• 拉登吉达接受了中小学教育之后进入大学经济管理系学习获得学位

    Bin laden in education, primary and secondary schools gitai accepted after entering college economic management department learn and get a degree.


  • 这里拉登安全地带当地部族居民奉行“什图瓦里”行事准则衷心保护他们客人

    This is Bin Laden's comfort zone, where he enjoys the protection of Pashtunwali, the honour code that makes the local tribes fiercely protective of their guests.


  • 现在拉登手无寸铁情况下美军击毙,引发大西洋两岸人们不同反应

    Now bin Laden's death, after being reportedly unarmed, at the hands of American troops has brought a new wave of contrasting emotional responses from across the Atlantic, Reuters reported.


  • 拉登的盯梢,美国大选人潮,躲过剧烈爆炸绕过东南亚海啸袭击

    Flashes through Radden's following closely, evaded the American election the human tide, has hidden the ore difficult fierce detonation, bypassed Southeast Asia the tsunami attack.


  • 华盛顿——料到会有人怀疑,美国表示使用可靠方法拉登被烧死及时进行身份确认

    WASHINGTON - Knowing there would be disbelievers, the U. S. says it used convincing means to confirm Osama bin Laden's identity during and after the firefight that killed him.


  • 华盛顿——料到会有人怀疑,美国表示使用可靠方法拉登被烧死及时进行身份确认

    WASHINGTON - Knowing there would be disbelievers, the U.S. says it used convincing means to confirm Osama bin Laden's identity during and after the firefight that killed him.


  • 美国官员认为拉登电脑一呆就是几个小时,依靠送信人交到手上的U盘获取外界信息

    American officials believe that Osama bin Laden spent many hours on the computer, relying on couriers to bring him thumb drives packed with information from the outside world.


  • 拉登足球也颇感兴趣,尤其中锋的位置。无论什么时候,他都不会摘掉头巾

    The book, titled "In the Shadow of Bin Laden, " also claims that bin Laden likes playing football, preferably at centre forward, but he never takes off his turban.


  • 拉登只能三不五时一些越来越不靠谱讲话,甚至一手创建组织核心习惯没有的日子。

    As he was reduced to issuing occasional audio tapes of increasing irrelevance, even the core of the organisation he founded learned to live without him.


  • 词频的显著增加显示扎瓦赫里感受到了威胁,不安全感上升,也许意味着拉登之间权力关系转换。”

    "This dramatic increase suggests greater insecurity, feelings of threat, and perhaps a shift in his relationship with bin Laden," Dr. Pennebaker wrote in his.


  • 拉登的盯梢,避过美国大选的人潮,历这种危险只为说一句朋友情人快乐

    Flashes through radden's following closely, evaded the American election the human tide, has through this kind of danger, just to and you say: my friend, the valentine day is joyful!


  • 奥巴马发表演讲前后许多美国民众高举国旗聚集白宫附近他们高呼口号庆祝拉登死。

    Before and after Obama speech, many Americans have gathered to hold high the flag near the White House, Shouting slogans to celebrate the death of Osama bin Laden.


  • 几个月后扩大致命武力授权使用范围,扩大要打击的拉登党羽名单他们实施打击的条件

    Within a few months I had extended the lethal force authorization by expanding the list of targeted bin Laden associates and the circumstances under which they could be attacked.


  • 白宫随后公布拉登“背水一战”非同寻常细节。至此,全球重要通缉犯长达13年的追捕

    The extraordinary details of his last stand were disclosed by the White House as the 13-year hunt for the world's most wanted man finally reached its bloody end.


  • 由于拉登拥有极其先进通讯手段许多逃脱追踪掩护手法时至今日美国仍然知道在什么地方

    Because osama bin laden has extremely advanced communications and many escape tracking screen technique, today, the United States still don't know where he lives.


  • 为了求得孔隙近似界限,斯里西特以及后来的哥拉登费雷计算了均一球粒在不同堆积形式下的孔隙度。

    In an effort to determine approximate limits of porosity values, Slichter and, Later, Graton and Fraser computed the porosity of various packing arrangements of uniform spheres.


  • 表示拉登最大成就就是洛杉矶警局的“战士文化”扭转不是警察对民众什么而是民众做什么”。

    Mr Bratton's biggest achievement, she says, has been to turn the LAPD's old "warrior culture" into "policing as something not done to people but with people."


  • 表示拉登最大成就就是洛杉矶警局的“战士文化”扭转不是警察民众什么而是民众做什么”。

    Mr Bratton's biggest achievement, she says, has been to turn the LAPD's old “warrior cultureintopolicing as something not done to people but with people.


  • 校园分布于吉达老麦加以北,离市中心不远,在吉达这座沙特港口城市拉登度过了童年青少年多数日子。

    The campus spreads north from the Old Mecca Road, near downtown Jedda, the Saudi Arabian port city where bin Laden spent most of his childhood and teen-age years.


  • 30年后,当见到一张广为发表的摄于同年的拉登与其家人度假照片时,这位妇女方能认出当年的拉登

    After a 30-year interval, the woman only recognised bin Laden in her photographs when she saw a widely-publicised picture showing him on holiday with his family in the same year.


  • 官员们担心公布照片具有煽动性,即使能够带来证明拉登已死好处,这种好处也有可能被公布照片引起的反弹所掩盖。

    Officials have worried that releasing the photos would be inflammatory and could produce a backlash that would outweigh any benefits of providing evidence of bin Laden's death.


  • 过去8-10年里拉登已经少地退休了残余的时间能量着那颗通缉价格2500万美元的脑袋,苟延残喘。

    Bin Laden has been more or less retired for the past 8-10 years, spending his time and energies in staying alive with a $25 million price on his head.


  • 过去8-10年里拉登已经少地退休了残余的时间能量着那颗通缉价格2500万美元的脑袋,苟延残喘。

    Bin Laden has been more or less retired for the past 8-10 years, spending his time and energies in staying alive with a $25 million price on his head.


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