• 耽搁了–家里有事意外发生。

    I was delayedsomething came up at home.


  • 你们过来好吗?有事告诉你们。

    Can you all gather round ? I've got something to tell you.


  • 听着有事告诉

    Listen, there's something I have to tell you.


  • 我们深感不安离开了因为我们知道有事瞒着我们

    We left with a deep sense of unease, because we knew something was being hidden from us.


  • 星期四晚上上了瑜珈,很高兴有事可做打发晚上的时间。

    On Thursday night she went to her yoga class, glad to have something to fill up the evening.


  • 每个人都在工作,每个人都有事

    Everyone worked, everyone had something to do.


  • 今天下午有事

    I'm engaged this afternoon.


  • 不想详述那些发生情。

    He doesn't wish to go into detail about all the events of those days.


  • 恶意造谣完全实根据

    It was malicious gossip, completely without substance.


  • 知道加布里埃尔有事瞒着

    She knew that Gabriel was keeping something from her.


  • 借口有事要处理早早离开了聚会

    He left the party early on the pretext of having to work.


  • 借口有事处理早早离开了聚会

    He left the party early on the pretext of having work to do.


  • 这些指控完全有事实根据

    The allegations were completely untrue.


  • 这一理论似乎根据

    The theory seems to have no basis in fact.


  • 孩子有事没事总是在争吵。

    The children are always bickering about something or other.


  • 有事吗?什么忙?

    Yes? How can I help you?


  • 这些谣传根据吗?

    Is there any truth to the rumours?


  • 我们那时现在女孩子那么有事业心

    We weren't career-minded like girls are today.


  • 爵爷有事出去

    His Lordship is away on business.


  • 明晚有事吗?

    Are you doing anything tomorrow night?


  • 明晚有事吗?

    Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?


  • 希望介意这样冒昧拜访都没约定。

    I hope you don't mind me stopping in like this, without an appointment.


  • 航空公司决定执行这些规定先通知任何人,旅客带来很多麻烦

    When the airlines decided to enforce these rules without giving anyone a heads-up, it created a lot of problems for travellers.


  • 立即老师报告

    Report all accidents to your teacher immediately.


  • 本书包含了喜欢有事

    This book is a sort of combination of everything that I love doing.


  • 孩女孩们停止玩耍,来看莉莉是否有事

    The boys and girls stopped playing to see if Lily was all right.


  • 接下来就是路考

    All you have to do next is your road test.


  • 我们有事然后转向

    We chatted about everything and then Ben turned to me.


  • 马戏团里总是发生

    There's things going on at a circus all the time.


  • 真是好了。

    It was so nice to have things to think about.


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