• 生物医学研究使许多感染艾滋人们能够活得时间舒适

    Biomedical research will enable many individuals infected with HIV to live longer, more comfortable lives.


  • 这项研究中,女性心脏发作年龄往往男性大,同时也容易出现糖尿高血压并发症

    Women, who in the study tended to be older than men when they suffered heart attack, were also more likely to have concurrent complications such as diabetes or hypertension


  • 持续加速身体反应产生与压力有关的荷尔蒙似乎使容易心脏

    The continual speeding up of bodily reactions and the production of stress-related hormones seem to make people more susceptible to heart disease.


  • 年长父母合作精神学家成熟养育孩子来说一项优势——年长的父母体贴较少使用体罚时间与孩子在一起。

    Psychiatrists who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset in child rearing—older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with their children.


  • 准确——老鼠能够发现结核感染从而拯救多的生命

    It is also more accuratethe rats are able to find more TB infections and, therefore, save more lives.


  • 也是对这一流行的不同看法:人性化的看法。

    It's also a different view (视角) of the pandemic: the more human view.


  • 希望他们走过来说说话这样我会告诉他们关于这个的种种,似乎这样才符合常态

    I wish they could come and talk to me so that I could tell them about it - so that is seems more normal.


  • 精神可以扮演(其中)一个角色,只要我们变得投入

    Psychiatry has a role to play, if only we become more involved.


  • 几个一直头疼的折磨,我以为可能高血压别的严重引起的。

    A few months ago, I suffered from severe headaches. I thought they were caused by eye problems, high blood pressure or something worse.


  • 这种基因常见形式可以水稻容易感染白但是同时也会让水稻产生花粉

    The most common form of the gene makes rice plants more susceptible to bacterial leaf blight but also makes them produce more pollen.


  • 随着故事展开读者发现作者所言发热不仅仅生理一个征兆成为了以色列的现状写照

    As the stories unfold, the reader discovers that fever is not just a symptom of physical illness. It becomes a description of the existential state of Israel.


  • 雄性老鼠如果饮食不健康,其雌性后代容易类似糖尿

    Female offspring of male rats on bad diets are more likely to develop diabetes-like disease.


  • 无疑,男性女性相比、也频繁受到心脏发作心脏困扰。

    Heart attack and heart disease, of course, strike men more often and earlier in life than women.


  • 而肥胖容易出现糖尿关节炎心脏肝脏

    Fat cats and dogs were more vulnerable to diabetes, arthritis, heart problems and liver disease.


  • 如果脑波同步意识关键因素,那么应该可以期望癫痫发作时候,敏锐的知觉意识

    If synchronization were the key to consciousness, you would expect the seizures to make people hyperconscious instead of unconscious, he said.


  • 杜克大学医学心理学副教授兼哲学博士爱德华·苏亚雷斯发现同时执行多项工作容易高血压容易得心脏

    Edward Suarez, Ph.D., associate professor of medical psychology at Duke, found that people who multitask are more likely to have high blood pressure. Take that finding to heart.


  • 流行威胁尚未消退,《国际卫生条例》的实施帮助世界充分地准备应对大流行可能性

    The threat of a pandemic has not receded, but implementation of the IHR will help the world to be better prepared for the possibility of a pandemic.


  • 俄罗斯采取严格战略,开展结核艾滋诊断治疗工作。

    Russia adopts more rigorous strategy for diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS.


  • 最新一项研究显示,同样抽烟女性男性容易使患上心脏

    Smoking is more likely to give women heart disease than men, a study has found.


  • 虽然大部分工作涉及提高人们艾滋认知度,艰巨工作改变人们对艾滋态度及其行为

    While much of the work involves increasing awareness of the disease, perhaps the harder task is changing attitudes and behaviors about the disease.


  • 实在吃了一惊,我连什么结核知道几个后又被诊断为耐多药结核害怕了,我不知道能不能得到治疗。

    And then when I was diagnosed with MDR-TB several months later, I was even more scared. I didn't know if I could be treated.


  • 然而,如果说男性女性容易心脏至少在65以前如此,之后女性发赶来了),预防方面他们也相对优势

    Still, if men are more likely to be stricken with heart disease-at least until age 65, when women catch up-they have an advantage when it comes to dealing with the problem.


  • 研究有望创建筛查程序铺平道路。这些筛查程序可用于检验哪些容易衰老,年轻时容易罹患心脏其他

    The work is expected to pave the way for screening programmes to spot people who are likely to age fast and be more susceptible to heart problems and other conditions early in life.


  • 这种发脾气发泄怒火的方式一些明显弊端——诸多研究表明脾气火爆的容易心脏

    There are some obvious downsides to showing your anger in this way — some studies suggest that angry people tend to be at greater risk for heart disease.


  • 呼吁联邦提供资助使我们学校安全,并且全力遏止艾滋美国重新抬头。

    I called for federal aid to make our schools safer and for an all-out effort to turn back the tide of AIDS in America.


  • 有些方面家喻户晓,譬如容易患心脏胆固醇或者高血压

    Some are well known, such as the increased chance of getting heart problems, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.


  • 未经控制糖尿使怀孕复杂化并且生育缺陷患有糖尿妇女普遍

    Uncontrolled diabetes can complicate pregnancy, and birth defects are more common in babies born to women with diabetes.


  • 糖尿酒精如果太多酒,有可能患上第二型糖尿使糖尿变得严重

    Diabetes and Alcohol: If you are a heavy drinker, you are at a higher risk for developing "secondary" diabetes or causing your diabetes to become worse.


  • 糖尿酒精如果太多酒,有可能患上第二型糖尿使糖尿变得严重

    Diabetes and Alcohol: If you are a heavy drinker, you are at a higher risk for developing "secondary" diabetes or causing your diabetes to become worse.


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