• 推行改革的努力始于1989

    The push for reform started in 1989.


  • 2001全面实行教育改革以来,公立学校用于准备标准化考试时间稳步增加

    Since the adoption of sweeping education reforms in 2001, public schools have steadily increased the amount of time devoted to preparing for standardized tests.


  • 我们期待俄罗斯2011能够开始进行真正改革成为广泛意义上西方一部分而进行的投标做好准备

    We hope that in 2011 Russia will begin the genuine reform, in preparation for a new bid to become part of a broadly defined West.


  • 1995开始,人们认识重要性时,改革迈出了更大步伐

    From 1995 on when people have recognized its significance, the reformation took bigger steps.


  • 2016中国出台涉及广大人民群众利益重大改革政策几乎人人从中受益

    In 2016, such important reform policies associated with the interests of the general public were introduced in China as almost each person could benefit from in life.


  • 1968美国国会通过了陪审团遴选服务法案》,开创陪审团民主改革时代

    In 1968, the Congress of the United States passed the Jury Selection and Service Act, ushering in a new era of democratic reforms for the jury.


  • 因为教育意义重大改革现行教育体制计划已经讨论

    Since education is of great significance, the plan of reforming the current education system has been under discussion for a year.


  • 围绕下一个经济计划激烈争论在领导层继续时改革呼声到来了

    The calls for reform come as intense debate continues among the leadership over the next five-year economic plan.


  • 改革3逐步实施

    The reforms would be phased in over three years.


  • 美国海军力量改革开始1940

    The transformation of American sea power began in 1940.


  • 然而格泰斯认为这些不同政党联盟并没有削弱改革团结现状尤其是19世纪30

    Nevertheless, Gerteis argues, these disparate party affiliations did not diminish the actuality of reformer unity, most prominent in the 1830s.


  • 格泰斯认为由于南方奴隶制妨碍了个人自治物质利益自由追求北方主要改革19世纪30就反对奴隶制。

    Gerteis argues that, since slavery in the South precluded individual autonomy and the free pursuit of material gain, major Northern reformers opposed it as early as the 1830s.


  • 如果四项法案都通过的话它们代表着密歇根州2013法律重大改革,该法律允许有限条件下测试自动驾驶汽车

    If all four bills pass as written, they would represent a substantial update of Michigan's 2013 law that allowed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions.


  • 然而,上世纪80中国开始推行自由市场改革;90代,印度紧随其后,国都实现了快速增长

    However, once China began embracing free-market reforms in the 1980s, followed by India in the 1990s, both countries achieved rapid growth.


  • 自从1951土地改革开始几乎每个沙哈普尔家庭自己的小块土地以来,村里人口翻了两番。

    Since 1951, when land reforms began that would settle almost every family in Shahabpur on its own plot, the village population has quadrupled.


  • 2000继承了父亲位置,本想一个改革的姿态出现,未能实现

    He inherited his father's position in 2000, portraying himself as a reformer but failing to deliver.


  • 曾经多产土地陷入耕,而原本预定2014完成土地改革期限也已推迟到2025,即使如此看来过于野心勃勃了。

    Once-productive land lies fallow. The deadline of 2014 for completing the reform has been postponed; 2025 has been mooted but even that may be too ambitious.


  • 现在,美国通用汽车公司广告中自己吹嘘成最棒的混合动力公共汽车的改革但是通用公司竞争这一新生意的还有全球性的大公司西门子公司纽约计划2006配备325辆BAE系统的混合动力车。

    GM is now touting itself in ads as the top hybrid-bus innovator, but Siemens is among the global giants dueling GM for new business, and new York plans to deploy 325 BAE Systems hybrids by 2006.


  • 1900以来塔夫特一直改革们走得很的洛克菲勒派朋友尼尔森·奥尔德里奇尤其亲密。

    Taft had been close to the reformers, especially to his Rockefeller-oriented friend Nelson Aldrich, since 1900.


  • 2001一次名为“布鲁塞尔号(Brussels II)”改革规定离婚必须诉讼送达的首个法院判决,以防止“选购法院(forumshopping)”行为,亦即离婚当事人选择对自己有利的法院提起诉讼。

    A reform in 2001 called Brussels II tried to stop forum shopping, in which each party sought the most favourable jurisdiction, by ruling that the first court to be approached decides the divorce.


  • 今后5我们下决心推进财政体制改革人民更好地人民谋利益。

    In the next five years, we will resolutely advance the reform of the public finance system, so that people's money will be better spent to meet their needs.


  • 形象刻板的废主义者,19世纪被称作“强盗男爵”的商人和银行家,18901920美国进步时代改革们,还有罗斯福新政,都理解历史绝好起点一个被刻板塑造出形象都需要批判修正

    The stereotypic Abolitionist, Robber Baron, Progressive Reformer, New Dealer is as good a place as any to begin understanding the past, but each of these inherited images needs critical adjusting.


  • 其中,2007至2008排在位的改革分别非洲塞内加尔(Senegal),布基纳法索(Burkina Faso)以及波沙纳。

    Three of the top reformers in 2007-08 were AfricanSenegal, Burkina Faso and Botswana.


  • 指出几十以来一些改革一直试图结束暑假

    He noted that some reformers have been attempting to end summer vacation for decades.


  • 指出几十以来一些改革一直试图结束暑假

    He noted that some reformers have been attempting to end summer vacation for decades.


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