• 到那时我们我们多么强大也许我们必须比赛夫妇等待明确情况

    Only then we'll see how strong we are and maybe we've got to wait for a couple of RACES to have a clearer situation.


  • 那时我们可以真正理直气壮的宣称,我们媒体产业不仅自由,而且负责可靠

    If and when that occurs, we can truly state with pride that our media industry is not only a free one, but a responsible and reliable one.


  • 当修昔底德伯罗奔尼撒战争开篇纵览直那时为止的希腊历史个引人注目之处,即仅仅了一的篇幅。

    There's a striking moment at the start of Thucydides' "Peloponnesian War" when he surveys Greek history up to then. The striking part is, it only lasts a couple of pages.


  • 实际上到那时大多数电视盯着模拟时钟,那他们就不会注意了。

    In practice, though, many people will be watching the television or an analogue clock, and will not notice the leap second at all.


  • 那时蟋蟀睡觉了,我们已经了一份发现报告了。

    By the time all the crickets have gone to bed, we'll have a report of what happened.


  • 他们注意那时两个沼泽泥炭丘,1957年空中拍摄该地区照片显示沼泽都泥炭丘。

    They noted at that timethat only two of the bogs contained palsas, whereas aerial photos takenin 1957 showed palsas present in all of the bogs.


  • 那时需要大量字典才能完成翻译,我相信如果我再看到那时的翻译,我会觉得翻的烂了,毕竟真正工作真正的报酬

    I was still making a fair amount of reference to my dictionaries then, and I'm sure if I saw my translation now I'd be horrified, but it was real work, for real money.


  • 好吧也总算安慰相信吉英一定伤心得把命也送掉,那时候,就会后悔当初不该那么狠心了。

    Well, my comfort is, I am sure Jane will die of a broken heart, and then he will be sorry for what he has done.


  • 人类对于气候一定影响,但循环继续下去,总一天间冰期将会结束到那时冰层又将卷土重来。

    Human effects on the climate notwithstanding, the cycle will continue to turn, the interglacial will some day come to an end - and the ice sheets will descend again.


  • 尽管高山,但他们邀请加入却总是拒绝,直一个特别朋友十次邀请我时,我终于答应了,而直到那时,我才意识自己是多么害怕。

    Although I loved the mountains, I always said no to their requests to join them. After a particularly persuasive friend asked for the tenth time, I finally said yes.


  • 回溯那时,线粒体(细菌)还今天我们看的这样全然地改变了染色体的面貌,正常的细菌染色体几千基因

    Back then, the mitochondria didn't have stunted genomes as they do today, but normal bacterial chromosomes with several thousand genes.


  • 截止那时我们大概亏损了7000万美元,公司成本大概5亿美元,这包括别的公司引进技术以及一些其他的技术。

    By then, I think, we had lost about 70 million, the sum cost in the company was about 500 million from other companies and those other technologies we brought.


  • 2011年前,猛禽 战机不能干扰任何敌军雷达——并且到那时一半F-22那样能力

    The Raptor won’t be able to jam enemy radars, until 2011 — and then, only half the fleet will have that capability.


  • 那时或者婴儿紧张迹象许多医疗服务提供者考虑引产

    Many healthcare providers will not consider inducing labor until then or unless your baby shows signs of stress.


  • 如果个孩子能活到那

    But were some child of yours alive that time.


  • 在公元1610年阿国结束了舞台生涯,那时截止, 已经很多歌舞伎戏院效仿者了。

    Okuni retired around 1610 and by that time, there were many imitators of kabuki theatre.


  • 巴望变乖到那时依然你。

    Desire to one day you can chastened, then I still love you.


  • 或许心血来潮,我会可能会是完全不一样格调吧,希望到那时可以拿出来大家分享一下。

    Maybe one day, I'll draw a batch again on a whim, that would be completely different style. I hope I can also share my hand drawing with you at that time.


  • 那时我们通常情况下农村地区甚至还要好一些因为这里淋浴洗衣机校长房子里自来水这里自来水是罕见的。

    Until then, what we've seen is normal conditions of rural area, or even better, because there is a shower, washing machine, tap water in the headmistress 'house, which is quite rare.


  • 拉尔森瑞典但是曼联还是撒哈、鲁尼索尔斯克亚竞争射手的位置

    By then Henrik Larsson will have returned to Sweden but United will have Louis Saha, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Wayne Rooney vying for places in attack.


  • 珍妮花:等我们小孩知道了。看他们长大一样会觉得岁月催人老我们到那时是朋友。

    Jennifer: Wait till we have kids. It'll be the same deal. And we'll all still be friends.


  • 我们度过困难艰辛之后我们会回忆过去一些事情那时过去的一切都美好亲切的。

    One day, when we look back the past events after we had spent all the difficulties and hardships, the passed everything would become glorious and kindness.


  • 曲子会让回忆起过往时光时甚至将你的思绪到那时参加盛会时让你再次参加的感觉。

    Not only would the music remind you of good times, but singing along helps you to take your mind back and mentally participate in these occasions all over again.


  • 曲子会让回忆起过往时光时甚至将你的思绪到那时参加盛会时让你再次参加的感觉。

    Not only would the music remind you of good times, but singing along helps you to take your mind back and mentally participate in these occasions all over again.


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