们五味陈杂感受因为这项政策提高零售价格

    The change of China's tax policy on retails sales on cross-border e-commerce platforms has triggered mixed feelings among buyers and sellers as the policy is expected to raise retail prices.


  • 故事新编》所创造跨越时空杂陈古今独特的历史叙事模式历史主义”小说古今杂糅杂陈、寓庄于谐的历史叙事之间形成了跨越时空的契合

    The unique historical narrative mode which has gone beyond time and space created by New Stories and the indiscriminate historical narration formed the correspondence which goes beyond time and space.


  • 百味杂陈煤矿工人脏了,他们头上指导思想不得

    To me, though, it was a hard fact to swallow: the dirt of the mines was okay for the working class but not for the thoughts of its leader.


  • 中国跨境电商告别免税时代。中国跨境电商零售进行的税改政策引起买家卖家们五味陈杂感受因为这项政策提高零售价格

    The change of China's tax policy on retails sales on cross-border e-commerce platforms has triggered mixed feelings among buyers and sellers as the policy is expected to raise retail prices.


  • 如同一味五味陈杂不断变换又带来舒适的感觉。

    It's like the jolt of a drug: shifting, comforting, cool like a blanket.


  • 悠悠的有了悠悠的四季作伴,便陈酿入口五味杂陈回味无穷

    Azure sentiment, with well-hidden four seasons, and if ordained aged good wine, entrances, mixed emotions, and memorable.


  • 活性炭疏水性吸附剂广泛应用白酒生产具有杂、作用

    Active carbon is a hydrophobic absorbent and is used in liquor production widely and has the functions of precipitate removal and mature acceleration.


  • 活性炭疏水性吸附剂广泛应用白酒生产具有杂、作用

    Active carbon is a hydrophobic absorbent and is used in liquor production widely and has the functions of precipitate removal and mature acceleration.


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