• 2001年美国经济衰退期间中国出口增长下降了25个百分点,同时进口大幅下降,因而GDP增长保持强势(官方报道)。

    During America's 2001 recession, China's export growth fell by 25 percentage points, but imports also slowed sharply, so GDP growth (as officially reported) remained strong.


  • 据官方报道日本海岸星期四凌晨发生强震。地震导致至少91受伤并引发了山体滑波,数千人的电力供应因此中断。

    A powerful earthquake struck off the northern Japanese coast early Thursday, injuring at least 91 people, triggering landslides and cutting power to thousands of people, officials said.


  • 官方通讯社报道俄罗斯当局已经找到了170金条20公斤

    According to the official news agency, Russian authorities have recovered more than 170 gold bars weighing 20 kilograms each.


  • 一名中国记者称,辆救护车不停往返该地官方媒体报道只有50名左右孩子获救

    Several ambulances plied to and from the site, but the official media have reported the rescue of only 50 or so children.


  • 新闻报道,地震已经造成65人死亡官方警告说:随着搜救工作的开展,死亡人数会进一步攀升

    The initial death toll was 65, according to news reports, and authorities warned that the toll could rise sharply as search-and-rescue efforts continued.


  • 《克拉克·斯维尔叶子纪事报》(Clarksville Leaf Chronicle)报道已经通过官方合法程序改变塔基州的出生证明田纳西州驾驶执照性别

    The Clarksville Leaf Chronicle reported that she had officials legally change the gender on her Kentucky birth certificate and Tennessee driver's license.


  • 国外媒体11月6日报道,爱荷华官方美国农业部已经证实,美国只宠物h1n 1病毒化验结果成阳性

    Officials from Iowa and the United States Department of Agriculture have confirmed a pet cat in the United States has tested positive for the H1N1 virus.


  • 官方媒体报道,陈某曾是另一所学校老师2006年因精神衰弱等问题办理病休

    Chen hadbeen a teacher at another school but went on disability leave in 2006 formental health problems, according to state media.


  • 中国官方媒体报道,营救人员矿道内输送氧气蔗糖增加幸存者地下黑暗空间中生存几率,并向他们喊话以鼓舞他们的士气。

    Oxygen was pumped in and packets of sucrose sent down to the increase chances of survival in the subterranean gloom, along with letters of hope to boost moral, according to state media.


  • 尽管北京方面付出了种种努力,但中国官方媒体报道如果市场状况仍然动荡农行也许还是缩减上市规模。

    In spite of Beijing's efforts, Agricultural Bank may still have to scale back the IPO if market conditions remain volatile, Chinese state media reported.


  • 巴基斯坦官方报道——如今已众所周知——个人实际上ISI情报人员。

    Pakistani officials reported - and it is now widely believed - that the two men actually worked for the ISI.


  • 官方媒体中国国际广播电台报道来自内蒙古河北北京的200警察为清除京藏高速大拥堵日以继夜工作

    More than 200 police from Inner Mongolia, Hebei and Beijing worked around the clock to break up the jam, state-run China Radio International reported.


  • 官方媒体报道,职工电子显示器,写到:严惩袭击者,还自尊医生

    "Punish the attacker severely and give dignity back to doctors," read a digital sign set up by the staff, according to state media.


  • 官方媒体报道,至5月底洞庭湖面积不及原来的45%。

    As of the end of May, Dongting Lake had already shrunk to less than 45 percent of its usual surface area, according to state-run media.


  • 官方媒体报道,130万在线投票者中,88%的网民同意增加假日总数,62%的网民同意将长假分散单日假期。

    Of 1.3m online voters, state media reported, 88% favoured the increase in total days off, and 62% approved of the shift to scattered one-day breaks.


  • 中国官方媒体报道昨晚山体滑坡洪水吞噬了西北的舟曲县至少有127死亡,2000人失踪

    At least 127 people are dead and another 2, 000 missing after landslides and floodwaters swept through a county in north-western China overnight, state media reported.


  • 中国官方媒体报道昨晚山体滑坡洪水吞噬了西北的舟曲县至少有127死亡,2000人失踪

    At least 127 people are dead and another 2,000 missing after landslides and floodwaters swept through a county in north-western China overnight, state media reported.


  • 德国《世界报》2日报道欧洲委员会近日法国斯特拉斯堡一次会议上建议47成员国官方报告中取消带有明显性别倾向称谓的词汇比如"父亲"、"母亲"这样的词。

    The Council of Europe has proposed in Strasbourg, France, that all its 47 member states avoid gender-oriented words in official reports, like Mother and Father, Die Welt reported Thursday.


  • 英国《卫报》16报道意大利水城威尼斯附近小城基奥贾,其中8000名居民姓氏完全相同,日前他们争取一项新的法令,获准在官方文件使用诸如"胖子"、"疯子"等绰号来区分彼此。

    Residents of a small Italian town where 8000 people have the same surname won a legal battle to use their nicknames on official documents, including "Fat" and "Mad," the Guardian reported Monday.


  • 巴西官方新闻机构——巴西通讯社报道这个山区75,000没有电力供应。

    Agencia Brasil, the official Brazilian news agency, reports that nearly 75,000 people in this mountainous area are without power.


  • “象牙海岸”官方下令调查事故NPR新闻的奥菲比亚·奎斯特·阿克顿报道,目前无法马上得知造成恐慌并引发事故的原因。

    The Ivorian authorities have ordered an investigation and NPR's Ofeibea Quist-Arcton reports it's not immediately clear what led to the panic that triggered the crash.


  • 中国官方媒体报道上海有五分之一幼儿园开展英语教学

    According to China's state media, about a fifth of pre-schools in Shanghai teach English.


  • 官方媒体报道除了那些已经被隔离卫生部门那些已经确诊H7N9患者密切接触身上没有发现病症

    Aside from the person placed in quarantine, health authorities have found no symptoms in any of the people known to be in close contact with identified H7N9 patients, according to state media.


  • 官方媒体报道除了那些已经被隔离卫生部门那些已经确诊H7N9患者密切接触身上没有发现病症

    Aside from the person placed in quarantine, health authorities have found no symptoms in any of the people known to be in close contact with identified H7N9 patients, according to state media.


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