• 现在卡通网络克隆人战争令人激动动画形式真正地展现出来,十五年来星球大战剧情第一放到了电视上。

    And now, the Cartoon Network is bringing the Clone Wars to life in action-packed animation, the first time original Star Wars programming has been on television in fifteen years.


  • 这份报告究竟是预示这场旷日持久战争大获成功来告终还是仅仅只是另一场没有结果小规模战斗,现在决定权就掌握参议院那100位在身经百战勇士的手里。

    Whether the report presages a victory so resounding that it ends the long war, or just another inconclusive skirmish, now depends on the 100 battle-hardened warriors of the Senate.


  • 列兵身份参加了墨西哥战争

    He enlisted as a private in the Mexican War.


  • 一部未来背景的战争小说

    It is a war novel set in the future.


  • 他们被迫寻求庇护躲避战争

    They were forced to seek refuge from the fighting.


  • 这个星球气候持续恶化正在发展为至关重要战争,不论哪种标准衡量美国都在输掉这场战争

    The steady deterioration of the very climate of this very planet is becoming a war of the first order, and by any measure, the U.S. is losing.


  • 报道战争人性一面闻名,他所写的是穿梭于脏乱雪地和烂泥士兵而不是通勤多少英里攻占解放了哪些城镇

    Pyle was famous for covering the human side of the warl, writing about the dirt-snow-and-mud soldiers, not how many miles were commuted or what towns were captured or liberated.


  • 可能更愿意选择一个正常生活战争突然出现面前的时候,她同情决心做出回答曾经俄罗斯知识分子标志

    She would have preferred a normal life; but when war burst upon her, she responded with the compassion and resolve which were once the hallmarks of the Russian intelligentsia.


  • 印第安不满导致庞蒂亚克战争(1763-64)爆发后,英国当局决心整体解决印第安问题平息不同殖民地间的对立争端

    After Indian grievances had resulted in the start of Pontiac's War (1763–64), British authorities determined to subdue intercolonial rivalries and abuses by dealing with Indian problems as a whole.


  • 就获取一个更广视野理解美国从过去年间反恐战争”中得到的教训而言,再没有基尔卡伦的精彩著述更好的了。

    For a wider perspective on the lessons drawn over the past seven years of the "war on terror", the reader can do no better than turn to Mr Kilcullen's excellent book.


  • 学会了荷兰,荷兰语复杂的,1696年,土耳其战争发生的时候,或者其中战争时,他大使馆军人的身份匿名了西欧。

    He learned Dutch — and Dutch is a very difficult languagein 1696, while the Turkish war went on, or one of them he went off to Western Europe incognito as an embassy soldier.


  • 建立起一个巴勒斯坦国家任何协议必须1967年中东战争已有边界为基础,并加双方同意土地互换

    He says any agreement creating a Palestinian state must be based on borders that existed before the 1967 Mideast war, but "with mutually agreed swaps" of land.


  • 纪念碑查理·贾格尔莱尼尔·皮尔创作,体现技术人体惊人冲突撞击,独特的方式体现了战争破坏力

    Created by Charles Jagger and Lionel Pearson, the memorial is a shocking collision of technology and the human body. It enacts in its own form the destructive energies of war.


  • (美军)阿富汗行动却正好相反非常复杂令人沮丧,强烈暗示着阿富汗战争CIA在阿富汗秘密行动未来迪克。

    The Afghanistan operation was quite the oppositehighly sophisticated and devastating, with vast implications for both the war in Afghanistan and future clandestine CIA operations.


  • 美国阿富汗取胜前景感到悲观;59%的人他们对于战争胜利告终的信心减弱了。

    Americans are pessimistic about the prospects of victory in Afghanistan; 59% say they are feeling less confident that the war will come to a successful conclusion.


  • 一份死者名单,附带拉菲摩维支社论原定1941年发表纪念结束战争里加条约签订20周年

    An obituary, with a leading article by Serafomovich, was supposed to be published in 1941, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Treaty of Riga, which ended the Polish-Bolshevik War.


  • 不久宣布阿富汗战争策略回应将军们关于继续增加约40,000兵力要求

    He will soon announce his strategy for the war in that country, responding to a request from his generals for an additional force of perhaps 40, 000 soldiers to be deployed.


  • 战争反对者抓住了证据一样,库奇今天发表“无数的理由离开阿富汗巴基斯坦随便挑一个为题的文章。

    Opponents of the war seized on the documents to make their case. "92,000 reasons to get out of Afghanistan and Pakistan: Pick one," was the headline on a news release by Kucinich.


  • 八月三十一星期二这天,巴马发表演说,重弹美国人不会白流之类的老调平复党内反对派这场战争指责

    On Tuesday August 31st, Mr Obama will make a speech about Iraq that has to balance his own opposition to the war with reassuring words about American blood not having been spilt for nothing.


  • 恩格尔:认为蒂姆克里斯这么是因为他们很明显地喜欢记者这个职业, 他们能够亲身经历世界发生的重大事件获得直接资料并且做出重大影响.他们特写镜头的方式描述了战争,告诉了世人冲突的真实情况及受害者和士兵们的真实情况.

    Engel: I think Tim and Chris were doing this because they clearly loved it. They were in a position to experience world events first-hand and to make a difference.


  • 地,让我们坚决地战争看作有生命东西,一种人类社会寄生虫止战的想法老掉牙把戏,但也是最残忍的把戏。

    To indulge, one more time, in the metaphor of war as a kind of living thing, a parasite on human societies: the idea of a war to end war is one of its oldest, and cruelest, tricks.


  • 无论是战争时期还是在和平时期我们退伍军人一直在艰难的困境中勇气荣誉为国服务,表现出美国美国人民毫不动摇的忠诚。

    In times of war and peace alike, our veterans have served with courage and distinction in the face of tremendous adversity, demonstrating an unfaltering commitment to America and our people.


  • 赖斯此事发表态度强硬评论中,呼吁色列停止在1967年战争获取的土地修建定居点

    In one of her strongest comments on the issue, Rice also called for Israel to stop building settlements on land it seized in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War.


  • 尽管布什内阁已经开始了这种于幕后战争,但是巴马内阁真正扩大了这个战争的规模,曾经反对入侵伊拉克而著称。

    While the stealth war began in the Bush administration, it has expanded under President Obama, who rose to prominence in part for his early opposition to the invasion of Iraq.


  • 尽管布什内阁已经开始了这种于幕后战争,但是巴马内阁真正扩大了这个战争的规模,曾经反对入侵伊拉克而著称。

    While the stealth war began in the Bush administration, it has expanded under President Obama, who rose to prominence in part for his early opposition to the invasion of Iraq.


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