• 这些博主可能热心工作人士,从业人员或者学者

    These might be the work of enthusiasts, practitioners or academics.


  • 多年来很多学者坚持认为,上网时间不一定占用花在传统媒体或者其他活动的时间。

    Over the years, many scholars have insisted that time online does not necessarily take away time spent engaging with traditional media or on other activities.


  • 1980年代明星不同,今天给人深刻印象青年学者位于其学科传统边界或者超越传统边界的领域利用经济学工具

    Unlike the stars of the 1980s, today’s impressive young academics are using the tools of economics in fields on or beyond the traditional borders of their discipline.


  • 1980年代明星不同,今天给人深刻印象青年学者位于其学科传统边界或者超越传统边界的领域利用经济学工具

    Unlike the stars of the 1980s, today's impressive young academics are using the tools of economics in fields on or beyond the traditional borders of their discipline.


  • 如今许多研究玛雅文明学者认为历法5,126年后完成个轮回(或者至少完成第一个轮回仅仅是“历法”推测的一个数值结果

    Now, purely as a consequence of the Long Count's numerical value, many Mayan scholars agree that the calendar will "run out" after 5,126 years (or, at least, it's first cycle does).


  • 我们不是突然心理学者迷宫老鼠或者冲入马戏团的大象,是我们制造了这个“非自然”的世界

    We are not like rats dropped into a psychologist's maze or elephants thrust into a circus.We made this unnatural world.


  • 基于一个证据,佛罗伦认为暗物质扮演角色其他许多学者曾经认为更加重要或者至少更加明显。

    Taken with other evidence, Ferrarese sees dark matter's role as more significant, or at least more obvious, than many theorists have considered.


  • 自己向要成为的男人女人,艺术家,实干家或者学者坚信科技帮助老师每位学生制定学习计划,能更好的因材施教

    Be you male, female, arty, practical or academic, she believes that technology enables teachers to fashion a learning plan for each individual.


  • 10年前,《经济学家》周刊发表了一有关世界上8位最优秀青年经济学家的文章,他们都是在其本专业获得明星地位三十五六或者更年轻学者

    TEN years ago the economist published an article about the eight best young economists in the world; academics in their mid-30s or younger who had already achieved star status within their profession.


  • 如果Python3的初学者是专门搞面向对象编程或者学习一些编程模式推荐给你这本书。

    If you're new to Python 3 and specifically object oriented programming or you want to learn about programming patterns, I recommend this book.


  • 这个帖子总结了关与Merb一些有趣的教程参考手册,这样Merb的初学者或者那些复习一下他们已经有的关于Merb的知识的人,可以从这里很快起步

    This post is to summarize some of the more interesting Merb tutorials and references, so that newcomers to Merb, or those who want to refresh their knowledge, can get started quickly.


  • 北卡罗来纳州阿巴拉契亚州立大学脊椎动物古生物学者Andrew Heckert也没有参与这次研究,但他欣喜的赞叹道:“拥有这些牙齿化石实在太完美了。 一般只能找到生痕化石[例如皮肤的痕迹]或者身体某个部位的化石,然后绞尽脑汁,想方设法的让它成为一个理论的典型论据。”

    The "fact they got these shark teeth fossils with the egg capsules is what makes it really neat, " noted Andrew Heckert, a vertebrate paleontologist at Appalachian State University in North Carolina.


  • 学者能够指出教学是否奏效或者教学当中的那些要点因为他们没有经验处理他们遇到的事情。

    Novices can't tell whether the instructions are working or not or which ones are important because they have no context to assess them against.


  • 我们不是突然掉心理学者迷宫老鼠或者冲入马戏团大象,是我们制造了这个“非自然”的世界

    We are not like rats dropped into a psychologist's maze or elephants thrust into a circus. We made this unnatural world.


  • 重新开始用那个时间表或者另外一个跑步学者项目没有什么不对,它们能够建立有序跑步习惯并且使你远离伤害。

    There's nothing wrong with going back to that schedule or another beginner runner program to help you establish a regular running habit and avoid getting injured.


  • 牛仔士兵猎人学者改革家农产工人,亦是位多产作家——或者泰迪·罗斯福神童合适

    Cowboy, soldier, hunter, naturalist, reformer, rancher, and a prolific author — it's probably more appropriate to refer to Teddy Roosevelt as "prodigy." Full stop.


  • 就意味着专家级程序员——或者测试人员分析师——可能一个处于“胜任”阶段,甚至可能高级学者”阶段的上司

    This means an expert programmer - or tester or analyst - will have a boss who is at best competent and most likely an advanced beginner.


  • 学者认为,KV55墓穴中的一些陪葬品是图坦卡蒙阿玛纳到底比斯的,阿玛纳正是阿赫那吞(或者孟克卡拉)埋葬的地方。

    The KV55 tomb contained a cache of material thought to have been brought by Tutankhamun to Thebes from Amarna, where Akhenaten (and perhaps Smenkhkare) had been buried.


  • 也许学者,以前从未过禅;或者你经常坐禅。

    Maybe you are a beginner and have never meditated before. Or maybe you are an experienced meditator.


  • 他们也是学者每个博学长老都是一个或者几个研究领域大师

    They are also scholars, each savant a master of one or more fields of study.


  • 一位德国心理学者GerdGigerenzer,谜底就是我们决定方式不是富兰克林或者现代决策理论学者帮我们设想的那些模式。

    The answer to these puzzles, says Gerd Gigerenzer, a German psychologist, lies in the way we make decisions, which is not how Franklin — or modern students of decision theory — think we should.


  • 但是著名日本人学者政客例行公事地拒绝给予直接军事力量沿着指责私有任何滥用承包人妇女变圆了的卷入或者使用

    But prominent Japanese scholars and politicians routinely deny direct military involvement or the use of force in rounding up the women blaming private contractors for any abuses.


  • 作家艺术家音乐家亦学术界学者一部大部头的作品也许他最伟大或者重要成果。(和后面的冗长好像有些吻合)。

    A magnum opus is the greatest or most important work produced by a writer, artist, musician, or academic.


  • 身材高大且学者派头的瓦尼并没有发言要点用法律术语或者委婉说法掩盖起来。

    But Varney, tall and professorial, did not hide her message behind legalese or euphemism.


  • 注意学者通常犯的错误忘了调用pack或者调用MainLoop。

    Note that a common beginner's mistake is to forget the call to pack or the call to MainLoop.


  • 注意学者通常犯的错误忘了调用pack或者调用MainLoop。

    Note that a common beginner's mistake is to forget the call to pack or the call to MainLoop.


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