• 拼命把自己紧身晚礼服里。

    I was shoehorning myself into my skin-tight ball gown.


  • 结果苏格拉底跳到里,并且拼命把往水里按。

    But Socrates also jumped into the river and pulled his head into water desperately.


  • 就赶紧合上了眼皮呀眨的,拼命眼泪忍住了。

    He shut his eyelids, trying desperately to blink back his tears.


  • 发神经啊?”乔治一边拼命袋子推还给哈利

    "You're mental, " said George, trying to push it back at Harry.


  • 周以后就要回家了,所以现在我拼命期末论文给写完

    I am going home in two weeks, so I am breaking my neck to finish all the term papers.


  • 美国大批化学品出口包装问题那位译员拼命的话往汽车工业靠。

    The American was talking about export packaging of bulk chemicals, but the interpreter was trying to fit his comments into the context of the automotive industry.


  • 这次的不期而遇使非常激动,勾起我无数奇思遐想但是还是拼命把精神集中在走棋

    I was excited by the encounter, and my fancy worked busily while I sought to concentrate myself on the game I was playing.


  • 一堆一堆出来了,船开始往下沉,拼命一些盐扔海里但是更多的盐从磨里出来了,一堆堆的。

    He tried to throw some of the salt into the sea. But more came in, masses of it.


  • 一堆出来了,开始下沉,拼命一些盐扔进海里但是更多的盐磨里出来了,一堆堆的。

    Masses of salt came out and began to fill the boat. The boat became low in the water. He tried to throw some of the salt into the sea. But more came in, masses of it.


  • 可以小型葡萄酒酒器,放置地点同样应该遵循上面所说的原则如果葡萄酒冷酒器放在凉爽的地方,需要大马力地拼命工作电费也就不会太高。

    You could also buy a small wine cooler and follow the same guidelines: If you keep your wine fridge in a cool place, it won't have to work so hard, keeping your energy bill down.


  • 拼命干活以便六点一切准备就绪。

    She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 o’clock..


  • 他们拼命拉动大炮火炮全都拉上山顶

    They hauled at the cannons onto the top of the hill.


  • 难怪好莱坞电影公司广播公司拼命阻止相似权力交给其他任何人尤其是乔布斯

    No wonder Hollywood studios and broadcasters are hell-bent not to hand similar power to anyone else-and particularly not Jobs.


  • 警察,该男子在救援行动拼命反抗,并试图接近冰点水中救出的救援人员身旁开,后来直升机吊索救上来。

    He then desperately resisted rescue attempts, swimming away from rescuers who tried to pull him from the near-freezing waters and climbing out of a sling dropped by a helicopter, police said.


  • 媒体报道,弗劳尔斯是因为有人付钱捅出来的,年前拼命否认这则绯闻

    The press reported that Flowers had been paid for the story, and that she had vigorously denied an affair a year earlier.


  • 斯坦伯格朋友进来的情况下青少年朋友到房间观看时,青少年冒险的机率提高了倍,之前他会停下来灯的地方现在会拼命冲过去

    In this case Steinberg added friends: When he brought a teen's friends into the room to watch, the teen would take twice as many risks, trying to gun it through lights he'd stopped for before.


  • 拼命地抓紧扶手让自己别掉下去,那个男人房间铁锤开始

    I held on the best I could until he ran into the apartment and grabbed a hammer and started pounding on my hands.


  • 西方国家则是拼命维护自己世界级影星一旦出事就会尽量伤害最小。

    Yet, in western countries, the governments will spare no efforts to protect the fame of their famous stars and try to minimize the hurt if something goes wrong.


  • 如果具备这种王者之势,智囊们就会着闹着加入团队,赞助人士也会拼命地往你的钱箱里面金条,犹豫不决的选民怀疑进肚里。

    If you are the inevitable candidate, operatives clamour to be on your team, fund-raisers stuff your coffers with gold and waverers swallow their doubts.


  • 一切都成为依赖一种习惯不敢想象没有日子将会怎样我会拼命守护这份你离开,让任何人你夺走!

    Everything has become a dependent on a habit, can't imagine a day without you will be how, I'll try very hard to of guard this love, don't let you leave and not let anyone take you away!


  • 拼命绳子试图自己脚解脱开

    He cut desperately at the rope in an attempt to free his foot.


  • 捉住旁边电线杆拼命想让自个停下来但是不可只脚一下电线杆持续前走。

    He caught a telephone pole next to the road, since a desperately want to stop, but can not, at two feet to pull him away from the poles, continued to go forward.


  • 我们晚才醒来这样火车发车不得不拼命加油干,行李箱好。

    We woke up very late and then had to work like beavers to get our cases packed before the train left.


  • 思嘉抓住拼命好像使劲摇就嘴里答案来。

    Scarlett laid hands on Melanie and shook her violently as if by force she could shake an answer from her.


  • 凡是需要减少预算的部门大臣必然会拼命反对,以图减少的部分转嫁其他部门。

    Each minister whose department was ordered to be thus pruned, fought hard to shift the cuts to someone else's department.


  • 喜出望外拼命船上拖,可是金链很长,似乎没有尽头

    He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it.


  • 喜出望外拼命船上拖,可是金链很长,似乎没有尽头

    He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it.


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