• 解决施中满足混凝土结构强度要求加快进度保证连续作业问题

    The technology can not only meet strength demand of concrete structure but also solve the problems of accelerating construction speed and guaranteeing constant work.


  • 地铁工程存在各种风险决策风险,工艺的风险、设计的风险、新材料的风险等等。

    Many risks, such as final decision risk, new technology risk, design risk, as well as new material risk etc., exist in the construction of Metro engineering.


  • 一项研究瓦茨观察了大四学生决策过程。

    In a study, Schwartz observed decision-making among college students during their senior year.


  • 那被了魔法幻象一切都显得多么像漂亮啊!

    How fairy-like does everything appear to her enchanted vision!


  • 我们许多人就像瓦茨一样很难把精力那些发布状态更新需要注意力任务上。

    Many of us, like Schwartz, struggle to stay focused on tasks that require more concentration than it takes to post a status update.


  • 1934年血液清洗一个纳粹党卫军小队在尔特··门口谋杀

    In the Blood Purge of 1934, a Nazi SS squad murdered Kurt von Schleicher in the doorway of his home.


  • 说:“地球工程计划平流层气溶胶注入云层将起到冷却地球的作用增加海冰范围。”

    'Geo-engineering plans to inject stratospheric aerosols or to seed clouds would act to cool the planet, and act to increase the extent of sea ice,' says Rasch.


  • 正如个人瓦茨的在线文章评论部分讽刺地指出的那样,“阅读非常出色的文章时,我至少停下来查看电子邮件。”

    As one person ironically put it in the comments section of Schwartz's online article, "As I was reading this very excellent article, I stopped at least half a dozen times to check my email."


  • 韦策同事引用一个典型例子2004年一家能源交易公司倒闭的事件,该公司经理们经济奖励激励销售人员达到特定的收入目标

    A prime example Schweitzer and his colleagues cite is the 2004 collapse of a energy-trading company, where managers used financial incentives to motivate salesmen to meet specific revenue goals.


  • 奥地利格里戈尔·里伦扎厄波兰扎科帕内跳台滑雪世界杯比赛腾空而起

    Gregor Schlierenzauer of Austria soars through the air during the ski jumping World Cup competition in Zakopane, Poland.


  • 立弗人们应该这件吸取教训

    Shriver said people should gain a lesson from the incident.


  • 父亲去世那一阵子,曾来看社区剧场的场演出查理·布朗的《你是个好人饰演罗德角色

    Shortly before he passed away, my father came to see me play the part of Schroeder in a community theatre production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.


  • 影片在天鹅湖序幕开始魔法师罗斯·巴特将公主变成了天鹅。

    The film begins with the prologue to "Swan Lake," in which the sorcerer Rothbart casts his evil spell.


  • 大米价格过去一年增长了一倍但是塞尔生产成本提高了

    The price of rice has more than doubled in the past year, but Stoesser says production costs have also risen.


  • 其实不是乌修仁第一次品尝到胜利的喜悦。 早2000年,同胞卡尔.瓦泽世界青少年冠军赛配对取得第一名。

    It was not long before the future British Open champion started tasting success after teaming up with compatriot Charl Schwartzel to win his first title at the World Junior Team Championships in 2000.


  • 我们仍然处在一个非常泥泞谷底过程,”纽约JP摩根银行全球市场战略家斯图尔特·韦策

    "We will remain in a very sloppy bottoming process," says Stuart Schweitzer, global market strategist for the JPMorgan Private Bank in New York.


  • 僧侣们接受在家人的时,不能拒绝任何食物的,不论食物是否动物配料成分

    As the monks make their alms round, laypeople give them food. Monks are not allowed to refuse any food, whether it has animal ingredients or not.


  • 接受休利特女士女士调查事业型女性,有四分之一工作时间年前每周增长了818个小时

    More than a quarter of the female high-fliers surveyed by Ms Hewlett and Ms Rashid report working between eight and 18 hours more each week than they did three years ago.


  • 这些问题瑞士的托马斯·鲍姆加特纳乌尔斯·巴赫一项令人振奋研究得到了阐述。

    All these questions are addressed in an exciting new study performed in Switzerland and led by Thomas Baumgartner and Urs Fischbacher.


  • 例如一项乐善好行为取得乐趣往往与之相关

    The pleasure obtained from a benevolent act is often relevant, for example.


  • 集约化农业生产使用化肥土壤的化肥会释放强大的温室气体氧化二氮。

    Intensive farms also use fertilizers which release the powerful greenhouse gas nitrous oxide when applied to the soil.


  • 守门班次记在下面,可拉族亚萨的子孙,有可利的儿子利米雅

    The divisions of the gatekeepers: From the Korahites: Meshelemiah son of Kore, one of the sons of Asaph.


  • 拉格认为,留存多孔岩石数百万海水出疏散的通道有助于减轻岩石承受压力

    Schrag argues that drilling an escape route for water that has remained trapped in the porous rock for millions of years will help ease the pressure on the rock.


  • 新型市场人才为何女性求胜的关键?”针对这一问题,塞维利亚•休利特丽珀•指出,新兴市场的女企业家们其实面临着重重障碍

    In "Winning the War for Talent in emerging markets: Why women are the Solution", Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Ripa Rashid point out that businesswomen face steep obstacles in emerging markets.


  • 平德勒格表示,奥交往合作富有成效。奥地利高度重视对华关系希望进一步加强友好合作。

    Describing Austria-China exchanges and cooperation as effective, Spindelegger said Austria attaches great importance to ties with China and hopes to further enhance friendly cooperation with China.


  • 平德勒格表示,奥交往合作富有成效。奥地利高度重视对华关系希望进一步加强友好合作。

    Describing Austria-China exchanges and cooperation as effective, Spindelegger said Austria attaches great importance to ties with China and hopes to further enhance friendly cooperation with China.


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