• 我想起码头上送行的们,他们对我们寄予希望,向我们投掷巧克力,热情地欢送我们。

    All those faces on the quayside, well-wishers throwing chocolates, beamed happiness.


  • 最新策略是,泼洒自己鲜血以及威胁投掷塑料袋包裹的粪。

    The newest tactics: Splattering their own blood and threatening to hurl plastic bags of their feces.


  • 抵制宵禁、大量齐聚斯利那加,更有一些边远区域警察投掷石块儿等等,这些每天上演。

    Each day, defying curfews, crowds in Srinagar and several outlying districts gather to pelt stones at police.


  • 参赛选手自己喜爱投掷手机品牌,“根据大小颜色握在手中的舒适度选择手机……有的觉得重的手机扔得更远,有的则喜欢扔轻的”。

    Lund says competitors all have their favourite throwing brand. "People choose by size, by colour or by how it fits in the hand."..


  • 今后任何试图携带芹菜之类进入斯坦福禁止入场球场内投掷芹菜也面临禁止观看比赛的惩罚。

    In future, if anyone is found attempting to bring celery into Stamford Bridge they could be refused entry and anyone caught throwing celery will face a ban.


  • 好战彼此投掷长矛。

    The people of war throw spears.


  • 每年八月后期数千用番茄投掷其他超过250

    In late August, thousands of people pelt each other with over 250 LBS.


  • 演奏会暴走,那些演奏期间交谈时常被投掷东西砸到。

    It also made him extremely crabby at concerts, he commonly threw things at people talking during his concerts.


  • 数以万计的加入这场世界上规模最大的食品大战投掷了上百熟透的西红柿。

    As tens of thousands of people hurled tonnes of squashy fruit in the world's biggest food fight.


  • 我们中间,有不少弟兄,时常恶作剧下去拉扯动物尾巴因为它们是没有翅膀的,还追逐着鸟儿们把硬壳投掷森林走过们。

    Perhaps some of us were rather too full of mischief at times, flying down to pull the tails of the animals that had no wings, chasing birds, and throwing nuts at the people who walked in the forest.


  • 那些惯会我们成功时来屈膝奉承,很可能就是失败阴云笼罩在我们头上投掷第一块阴险恶毒

    The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.


  • 那些我们成功时来屈膝奉承,很可能就是失败阴云笼罩在我们头上第一投掷阴毒

    The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.


  • MattHackathorn愤怒聚集事发当地投掷石块阿富汗警察试图往后以便美国离开

    Matt Hackathorn, said that an angry crowd converged on the scene and threw stones, and that Afghan police tried to push the crowd back to allow U. S. military personnel to leave. He said U.


  • 同时他们建议看到在他们的家禽周围有山狗的大叫制造噪音投掷石块赶走它们

    And T they advise people who see * coyotes around their property to chase them away by shouting , making loud noises or throwing rocks .


  • 节日中,欢庆的相互投掷带有香味的、五颜六色的彩漆香水

    During the festival, people throw scented coloured powder and perfume at each other.


  • 倾向跌倒他们的膝盖我们荣誉成功是以我们时也许投掷毒心石头第一个,当失败安定云彩我们头时

    The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its clouds upon our heads.


  • 格言被广泛引用男子思想家仍然是一个谜一般,“哲思锤子不安挑战投掷一些我们珍视信仰

    His aphorisms are widely quoted, but as both man and thinker he remains an enigmatic figure, "philosophizing with a hammer" and hurling unsettling challenges to some of our most cherished beliefs.


  • 那些一贯我们成功屈膝奉承可能就是失败阴云笼罩在我们头顶时,我们投掷第一块阴险恶毒

    The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.


  • 那些一贯我们成功屈膝奉承可能就是失败阴云笼罩在我们头顶时,我们投掷第一块阴险恶毒

    The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.


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