• 作为经常旅行的人,以及两岁孩子父母我们有时会想象我们其中人登上飞机,不手机朋友电影分心时,能多少工作

    As constant travelers and parents of a 2-year-old, we sometimes fantasize about how much work we can do when one of us gets on a plane, undistracted by phones, friends, or movies.


  • 愤怒小鸟已经手机飞到了电影图书玩具上那这个最出名手机应用程序之一会不会成为娱乐产业呢?

    "Angry Birds" is flapping from touch screens to big screens, books and toys. Will one of the best-known mobile apps become an entertainment franchise?


  • 些学生花太多的时间使用他们的手机听音乐,看电影或玩网络游戏,这将占用他们的空闲时间。

    Some students spend too much time using their cell phones to listen to music, watch movies or play online games and this will take much of their spare time.


  • 人们摒弃他们电视手机因为他们更喜欢一起那些超级动作大片喜剧恐怖电影

    People like to watch spectacular action films, comedies and horror films in groups and will abandon their televisions and mobile phones to do so.


  • 最初手机游戏仍然十分流行现在市场还有毛绒玩具,根据游戏改编的电影电视剧进展

    The original mobile game is still wildly popular, and now there are plush toys on the market and movie and TV deals in the works.


  • 尽管意大利人可用充满值手机娱乐消遣,也会智能卡付费观看足球赛电影

    Italians can buy football games and films by means of CARDS, much as they might top up a mobile phone.


  • 电影无影无踪》就是围绕手机一个巨大玩笑

    The movie Clueless is a gigantic joke about the mobile phone.


  • 他们不再同模特电影明星一道展示自己金制卫浴品、手机时髦跑车

    Goodbye gold commodes, diamond-encrusted phones and sleek sports cars on show amid crowds of models and movies stars.


  • 现在,全球电影行业为了新型娱乐方式(比如社交网络手机竞争,都普遍在影片中加入成本越来越高的数字化效果。

    The global film industry is packing movies with ever costlier digital wizardry as it competes with new entertainment choices, from social networks to mobile phones.


  • 时候,没有想过可以他们手机电影游戏或者手机写信并且能够穿越空间到达另一个手机

    Back then, no one was yet thinking of watching movies on their telephones, or playing games on them, or writing letters on them that would fly through space and end up on someone else's phone.


  • 那时电子游戏电影电脑手机等等这些我从未听说过。

    Video games, movie videos, personal computers, cell phones, etc. were simply unheard of back then.


  • 人们使用手机即时通信软件,电子邮件进行通讯,音乐电影越来越多的使用互联网进行传播。

    People are communicationg by cell phone, instant message, and e-mail, while music and movies are increasingly delivered online.


  • 他们禁止电影音乐铃声婚礼上的舞蹈(应该不是手机铃声——人无欲无敌),禁止观看播放足球

    They have also banned movies, musical ring tones, dancing at weddings and playing or watching soccer.


  • 比赛进行之中用户也许发短信叫萨,同屋中的其他人可能在摆弄他们手机或是平板电脑NETflix电影

    That user may also be texting an order for pizza during the game, while others in the room are tapping away on their phones or watching Netflix movies on a tablet.


  • 手机第一好莱坞大片中亮相在1954年BillyWilder导演,奥黛丽·赫本主演经典电影龙凤配》(Sabrina)中。

    One of the first appearances of a mobile phone in a major Hollywood movie was in director Billy Wilder's 1954 Audrey Hepburn classic, "Sabrina".


  • 新的操作系统允许用户他们手机使用iTunes购买电影将有家长控制功能

    The new OS will allow users to rent and purchase movies right from their phones using iTunes, and it will have parental control functionality.


  • 手机游戏愤怒小鸟》为创造灵感电影《里约大冒险》已于4月8亚洲全线上映

    Inspired by the hugely popular phone game Angry Birds, the film Rio opened in theaters all over Asia on April 8.


  • 博文管理层说:“假如电影黑鹰坠落出现手机看起来是Droid。”

    If there had been a phone in the movie Black Hawk Down, it would have looked like the Droid, ” Bowen told the executives.


  • 博文管理层说:“假如电影黑鹰坠落出现手机看起来是Droid。”

    "If there had been a phone in the movie Black Hawk Down, it would have looked like the Droid," Bowen told the executives.


  • 最好剧本能体现在电影上映时拥挤的多厅影院中,在那里每个人都很少检查自己手机短信因为他们完全迷住了。 这归功于电影制作人,他们已经圆满完成了自己的工作。

    The best-case scenario features packed multiplexes where individuals rarely check their text messagesthey are completely enthralledbecause the filmmakers have done their homework.


  • 迪斯尼日本分公司日前表示公司准备通过一种指甲大小的闪存卡销售电影如此一来人们便可以手机其他移动设备观赏电影

    Walt Disney Co's Japan unit said it would sell movies on flash memory CARDS as small as a fingernail so that people can watch them on mobile phones and other portable devices.


  • 愤怒小鸟已经手机飞到了电影图书玩具上,那这个最出名手机应用程序之一不会像米奇老鼠钢铁侠那样成为娱乐产业呢?

    "Angry Birds" is flapping from touch screens to big screens, books and toys, testing whether one of the best-known mobile apps can become an entertainment franchise akin to Mickey Mouse and Iron Man.


  • 爱尔兰电影制片人发现了穿越时空的有力证据查理·卓别林的默剧中女人对着一手机含混不清地说话。

    An Irish filmmaker has uncovered irrefutable evidence of the viability of time travel: a shot of a woman jabbering into a cellphone in a Charlie Chaplin silent film.


  • 林德斯特伦认为,部分原因是只有极少人遵守手机礼仪,会电影院内关掉刺耳的手机铃声。

    That, Lindstrom says, was partly because so few users practiced cell-phone etiquette and the blasted things kept going off in movie theaters.


  • 比如可以通过语音搜索最喜欢电影电视节目

    For instance, try using the voice search to find your favorite shows and movies just by speaking into your phone.


  • 影院已经尝试很多办法手机"安静",比如,让引座员制止观众接听手机,或者播放有趣的模仿电影预告提醒观众关机

    Theaters are trying a number of ways to silence cell phones, from sweeps by ushers to funny fake movie trailers urging viewers to shut off phones.


  • 影院已经尝试很多办法手机"安静",比如,让引座员制止观众接听手机,或者播放有趣的模仿电影预告提醒观众关机

    Theaters are trying a number of ways to silence cell phones, from sweeps by ushers to funny fake movie trailers urging viewers to shut off phones.


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