• 劳伦斯未知以下特征第一,未知无限的,超越普通世界

    For Lawrence, the Unknown has the following features: First, it transcends the ordinary world in being timeless and infinite.


  • 一些人猜想未来没有工作世界可以“不平等”这个词来定义少数富人拥有全部资本普通大众贫穷荒原上挣扎

    Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by inequality: A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.


  • 瑞安自己是“一个普通男孩”,喜欢上学时候冰球或者环游世界其他学生谈论他自己和工作

    Ryan calls himself "a normal boy" and likes to play ice hockey when he's not in school or traveling around the world talking to other students about himself and his work.


  • 那些第二次世界战后我们军队包裹在上面注明礼物逃避税款普通公民,根本没有费心发现“礼物”在德语中是“毒药”的意思

    Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after World War II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that "Gift" means poison in German.


  • 阿司匹林可能世界常见药物缓解的疼痛远非普通疼痛。

    Aspirin may be the most familiar drug in the worldbut its power to heal goes far beyond the usual aches and pains.


  • 常生活中,英雄是那些努力让世界变得更美好的普通人。

    Everyday heroes are normal people who are working to make the world a better place.


  • 那些认为世界已经尽头来说,任何普通天文现象都可以凶兆

    Ordinary astronomical phenomena are imbued with a sense of threat by people who already think the world is going to end.


  • 这个世界普通事物柏拉图型相中会处于高或的层次。

    Ordinary objects in the world participate to a greater or lesser degree in the Platonic forms.


  • 知道普通铝制飞机无法加油环绕世界

    He knew a normal plane made of aluminum metal could not make a trip around the world without adding fuel.


  • 但是大多数这些攻击却来自于全世界成千上万的普通计算机

    But most of them come from many thousands of ordinary computers, all over the world.


  • 世界通过极其重大的事件再次认识到,普通公民集体行动可以领导我们自由正义迈进

    Extraordinary events have reminded the world that the collective action of ordinary citizens can lead the march toward liberty and justice.


  • 作家丹·布朗一个友善普通人,他不是所想那种能够创造出《达芬奇密码》里的黑暗世界的人。

    Author Dan Brown is a friendly, normal guy — not the type you'd expect to have created the dark world of the da Vinci Code.


  • 以下的展示不是一个系统性排名评论可以用来作为这个充满活力但却经常困扰你深入了解的互联网世界普通指引

    What follows is not a systematic ranking or review, but a general guide to a very vibrant world that few have bothered to explore in depth.


  • 世界有机棉花最大的生产商——土耳其出售多于普通棉花20%的有机棉花。

    Organic cotton from Turkey, the world's largest grower, sells for about 20% more than the conventional sort.


  • 普通教育目的之一便是人们了解世界使成为好公民

    One purpose of general education is to inform people about the world and thereby make them better citizens.


  • 如果人们找到合适工具处理大量数据的话,想象得到普通人会对周围的世界有些什么样的发现深入发现吗?

    Want to know what kinds of insights into the world everyday people can find when the right tools are available to process plenty of data?


  • 看来,认为世界少了一个普通没有工作热情医生,实在不值一提的小事。

    In me, I think the world lost a mediocre doctor who's heart would not be in healing - so it was no great loss.


  • 很多时候我们察觉不到我们经常自己他人这个普通世界假定评价

    Most of the time we lack awareness of the assumptions and evaluations we constantly make about ourselves, others, and the world at large.


  • 如果普通随着年龄的增长,体重也会增加,这时候世界就会变小

    If you are like many people, over the years that you've gained weight, your world has gotten a bit smaller.


  • 布朗应该使反对者们觉得生活一个幻想中的世界里,普通则要在真实世界忍受痛苦忧愁

    Brown could not have said anything more exquisitely designed to persuade his critics that he is living in a fantasy universe while ordinary people suffer and worry back here in the real one.


  • 如果波兰斯基仅仅是个普通而不是世界著名导演,仅这个事件事实情况来看,还引起人们的一点同情心——尤其是知名人士们的同情心。

    If Polanski was just an ordinary man instead of a world-famous film director, the bare facts of his case would be likely to elicit little sympathy - especially from the world famous.


  • 一些普通手术世界其他一流医院只需支付美国本土医院五分之一的价格甚至更少

    Many common operations can be done in world-class hospitals abroad for a fifth or less of the price charged by American hospitals.


  • 几乎任何厂商都可以更加强大或者高规格的部件组成一部平板但是如果不找到一种取悦普通消费者方式,集世界之力也了你。

    Almost any company could put together a more powerful or spec-heavy tablet, but all the horsepower in the world can't help you if you don't find a way to delight the average consumer.


  • 有趣虽然获得了巨大成功同时也过着其它孩子那样的普通生活也是世界都会关注他的原因吧。

    What's interesting and will keep the world watching is that at the same time he's having this incredible success, he's like any other kid living a normal life.


  • 远离巴黎花花世界普通过着平静有意义生活,这种生活充满个人自由理想

    Away from the sophisticated glitter of Paris, the ordinary people lived calm and purposeful lives filled with the ideal of personal liberty.


  • 如此简短一部语言学历史,对于世界其它国家普通读者而言,也是一部通俗易懂,言简意赅的佳作。

    It would be a fine thing to have more such brief histories, made easily readable to the non-specialist, of the major world languages.


  • 16岁网坛小将杰米·亨特认为如果就读普通学校,他就可能成为世界青年运动员

    Tennis hopeful Jamie Hunt, 16, felt he could not become a world-class junior player while attending a regular school.


  • 16岁网坛小将杰米·亨特认为如果就读普通学校,他就可能成为世界青年运动员

    Tennis hopeful Jamie Hunt, 16, felt he could not become a world-class junior player while attending a regular school.


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