• 规划公司领导权易手次数几乎他们开业日期推迟次数一样

    Leadership of the planning corporation has changed hands nearly as many times as the opening date has been pushed back.


  • 推迟(港股直通车)QDII

    What has been delayed is the [through train] and not QDII.


  • 那些可以推迟事情需要占用空间

    Thoselaterthings are not important enough to keep clogging up space.


  • 分销商收到订单汇总处理推迟的订单

    Reseller receiving the order summary and processing the backorder


  • 推迟不会发生正在执行在线重组的表上。

    Deferred locking did not occur on a table which was executing an online table reorganization.


  • 由于推迟原因,第一季度收入预报低于预期

    Partly due to the delay, its first-quarter revenue forecast is now below average estimates, according to StarMine.


  • 就是会议推迟原因

    That was the reason why the meeting was put off.


  • 几年去过布拉莫尔小巷的天气原因推迟比赛。

    I went to a game at Bramall Lane a few years ago that was delayed by the weather.


  • 公映推迟一个原因便是,电影这个处于悲痛的地区太过敏感。

    One reason for the delay was the sensitivities involved in a region that is still in mourning.


  • 它现在已经成了螺旋式上涨的造价不断推迟完工日期的代名词。

    It has become a byword for spiralling costs and delays.


  • 支出大部分用于推迟硬件升级不过到了2010年所有方面的开支都激增

    Much of this spending will be in hardware upgrades that were put off, but the 2010 surge will carry across all sectors.


  • 新闻发布会上透露,这些日记公布日期一再推迟原因在于其中部分手写已经遗失

    One reason why the publication of the diaries had been put off was that some of the hand-written notebooks in which they were kept were missing, a press conference was told.


  • 如果公司推迟上市,推迟原因在于公司自身的问题,在于市场急剧波动。

    If it does postpone, it won't be because of weakness inside the company, but because the markets are simply too volatile.


  • 虽然推迟时间不会但是鉴于几周以来美国日益恶化经济形势,延迟个危险的信号

    That may not seem long. But given the deterioration of America's economy in recent weeks, the delay is dangerous.


  • 这些方法分为两过程任务模型包含自动删除设置,或者通过管理操作应用推迟或调度的实例删除机制

    There are two general approaches: either model the automatic deletion within the process or task model, or employ delayed or scheduled instance deletion mechanisms by using administrative actions.


  • 我们知道很多工具因此知道选择什么确切工具不是项目风险我们可以安全推迟决定

    We know that there are a lot of tools out there; therefore not knowing what exact tool we're going to choose isn't a risk to our project and this is a decision that we can safely defer.


  • 可以把邮件梳理一番,原定推迟的感谢回复提前完成;或者读一读一直打算;重新整合一下你的日程表什么的也可以啊。

    How about sorting through your snail mail, writing those thank you notes you’ve been putting off, reading the book you keep meaning to read, reviewing and editing your to-do lists, etc.


  • 比赛推迟以后某个日期举行。

    The match has been postponed to a later date.


  • 最后一刻推迟行程

    He postponed his trip at the eleventh hour.


  • 支持允许法官有些情况下推迟离婚判决规定

    He backed a provision that would allow judges to delay granting a divorce decree in some cases.


  • 他们推迟了要孩子为了建立事业这个通常理由

    They had delayed having children, for the usual reason, to establish their careers.


  • 医院工作人员推迟了让罗森鲍姆X光检查的时间。

    The hospital staff held off taking Rosenbaum in for an X-ray.


  • 法官推迟判决直到收到有关违法者医疗报告

    The judge will delay his verdict until he receives medical reports on the offender.


  • 法官推迟判决直到收到有关违法者医疗报告

    The judge will delay his verdict until he receives medical reports on the offender.


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