• 他们的策略是借来办公空间办公,其他科技公司招募员工晚上开发这个项目承诺在募集到风险投资后给他们发放全职工资

    They strategized in borrowed office space and recruited people from other tech companies to work on the project at night, promising full-time salaries as soon as they raised venture capital.


  • 这项交易外国投资放宽首批成果之一

    The deal is one of the first fruits of a liberalization of foreign investment law.


  • 乔伊斯·格林伯格表示兄弟介绍,她的家人开始马多夫投资

    Joyce Greenberg said her family had begun investing money with Madoff after being introduced by her stepbrother.


  • 但是当今年最大股东之一表示反对,38%的公司投资拒绝支持去年薪酬报告

    In one of the biggest shareholder revolts of the year, 38% of the bookmaker's investors failed to back last year's remuneration report.


  • 市场大幅动荡投资风险偏好下降,新股发行数量下降,只有坚强的IPO才能上市。

    But following severe market shake-ups, investors' risk appetite wanes, the number of new issues dwindles and only the hardiest IPOs come to market.


  • 经历了两个熊市许多投资再也不愿意股票

    Experiencing those two bear markets has left many investors reluctant to buy stocks at all.


  • 在开罗不仅买房便宜对于那些“买租”的投资一个去处

    Cairo is not only the cheapest for buyers, but it may even be a good prospect for buy-to-let investors.


  • 汇金本周宣布干预消息中国投资的冷淡反应更为合理

    Fast forward to the Huijin announcement this week, and the phlegmatic reaction of Chinese investors makes more sense.


  • 上周五美国就业报告出炉投资关注的焦点将集中大类相关数据上:每周失业数据与每周连锁店销售报告

    Following Friday's jobs news, investors will be focusing on two related bits of data: weekly unemployment data and weekly chain-store sales reports.


  • (中铝收购失败)赴海外中国投资没有放松油门

    Outbound investors have not taken their foot off the pedal [since the Chinalco deal].


  • 经理人董事会发现经过这次他们投资带来的创伤他们很难将来声称自己是了解市场的。

    Managers and boards will find it much harder in future to argue that they know best after the pasting they have given investors.


  • 时间表差异投资来说意义重大轮升息开始那些利率更高国家投资者更吸引力

    The difference between rate-rising schedules matters a great deal to investors, who are attracted to countries where rates are higher since this boosts returns.


  • 危机发生投资率直线下降再也没有回归危机发生前水平

    These plummeted in the wake of the crisis, and have never returned to pre-crisis levels.


  • 主权债务得到重新组合投资大约损失原来债券价值三分之一一半

    Investors typically take losses of one-third to one-half of the value of bonds when sovereign debts are restructured.


  • 传言说,投资在抵制一些市场正在考虑再次买入欧元区债券

    There's talk that investors are thinking about buying euro-zone bonds again after boycotting some markets.


  • 华尔街充斥着悲观预测,伴随着新型美国住房购买经常性物品订单下降提醒着投资即使战争结束经济也会继续保持不振

    A dip on Wall Street undermined sentiment, with declines in new U.S. home purchases and durable goods orders reminding investors that the economy would continue to struggle even after the war.


  • 贝尔斯登覆灭,对投资来说商讨其他银行弱点并用资金支持他们观点完全合法的。

    After the collapses of Bear Stearns and Northern Rock it is entirely legitimate for investors to debate other Banks' vulnerabilities-and to back their opinions with money.


  • 成立21的贝莱德6月16日完成了对巴克莱全球投资收购已经成为世界上最大资产管理机构。

    With the purchase of Barclays Global Investors (BGI), finalised on June 16th, a firm founded a mere 21 years ago has become the biggest asset manager in the world.


  • 1991年前苏联解体投资争先恐攫取该国原先国有集体所有农场

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 foreign investors rushed to snap up former state-owned and collective farms.


  • 经历了数年令人沮丧业绩风险投资再次变得火热

    After years of disappointing results, the Venture Capital industry is red hot again.


  • 整个国家财富全部蒸发并不常见但是冰岛几乎就做到了,投资撤出,冰岛的货币克朗自由落体般快速贬值。

    It's not often that the wealth of an entire country is wiped out. But Iceland almost managed that when its currency, the kroner, got caught in a freefall created when investors bailed.


  • 投资应该按照同样标准给会面印象打分。

    Investors should then rank, on the same scale, their overall impression of the manager from the meeting.


  • 国际等级机构标准普尔美国长期信用等级AAA降至AA+投资对受此冲击全球经济复苏仍然自信

    Investor confidence in a global economic recovery took a hit after international rating agency Standard &Poor's downgraded the US long-term credit rating from AAA to AA+.


  • 全球经济放缓的担忧加剧周三投资争先恐地买入避险资产,导致日圆美元一度升至15年高点,同时股市大幅下跌。

    Investors sprinted toward safety Wednesday as fears about a global economic slowdown intensified, driving the yen briefly to a 15-year high against the dollar and sending stock prices sharply lower.


  • 全球经济放缓的担忧加剧周三投资争先恐地买入避险资产,导致日圆美元一度升至15年高点,同时股市大幅下跌。

    Investors sprinted toward safety Wednesday as fears about a global economic slowdown intensified, driving the yen briefly to a 15-year high against the dollar and sending stock prices sharply lower.


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