• 强劲订票需求组织者感到开心,因为这表明了普通中国人奥运会普遍热情。

    Organisers will be delighted by the strength of ticket demand, which illustrates the widespread enthusiasm for the Olympics among ordinary Chinese.


  • 普遍就是他们关心普通民众故事

    Most common are stories of their care for ordinary citizens.


  • 有种普遍的假说暗物质极不稳定粒子组成,它们不能普通物质相互作用,甚至也不能,因此人们无法看到它们

    A popular hypothesis is that dark matter is formed by exotic particles that don't interact with regular matter, or even light, and so are invisible.


  • 有关首相避免正装产生有特权伊顿形象而选择穿普通套装报道激起了人民普遍不满

    Reports that the prime minister, who eschews formal dress for fear of reviving his privileged Old Etonian image, would wear a plain suit provoked criticism from many quarters.


  • 对于James来说稳定注意力成熟个体的普遍特征,普通状态打破只能源于混乱

    To James, steady attention was thus the default condition of a mature mind, an ordinary state undone only by perturbation.


  • 这些认定普通更为生动大多数香烟收回时的症候中普遍出现。

    They were rated as more vivid than the usual dreams and were as common as most major tobacco withdrawal symptoms. "[Source]."


  • 所谓的被动吸烟相当普遍,来自于英国伦敦大学学院的MarkHamer同事普通精神病学档案中这样写道。

    So-called "passive smoking" is very common, Dr.Mark Hamer of University College London in the UK and colleagues note in the Archives of General Psychiatry.


  • 所谓的被动吸烟相当普遍,来自于英国伦敦大学学院Mark Hamer他的同事普通精神病学档案中这样写道。

    So-called "passive smoking" is very common, Dr. Mark Hamer of University College London in the UK and colleagues note in the Archives of General Psychiatry.


  • 个得了普通感冒患者看过病后,5,还要打点滴普遍现象。

    It's not uncommon for a patient to go to a doctor with a common cold and be sent home with five boxes of pills and an iv drip.


  • 土,普通的,那种俄罗斯非常普遍Hochland品牌

    Cheese. Usual cheese, Hochland brand which is quite popular in Russia.


  • 误读现代阅读批评个比较普遍现象,然而长久以来误读一直被泛用一个普通词语错误解读阐释

    Although misreading is a common phenomenon in modern reading and criticism, it has long been treated widely as a common word referring to mistaken reading or elucidation.


  • 普遍语法参数组句法选项,能使普通语法广义原则不同的方式进行操作,因而使自然语言之间呈现明显的语言学差异。

    Parameters are syntactic options of UG that allow general principles to operate in one way or another and contribute to significant linguistic variations between and among natural languages.


  • 我们深知世上成功人数全人类百分之三,其它都是普通因此渴望成功是个普遍现象

    We know that success in the world number accounts for only three percent of all mankind, and the other people are ordinary people, so a desire for success is a common phenomenon.


  • 禁忌较为复杂问题既是普通语言现象,也是普遍文化现象

    Taboo words are comparatively involved issue. It is an ordinary language phenomenon and a common cultural appearance as well.


  • 山西省第1617届大中学生田径运动会成绩来看,山西省普通高校中长跑运动水平普遍较低无法全国水平相比

    From Shanxi Province, 16, 17th and high school students look at track meet results, Shanxi university athletics level generally low, compared with a national level can.


  • 作为一个普遍应用学说包豪谋求建立普通公民一切形式的艺术创作及其相互之间的依存关系。

    As a general doctrine the Bauhaus sought to establish the common citizenship of all forms of creative work and their interdependence on each other.


  • 小额诉讼程序世界各国民事纠纷解决普遍实行的一区别普通民事程序一般简易程序的制度。

    Small claims procedure, which has been widely adopted by many countries in resolving civil disputes, is different from general civil procedure and summary procedure.


  • 当前普通物理实验领域普遍存在问题作了分析提出改造必要性。

    This thesis analyses the problems that exist in the fields of current normal physics experiment, indicated the necessity of improvement.


  • 另外一个原因汉字讲中文地区所普遍使用的,不仅仅普通的人,包括讲广东话,上海话其他方言的地区。

    Another is that Chinese characters are used throughout the Chinese-speaking world, not just by Mandarin-speakers but also speakers of Cantonese, Shanghainese and other varieties.


  • 针对普通光源接收器传感器普遍存在反射光线遮蔽现象,提出一种自动消除光线遮蔽的方法测点快速重定位算法。

    Aiming at the beam occlusion of a single emitter and single receptor laser sensor, an automated approach for avoiding occlusion during measuring process was presented.


  • 贝娄作品积极乐观真实地描绘了人类普遍的生存状况,发掘普通身上的优雅高贵

    Affirmative, and optimistic, Bellow's works depict human existence and explore the grace and dignity within everyone.


  • 所以如何普通大众提供易于学习,易于理解易于操作交互式系统成为当前研究普遍关注问题

    So how to provide usable interactive systems, which are easy to learn, to understand and to manipulate for the common users, has become an issue of universal concern in current research.


  • 那个普遍工资只有几百年代他们一个普通职工工资至少有四五千

    Wages in that general age of only several hundred dollars, they factory workers an average wage of at least four or five thousand yuan.


  • 本文普通水平测试实际出发,分析了目前师范院校普通教学普遍存在问题提出解决这些问题的方法。

    Based on the facts of Putonghua Proficiency Test, this article analyzes the common problems existing in Putonghua teaching in normal universities, and put forth the solution to those problems.


  • 数字视频采集传输使用普通串口技术普遍存在成本较高体积较大速度较低等问题,而IEEE1394技术则多方面的优势成为一种较为理想的视频传输方案。

    There are some problems in the serial port applied to collecting and transmitting video, such as high cost, large size, low speed, etc. IEEE1394 is an ideal way to collect and transmit video.


  • 数字视频采集传输使用普通串口技术普遍存在成本较高体积较大速度较低等问题,而IEEE1394技术则多方面的优势成为一种较为理想的视频传输方案。

    There are some problems in the serial port applied to collecting and transmitting video, such as high cost, large size, low speed, etc. IEEE1394 is an ideal way to collect and transmit video.


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