• 今天结束之前我要提到一个生物学事件冬春过渡一部分如果耐心的话可以外面观察

    Before we close today, I thought I'd mention a biological event that's a part of the transition from winter to spring, something you can go outside and watch if you have some patience.


  • 分享独特的内容很难的,如果自己量化搜索引擎的话但是社会世界里很好的

    Sharing your unique content is something that would be hard to do if you had your SEO hat on, but in the social world, its fine.


  • 交换技术需求很大的情况下非常适用——如果需要大量带宽网络延迟用户的话,”格斯特尔

    "Flow switching works fairly well for fairly large demand - if you have users who need a lot of bandwidth and want low delay through the network," Gerstel says.


  • 如果倾听女孩的话——比如地铁里,咖啡馆里坐旁边或者,老天保佑女性室友——发现她们会谈很多关于男人的话题。

    If you listen to girls - for instance, in the subway, next to you in a cafe or, hey, you may be blessed enough to have female roommates - you will find that they talk a lot about men.


  • 如果一个VS 2005设计版本方案VS 2008中来部署应用程序的话引起问题

    This can cause problems if you have a versioning scheme designed under VS 2005, and then deploy the application via VS 2008.


  • 如果住房真益处的话就会预料经济繁荣时期,那些大量住房地区大量租房者的地区要繁荣。

    If owning were such a boon, you would expect neighbourhoods with lots of owners to have done better than those with lots of renters during the boom years.


  • 但是已经指望继续A计划的话段时间内牺牲下个人快乐——或者当前状态找到快乐。

    However, if you've got a family counting on you to continue with Plan a, you may have to sacrifice your own happiness for a while - or find happiness in your current situation.


  • 看到将近两百万星星围观自己,再的话也不知从何说起。还要告诉,它们仅仅占了球状星团的五分之一。

    When you've got two million stars to gawk at, not much else needs to be said, except this shows only one-fifth of the stars in this globular cluster.


  • 是否听说哪些外国记者新疆违反法律如果的话他们违反什么法律?

    Q: Have you heard of any specific cases in which foreign journalists broke laws in Xinjiang. If so, what laws did they break?


  • 那时犹大来到吉甲约书亚基尼洗族耶孚儿子约书亚说:“耶和华低斯巴尼亚指着神人摩西所说的话都知道了。”

    Now the men of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal, and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, "you know what the LORD said to Moses the man of God at Kadesh Barnea about you and me."


  • 事实证明,如果要通过改变日常安排满足锻炼需求的话一定一种需求感驱使着

    Turns out, if you want to change your schedule to accommodate exercise, you must feel a need to do it.


  • 如果这种“后门揖客”的经历很是好奇的话,一下一些注意事项也许为伴侣探索的路上帮助

    If you're curious about experimenting with ‘the backdoor’ then these dos and don’ts should help you and your partner on your way.


  • 诚然如果愿意的话可以轻易地比如说15页的分发稿中伪装混淆重要信息

    Yes, you could easily camouflage and obfuscate information in, say, a 15-page handout if that was your intent.


  • 那样的话太多原子了”梦露传送一头必须任何信息的原子代表科克船长。”

    "There's way too many atoms," says Monroe. "at the other end of the transporter, you need to have some blob of atoms that represents Captain Kirk but has no information in it."


  • 已经向公众推出之后不要再改变URL如果绝对必要改变的URL的话加上定向——这不那么引起惊慌

    Don’t change your URLs after they’ve been publicly launched. If you absolutely must change your URLs, add redirectsit’s not that scary.


  • 如果论点分析上困难或者不容易识别的话,这周能用那些论点,实践我们今天的内容。

    So if you got some arguments this week that you had trouble analyzing or you had trouble recognizing you'll able to use those arguments this week and practice what we're going to learn today.


  • 旁边一个随时提醒时间不断流逝的钟又还的话压力大,更难入睡。

    Having a constant reminder that time’s going by and you’re still awake may heighten your stress levels making it harder to catch those Z’s.


  • 同乘辆车的旅客中间个人对她的话先前的一些人说的话直截了当:“唉呀简直变成了一束花了!

    One among her fellow-travellers addressed her more pointedly than any had spoken before: `Why, you be quite a posy!


  • 简历中突出专长因为公司专门需要的话它们网上资料库搜寻合适的候选人。

    Emphasize unique skills on your résumé since companies will search online databases when they have specialized needs.


  • ——如果笔记本电脑的话尝试会议室工作一个下午

    If you have a laptop top try working in a boardroom for an afternoon.


  • 时候需要诚实的告诉他们类似这样的话,“我们依然工作或者依然工作”。

    Sometimes, you just have to be honest and say something like "We will still be in business" or "you will still have a job."


  • 但是如果真的去年或者时候需要提现的话突然发现资产四成,那些资产完全就可以生活的啊,这不就是灾难吗。

    But if you were really in need last year or the year before, and suddenly you see your assets drop by 40 percent, and that's all you're relying on, it would have been a disaster.


  • 粗略使用一下站点后,可以非常自信如果什么网页邮箱应用非常值得的话就是一个主要原因个:它提供缓存搜索功能。

    After using the new site briefly, I can confidently say if I had to use a web-based Email application, this would be the one, for two big reasons: Caching and search.


  • 如果一个创立者的话不是什么坏事但是如果4位的话而且每个人都已经了10%,那么接下来的7-10年中玩了。

    That wouldn't be bad if you had just one founder, but if you have 4 you're already at 10% each and you have 7-10 years more work left (not to mention 3 more funding rounds!).


  • 但是如果大众的话,总要办法可以聚会得意,让许多交集,所以需要Facebook个人主页

    If however you are in the public, one way or the other, and pride yourself on meeting and connecting with a good number of people, you need a Facebook page.


  • 所以如果更好的推荐的话发表评论中,并且不要忘了很多非常优秀视频其实就 InfoQ

    So if you have some other recommendations, please, feel free to comment. And don’t forget that lots of awesome videos are also available at the InfoQ site.


  • 美国幽浮协会提醒我们,如果将来某一近距离遇见不明飞行物的话以下8件事情需要

    According to MUFON, if you have a close encounter in the future, here are 8 things you should do.


  • 如果使用性能差的(无线)路由器并且与其距离的话很难获得令人满意的Skype通话。”说道

    "If you have a poor quality router and you are using wi-fi at some distance away from it, you could struggle to have a decent Skype conversation," he said.


  • 如果使用性能差的(无线)路由器并且与其距离的话很难获得令人满意的Skype通话。”说道

    "If you have a poor quality router and you are using wi-fi at some distance away from it, you could struggle to have a decent Skype conversation," he said.


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