• 多西方公司试图模仿亚洲人的这种做事方式,这种方式建立在普遍共识的基础上。

    Many western companies have tried to imitate such Asian ways of doing things, which are based on general agreement.


  • 教育专家这种普遍共识无可争辩地证明了一个不可改变学习原则主动性正确方法学术上成功基础

    This universal consistency among education experts indisputably demonstrates an immutable principle of learning: initiative and correct methods are fundamental to academic success.


  • 那么如何解释IMF迫切需要充实资金这一普遍共识呢?

    So what explains the widespread agreement that the fund needed bulking up urgently?


  • 普遍共识表达增加了所赋予伟大永不终止的责任

    The general accord with which it has been expressed adds to the great and never_ceasing obligations which it imposes.


  • 目前全球普遍共识是到2050年为止温室气体排放量减少50%。

    There is a broad consensus that we should reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 50% by the year 2050.


  • 然而,没必要进一步实施资产购买计划普遍共识并不意味着多数FOMC成员急于加息

    However, the broad consensus that further asset purchases are not necessary does not mean that a majority of FOMC members are in any hurry to raise interest rates.


  • 英语阅读能力培养和提高需要大量的阅读,这已经成为众多国内外英语教育者普遍共识

    It is a widely acknowledged fact that the improvement of reading depends heavily on a large amount of reading.


  • 有关员工满意、顾客满意以及满意映像方面理念已经得到普遍共识相关方面的具体研究非常有限。

    Even though the idea of satisfaction mirror between employee and satisfaction has been accepted, the related researches and findings are limited.


  • 篇文章主要针对外行提出的关于人工智能(ai)的基础性问题这里观点并非ai研究者普遍共识

    This article for the layman answers basic questions about artificial intelligence. The opinions expressed here are not all consensus opinion among researchers in AI.


  • 这些作品第二部分虽然使用还是传统工具,但图式已经超越地域性普遍共识阅读的对象。

    Though these works (of the second and third section) still use traditional tools, their patterns and content have broken through confinement by regions and are universally recognized and appreciated.


  • 虽然死缓制度缺陷我国刑法学界普遍共识大多数的观点是我国这一独创性刑罚制度持修正的态度。

    Although the death sentence with a reprieve system has defects of our country criminal law educational world is common, but most of the original in the fixed penalty system.


  • 阿伦-卡罗尔雷切尔-弗里曼是来自美国两位研究人员,他们选定了七个普遍共识搜寻了大量卷宗来寻找支持它们证据

    Two U.S. researchers, Aaron Carroll and Rachel Vreeman, took seven common beliefs and searched the archives for evidence to support them.


  • 近年人们逐渐认识译者创造性法律文件翻译中的重要性,然而在译者享有自由度问题上还未达成普遍共识

    Nowadays, people come to realize that the creativity of legal translators assumes an important role in legal translation and directly influences the quality of translation.


  • 磋商会议结果显示,众人“利用联络数据保护公众重要性上达成普遍共识并且认识到迅速变化的通信技术所带来挑战

    The consultation showed widespread recognition of the importance of communications data in protecting the public and an appreciation of the challenges which rapidly changing technology poses.


  • 虽然经过几代学者努力人们已经接近达成干涉概念的定义普遍共识追求更加严格科学、专业、准确的干涉定义的任务未完成。

    People are getting closer to a common sense of intervention by generation effort. But scholars still pursue a more strict, scientific and specific definition of intervention.


  • 虽然2007年IPCC报告因为指出了全球变暖原因受到赞赏,但是报告因为要达成普遍共识,出台过程比较缓慢导致许多新的数据没有被考虑在内

    While the IPCC reports of 2007 were praised for their recognition of the causes of global warming, the slow, consensus-based nature of the process, meant more recent data was not included.


  • 教师们必须加强学校保安普遍共识

    There is a general consensus among teachers about the need for greater security in schools.


  • 过去几十年里,人们如何美国取得成功似乎已经达成了普遍共识接受大学教育找到一份可靠的工作,然后一栋自己房子

    For the past several decades, it seems there's been a general consensus on how to get ahead in America: Get a college education, find a reliable job, and buy your own home.


  • 布什说:“尽管每个国家执行的具体方案可能相同,但是各国普遍适用原则达成共识防止今后发生类似危机的必要步骤。”

    "While the specific solutions pursued by every country may not be the same, agreeing on a common set of principles will be an essential step towards preventing similar crises in the future, " he said.


  • 亚欧会议成员国对此普遍感到关切加强合作,克服金融危机达成不少共识

    It has aroused universal concern among ASEM members, which have reached quite a few common grounds on how to strengthen cooperation and head off the financial crisis.


  • 现在各方普遍认为欧元区应该积极联手自救共识落到实处,我们希望他们的有关共识能够尽快化为行动有效缓解危机

    It is widely held that the eurozone should join hands in self-remedy and implementing the consensus. We hope their consensus can be translated into action as soon as possible to alleviate the crisis.


  • 单就一点已经达成了广泛的共识即使对于批评者而言查韦斯的确委内瑞拉穷人带来切实利益,像这样的说法已经普遍了。

    The claim that chavez has brought tangible benefits to the Venezuelan poor has indeed by now become commonplace, even among his critics.


  • 但是近些年业界共识已经发生变化大家普遍认为缩小现代半导体大小进程物理极限即将来临。

    But industry consensus had shifted in recent years to a widespread belief that the end of physical progress in shrinking the size modern semiconductors was imminent.


  • 普遍共识是,克里斯托弗·哥伦布出海之时,认为他正取道西部前往远东

    It is pretty common knowledge that when Christopher Columbus headed out he thought he was heading for the Far East by way of the west.


  • 这次会议上我们看到普遍共识,在短期内,在市场一些困难因为市场签约

    In this conference, we see that the general consensus is that in the short term there are some difficulties in the market, since the market has contracted.


  • 这次会议上我们看到普遍共识,在短期内,在市场一些困难因为市场签约

    In this conference, we see that the general consensus is that in the short term there are some difficulties in the market, since the market has contracted.


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