• 有些犯罪有种病态的迷恋

    Some people have a morbid fascination with crime.


  • 独自旅行妇女来说有些地方其他地方容易出问题

    Some places are more problematic than others for women travelling alone.


  • 男人上帝女人恩赐吗?有些男人认为他们是。

    Are men God's gift to women? Some of them think they are.


  • 有些父母指责孩子健康掉以轻心

    Some parents are accused of being careless with their children's health.


  • 有些人来说草药就是不可能有效果的药材

    To some people, herbal medicine is quackery.


  • 有些人认为原住民批评,因为他们以与大自然和谐相处为荣

    Some viewed it as critical of the Aborigines, who pride themselves on living in harmony with nature.


  • 尽管有些软件数据引用学术界流行但它们带来其他好处

    Although some say that citations for software or data have little currency in academia, they can have other benefits.


  • 有些夫妇单身女子看作是他们夫妻关系一种威胁

    Some couples see single women as a threat to their relationships.


  • 有些老年人适应他们社会中不断变化角色地位可能痛苦的。

    Adjustment to their changing role and position in society can be painful for some old people.


  • 有些土壤碱性实际上某些植物的生长过高的。

    Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life.


  • 然而有些因素已经让人们这座雕像真实性产生怀疑

    There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statue's authenticity.


  • 而言严重的是,有些成员这个问题的。

    More seriously for him, there are members who say he is wrong on this issue.


  • 教育有些非常奇怪的看法。

    He has some very strange ideas about education.


  • 理解人们诸如此类问题有些愤怒

    You will understand that people get a bit heated about issues such as these.


  • 这个男孩此事记忆缺失有些事情记得了

    The boy has gaps in his mind about it. He is blotting certain things out.


  • 虽然大多博客别处报道新闻发表意见有些却做他们自己的报道

    While most bloggers comment on news reported elsewhere, some do their own reporting.


  • 不禁淡漠感到有些不乐

    She couldn't help feeling a little piqued by his lack of interest.


  • 有些来说,世界上最好小说另一些人来说,这小说枯燥难懂。

    For some this is the greatest novel in the world. For others it is unreadable.


  • 有些认为过多粉红色女孩不好

    Some people think that too much pink is bad for girls.


  • 他们认为有些只是某些类型媒体娱乐形式感兴趣

    Some people, they argue, are just more interested in certain kinds of media and entertainment.


  • 有些建筑当地人更广泛社区具有历史意义

    There are some buildings which have historical significance to the locals or to the wider community.


  • 大多数来说,控制语言能力有些语言中枢右脑

    For most people, the left half of the brain controls linguistic capabilities, but some people have their language centers in the right half.


  • 有些认为献血捐赠者健康有害事实取出少量血液时,身体迅速进行调整

    Some people hold the wrong idea that donating blood does harm to the donor's health, but the truth is that when a small amount of blood is taken out, the body will make a quick adjustment to it.


  • 他们有些工作成功要素持理想主义态度。

    Some people, they say, have an idealistic vision of work and what it takes to succeed.


  • 西尔贝格德说:“为什么这样做的一个原因有些注入产品商店某些气味过敏。”

    "One reason why not," says Silbergeld, "is that some people are allergic to certain scents pumped into products or stores."


  • 优美风景有些兴趣像以前那样带来美妙乐趣了。

    I retain some taste for fine scenery, but it does not cause me the exquisite delight which it formerly did.


  • 有些女人修车不感兴趣,有些热情的机械师

    Some women are uninterested in repairing cars, but some are enthusiastic mechanics.


  • 克劳迪娅来说有些规则发展有益的。

    To Claudia, some rules are good for your development.


  • 有些吸烟上瘾香烟就会他们造成伤害

    Some are addicted to smoking cigarettes, only several packets of which will hurt their lungs.


  • 位评论家这位哲学家著作回应不是所采取立场异端邪说就像有些断言的那样,而是任何这个话题有所了解的来说,它都不是什么新鲜事

    One critic's response to the philosopher's new work is not that the position it takes is heretical, as some have asserted, but instead nothing new to anyone who knows anything about the topic.


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