• 华为虽声称公司员工所有,甚少披露控制人员的的细节,从而引发了外界更多猜疑

    Huawei says it is owned by its employees but has released few details about who controls it, fueling questions abroad.


  • 根据建议书中的监管措施对冲私募基金将要披露更多信息、控制杠杆率,欧盟基金将会有更多限制

    Take that draft directive on hedge funds and private equity, a ragbag of measures requiring more disclosure, greater controls over leverage and tighter restrictions on non-EU funds.


  • 每日邮报》披露法拉利公司如果599GTB上采用这项技术,那么成本加倍该公司希望随着技术运用生产成本能得到控制

    According to the Daily Mail, Ferrari says the technology could double the cost of the 599, but Maranello hopes to bring those costs under control as it ramps up production.


  • 重要问题,由控制监督选稿、分发编辑那些更广泛公众披露文件

    The important question is who controls and oversees the selection, distribution and editing of released documents to the broader public?


  • 全部披露出来只是一个开始,让问题全部得到控制会难得多。

    Laying it all out is a start. Reining it all in will be harder.


  • 报销丑闻下议院尽颜面。如果五月份报纸开始披露那些泄露消息的时候,下议院马上公开声明那么这件事的影响本来可以控制住。

    The expenses scandal that disgraced it could have been contained by full disclosure of MPs' claims as soon as a newspaper began publishing the leaked information in May.


  • Con nolly今年,当听说一些飞行塔台控制工作的时候睡着了这些事情披露时,他并不感到意外

    So Connolly said he was not surprised by the recent Revelations that several air traffic controllers have fallen asleep on the job this year — a trend that u.


  • 其中一个涉及有关当事方控制提供资金,并没有这样做信息披露股东

    One of the controlling shareholder involving related parties to provide funds did not do a good job in information disclosure.


  • 本文依据信号传递理论信息披露角度内部控制质量进行研究

    This article based on signal transmission theory, researching the quality of internal controls from the perspective of information disclosure.


  • 研究结果表明公司治理结构整体显著解释内部控制信息披露水平

    The results indicate that corporate governance structure can explain the disclosure level of internal control significantly.


  • 相关信息需求者越来越关注上市公司内部控制信息披露的情况。

    Internal control information disclosed by Listed Company is more and more paid attention by information demanders.


  • 主要取决于审慎性监管制度是否健全银行内部控制制度是否完善以及对金融机构信息披露要求是否严格

    And this depends on the sound governing institutions, the perfect inside controlling system of Banks and the strict request of information publishing of Banks.


  • 第二本文选取了IPO公司内部控制信息及其披露情况作为切入点

    Second, the paper selects internal control information and disclosure situation of IPO companies as cut-in point.


  • 此外信息披露质量实际控制人拥有上市公司所有权比例相关关系,控制层次之间相关关系。

    Besides, quality of information disclosure has a positive correlation with the listed company's ownership percentage that the actual controller owns and a negative correlation with control hierarchy.


  • 随着内部控制缺位案例不断曝光相关政策法规相继出台使得关于内部控制披露数据易于获得。

    With the case of the absence of internal controls to light, and the relevant policies and regulations were introduced, making the data of disclosure on the internal control easily accessible.


  • 本文针对内部控制信息披露股价相关性进行研究具有一定的理论现实研究意义

    This article researches the relationship between accounting message disclosure internal control and stock price, has theoretic and practical research significance.


  • 合理公共决策机制需要同时激励信息披露控制政策偏向

    A rational decision mechanism can inspire information revelation and control deflection of policy from public interests.


  • 第五章本文结论及相关建议部分,本章提出了改善金融生态环境加强内部控制信息披露的多点建议。

    There are several Suggestions given to improve the situation of financial ecological environment and internal control information disclosure.


  • 意味着发明人极大控制着有关发明信息根据情况决定披露披露

    This means that the inventor is very much in control of the information concerning his invention and can disclose it, or not, depending on his situation.


  • 尽管这两个条文规定披露内部控制质量他们实力各不相同

    While both provisions require disclosures of internal control quality, they vary in strength.


  • 进一步回归分析显示:内部控制信息披露详细程度特定窗口内累积超额收益存在显著的正相关关系

    Through the regression, we also find that the detail of the information disclosure of internal control has positive relationship with the Cumulative Abnormal Return.


  • 一部分主要内部控制信息披露问题国内外研究现状进行了回顾作为本文研究的背景

    The first part reviews the domestic and international studies of the current status of the internal control information disclosure issues, as the background of this paper.


  • 股权集中度财务报告可靠性上市公司是否披露内部控制自我评价报告相关性显著

    Concentration ratio of Shares and the reliability of financial report haven't significant correlation with disclosure of Self-evaluation of Internal Control of listed companies.


  • 从而为我国内部控制信息披露制度完善提供经验依据

    Hope this empirical evidence can help to improve our disclosure of internal control information system.


  • 从而呼吁尽快统一内部控制信息披露规范以及尽快出台注册会计师审核依据

    Thus we call for the unification of the regulations of the internal control information disclosure, and the audit foundation of CPA to publish early.


  • 基恩自传披露自己队友膝盖严重受伤告诉应该转型成为防守中场控制比赛节奏

    Roy Keane revealed in his autobiography that his former team-mate told him to adapt his game after seriously injuring his knee by performing in a holding role to dictate the tempo of games.


  • 基恩自传披露自己队友膝盖严重受伤告诉应该转型成为防守中场控制比赛节奏

    Roy Keane revealed in his autobiography that his former team-mate told him to adapt his game after seriously injuring his knee by performing in a holding role to dictate the tempo of games.


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