• 天进行意志力锻炼有助于你实现那些更远大的目标,比如复习备考或马拉松训练。

    Daily willpower exercises will help you with those bigger goals, such as studying for an exam or training for a marathon.


  • 可能经过几个晚上马拉式的周末

    This can be done over several evenings, or a marathon weekend.


  • 这样可以长距离马拉最后节省我们宝贵糖原储备

    This saves our limited glycogen reserves for fast running at the end of a long run or marathon.


  • 坚持每天跑步偶尔参与5 - K马拉活过不好动邻居

    Keep running each day, entering the occasional 5-k or marathon, and you'll outlive your sedentary neighbors.


  • 我们已经清楚了,不是免费比赛马路马拉松一样必须公开宣布才能成为免费比赛组会一份声明中说道

    "We think we have made it very clear that this is not a free event, like the road RACES or marathon, which have been advertised as free events," the committee said in a statement.


  • 承认运动员心态可能是一赛事决定因素马拉赛跑,甚至是一个不那么激烈比赛国际象棋

    I can concede that a player's mental attitude can be the deciding factor in an event, for instance, a marathon running or even a less strenuous game such as chess.


  • 皮皮托内:“处于合成代谢状态正在锻炼肌肉时,比如你是极限耐力运动员,正在进行马拉训练你是一名健美运动员。”

    "Anytime you're in an anabolic state or building muscle," Pipitone says, "such as if you're an extreme endurance athlete, training for a marathon, or you're a body builder."


  • 山姆进入一个世界是有冰箱马拉手推车普通外围建筑的世界。

    Sam entered a world of iceboxes, horse-drawn buggies and, commonly, outhouses.


  • 针对半程全程马拉训练跑步者应该强度训练之外增加一次45分钟的轻松

    Runners training for a half or full marathon should add an easy 45-minute run into the week, along with the intensity run.


  • 假设电台记者电视台记者,你正在马拉参赛者谈话

    Imagine you are a radio or TV reporter, and you are talking to one of the runners in the Marathon.


  • 如果目标某个特定的马拉比赛你受伤了,你需要把这个目标调整为参加半程马拉去参加其他的比赛。

    If you goal is too run a certain marathon and you are injured, you may need to change your goal to do the half marathon, or some other event.


  • 对于马拉而言长距离通常16英里长的距离,对于其他一些短距离的比赛,更的距离算是长距离

    For marathons, a long run is usually considered 16 or more miles, but for people training for shorter RACES, shorter runs can still be considered long runs.


  • 所以运动,参加马拉三项全能“募捐长跑竞赛项目的训练和好朋友一起工作帮助使事情变得有趣

    So, play a sport, train for an event such as a marathon, triathlon or "fun run," or work out with a buddy to help keep things interesting.


  • 想象一个世界级跑步者,是波士顿奥运会马拉的领头羊。

    Imagine that you are a world-class runner and are in the lead of the Boston or Olympic Marathon.


  • 现在做完项目跑完马拉松比赛真正感觉到开心

    Now, finishing a project or completing a marathon are things that truly make me happy.


  • 信件通过火车轮船运送圣路易斯然后这些信件转到陆路邮递公司马车上,这种马车马拉的车。

    The mail was carried by train or boat to St. Louis. Then it was put on overland company stage coaches — light wagons pulled by four or six horses.


  • 对于跑步者们来说刺痛感疼痛感的经历是很常见的,进行长距离项目训练尤为如此,比如半程全程马拉松之类的。

    It's common for runners to experience some aches and pains, especially if you're training for a long-distance event, like a half or full marathon.


  • 相关官员表示,日前马拉比赛中出现了部分参赛者抄近道冒名顶替参加比赛等作弊行为,此举严厉打击这种现象。

    Shandong sports authorities said the move aims to crack down on marathon cheating as some athletes had taken a short cut or even hired impostors to run for them.


  • 门槛一般是以5千米10千米配速稍慢一些速度跑,但是比半程马拉松的速度要快

    Tempo runs should be done slower than 5k or 10k pace, but faster than half marathon pace.


  • 但是怎样才能既休息又不降低之奋斗的5公里、10公里、半程全程马拉的水平呢?

    But how do you reap the benefits of rest without compromising your fitness for the 5-k, 10-k, half, or full marathon you've been working toward?


  • 巴西空军上校豪尔赫·阿马拉周三发现很长的金属物体搜救队员迄今为止发现最大的物体。他说这可能是机身飞机尾部的一部分。

    Jorge Amaral, a Brazilian air force colonel, said the long strip of metal found on Wednesday was the biggest piece that search crews had seen so far.


  • 旧金山马拉雅王山小国不丹,都禁止严格限制塑料袋使用

    A number of places, from San Francisco to the tiny Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, have banned or severely restricted the use of plastic bags.


  • 不过马拉多纳最终认定为违反关于攻击性动作语言”的第57条。

    However, Maradona was judged by Article 57 relating to "offensive gestures or language".


  • 塔毛利帕斯州万人坑受害者显然是遭锤击致死被人活活烧死,其中有汽车推销员、一位社会工作者一位来自危地马拉移民

    The Tamaulipas victims were apparently killed with sledgehammers or burned alive. They included a car salesman, a social worker and a Guatemalan migrant.


  • 长跑训练的时候1823英里”,Strand说,“在最后914英里,我用马拉松的速度更快的速度跑。”

    "I covered 18 to 23 miles in my long training runs," says Strand, "and I did the last 9 to 14 miles at marathon pace or faster."


  • 比如,目标完成马拉的一半距离,那么首先试试10000冲击5000米个人纪录

    If your goal is to complete a half-marathon, first try to run a 10K or shoot for a personal record in the 5K.


  • 比如,目标完成马拉的一半距离,那么首先试试10000冲击5000米个人纪录

    If your goal is to complete a half-marathon, first try to run a 10K or shoot for a personal record in the 5K.


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