• 预算办公室报告告诉我们底层80%人群向上收入重新分配基本上全部都收入最高的1%美国人当中。

    The budget office report tells us that essentially all of the upward redistribution of income away from the bottom 80 percent has gone to the highest-income 1 percent of Americans.


  • 最近超过25个国家访问了一些他们有的拥有每年自动递增收入有的是办公室逃跑出来的,大多数都没有退出工作岗位。

    I've spent the last four years traveling through more than 25 countries interviewing people who have automated income or escaped the office, often without quitting their jobs.


  • DHL公司办公室位于繁忙街道路口对面伊朗大使馆,处于喀布尔的高收入阶层地区。

    The DHL office is located at a busy intersection across from the Iranian Embassy, in an upscale section of Kabul.


  • 国会预算办公室上周报告收入最高1%富人所占的全国财富比例过去三十年翻了一番有余

    The Congressional Budget Office reported last week that the top 1% of earners had more than doubled their share of national wealth over the past three decades.


  • 我们通常可观收入角落办公室、外科手术刀法律学位联系到一起。然而原来金融界、医疗界法律界之外工作也会赚到可观数目金钱。

    We often associate hefty salaries with corner offices, scalpels and law degrees - but it turns out you can pull in a pretty penny working outside the financial, medical or legal fields.


  • 数据结果世界银行国家收入小组世界卫生组织区域办公室进行合计。

    Results were aggregated by World Bank country income group and World Health Organization region.


  • 虽然顶层收入财富来源有待争议,但是国会预算办公室(CBO)还是对此提供了一些有用细节

    The causes of the good fortune of those at the top are disputed, but the CBO provides some useful detail on that too.


  • 问过办公室看看然后补充一下贫瘠收入嘛?

    Do I ask you to come into my workplace and supplement my meager income?


  • 而且,都市白领的工资上涨飞快——上海办公室白领过去平均每年都会加薪,如今,他们收入已经翻了一番

    Urban white-collar wages have risen fast – the average office worker in Shanghai who received the average annual pay rise every year for the past seven years has doubled their wealth.


  • 而且她们遭受巨大收入损失相对于留下的,那些离开办公室或者更多收入少38%。

    And those that do suffer a swingeing loss of earnings: a 38% fall for those who have been out of the office for three years or more compared with those who have stayed.


  • 采用国会预算办公室”的预测推算数据,得到的结论未来10年里收入人士征收的税金可以冲减1万亿美元富的预算赤字

    D.P.I've extrapolated that number using Congressional Budget Office projections, and what I get for the next decade is that high-income taxation could shave more than $1 trillion off the deficit.


  • 最新国会预算办公室有关收入不平等的报告并没有说明收入顶层1%人群内部的情况,然而早的一份报告提供的截止2005年的数据列出了最顶层1%人群内部的情况。

    The recent Congressional Budget Office report on inequality didn’t look inside the top 1 percent, but an earlier report, which only went up to 2005, did.


  • 如果1980年代需要角落办公室,”25岁理事会会员MarketingZen创始人夏玛·卡巴尼(ShamaKabani)坦言,Marketing Zen是一家达拉斯数字化营销公司收入7位数

    "If this were the 1980s, I'd need a corner office," says Shama Kabani, 25, a Y. E. C. member and founder of marketing Zen, a digital marketing firm in Dallas, with yearly revenue in the seven figures.


  • 紧跟着收到了学校财政援助办公室寄来的一封信由于我家庭收入水平太高申请不到任何助学金

    This is followed by a letter from my school's financial aid office, saying I'm not getting a penny because my family's income level is too high.


  • 州长办公室人员表示作为州长,每年有一十五万美元的收入,体恤德克萨斯州的财政紧张,他已经尽量不奢侈品。

    The governor's staff said Perry, who earns $150, 000 a year as governor, has cut back on some luxuries in response to the state's tight finances.


  • 4月英国提高了收入税率上限大量对冲基金及其代理商办公室变得门庭若市。

    In April, just after Britain increased its top rate of tax for high earners, large Numbers of hedge funds and their agents started knocking on his door.


  • 现在,从事体力劳动常常办公室办事员收入优厚得

    These days , people who do manual work often receive far more money than clerks who work in offices .


  • 国家经济研究办公室被广泛认为衡量衰退的权威机构,他们使用复杂公式来计算衡量出衰退,这些公式考虑就业率以及收入增长因素

    The National Bureau of Economic Research, the recognized arbiters for dating recessions, USES a more complicated formula that takes into account such factors as employment and income growth.


  • 如果酒店能够办公室最高收入酒店商业上的道路一个绿色旅客评价办公室

    If you put your offices and business hotels on a section of road that has a green passenger rating, the office or hotel will make maximum income.


  • 告诉现在不是事实地图商务酒店结束办公室对面作出100%收入

    Let me tell you now this is NOT the CASE! I have had business hotels on the opposite end of the map from my offices making 100% income.


  • 不过只不过上交17.4%的税收收入办公室另外20名员工的税收百分比相比明显偏低

    But what I paid was only 17.4 per cent of my taxable income - and that's actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office.


  • 起来笔很大但是仅仅纳税收入的17.4%,这比起我们办公室其他20来说是一个必烈很小的数字。

    That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4 per cent of my taxable income - and that's actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office.


  • 国会预算办公室发现,1%收入最高的人,收入过去30年内了三倍。

    The Congressional Budget Office found the top one per cent's income nearly tripled in the last 30 years.


  • 现在,从事体力老动的常常办公室办事员收入优厚得

    These days, people who DO manual work often receive far more money than clerks who work in offices.


  • 美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)数据显示,收入居中的五分之一美国家庭实际承担的联邦税率2000的16.6%下降至2005年的14.2%。

    The effective federal tax rate for the middle fifth of households declined to 14.2% in 2005 from 16.6% in 2000, according to the Congressional Budget Office.


  • 办公室怎么微软制造收入办公室大头短棒微软用途保留其它软件商线路

    Office is how Microsoft makes most of its revenue, and Office is the bludgeon Microsoft USES to keep other software vendors in line.


  • 办公室怎么微软制造收入办公室大头短棒微软用途保留其它软件商线路

    Office is how Microsoft makes most of its revenue, and Office is the bludgeon Microsoft USES to keep other software vendors in line.


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