• 如果这些可能我们可以时间泳池或者公开水域进行练习

    But if that's not possible, we always make time to get to the pool or open water to train.


  • 警察要求林家不要透露任何警察问询细节或者公开复仇谋杀动机

    The Lin family has been asked not to reveal details of the police enquiries or say publicly that they believe revenge may be a motive for the killings.


  • 别人以为太多时间,默默地,或者公开的,那些无故崩溃简单无用哀伤上。

    Others have judged me too many times – silently or overtlyas somehow broken or useless for the simple act of being sad.


  • 如此不会数据管理以及信息转交一个负有法律责任的第三出售使用或者公开

    By doing this, I don't turn over any data, control, or information to an onerous third party to sell, use, or exploit. I can close down the site when I want.


  • 如果这些邀请交易或者公开发放,那么账号邀请人的账号被禁用

    If any of these invites are sold, traded, or publicly offered, both your account and the account of the person you invited will be banned.


  • 一种有效降低复杂度方法复用已有资产比如复用组件继承系统,已有业务过程模式或者公开源码软件

    One effective approach to reducing complexity is reusing existing assets, such as reusable components, legacy systems, existing business processes, patterns, or open source software.


  • 仔细阅读间谍法的话,我们能够清楚地知道如果有人获得持有机密信息--不管他们是否传播或者公开了信息--那就是犯罪

    A careful reading of the Espionage Act makes clear that anyone who obtains and retains classified information -- regardless of whether or not they communicate or publish it -- is committing a crime.


  • 对于许多工业应用来说重要因为由于以前协议许可,这种场合下一般不希望公开代码或者公开代码是显然不现实的。

    This is important for many industrial USES, where it's undesirable or downright impossible to make the code public, often because of previous agreements and licenses.


  • 虽然哥切尔并非全民公决的官方代表,但是最近几个月俨然已经成为媒体宠儿,经常出现在脱口秀节目或者公开辩论会上,全民公决辩护

    While he doesn't officially represent the campaign, Mr. Goetschel has become a media darling in recent months, arguing for the referendum on talk shows and in town-hall debates.


  • 分配奖励方式应该透明公开的,这样员工就会认为奖励或者结果公平的,并且付出相等

    The way rewards are distributed should be transparent so that employees perceive that rewards or outcomes are equitable and equal to the inputs given.


  • 但是一点值得注意假如这种格式规范公开的,或者拥有访问的权限,那么虚拟设备移植另一种格式通常可行的。

    It is worth noting, however, that it is often possible to port a virtual appliance to another format, provided that the specification of the new format is open or that you have access to it.


  • 但是我们知道是否表明一个公开关系或者明确背叛

    But, we don't know if this indicates an open relationship or clear betrayal.


  • 没有公开或者合理机制收集来自社区需求宝贵的社区咨询

    There is no open or considered mechanism to collect requirements from the community and precious little community consultation.


  • 最后世行世行许多公开或者私下场合表示他们支持和要求我留任的人们一句特别感谢

    Finally, I want to say a special word of thanks to the many people inside and outside the Bank who have publicly or privately expressed their support for me and asked me to stay.


  • 他们认为金钱肮脏的或者视金钱无物,拒绝公开每月的开支情况,不会进行资产规划,更不会咨询理财顾问。

    This is the person who sees money as dirty, or who ignores money by not opening their monthly statements, not doing an estate plan, or meeting with a financial advisor.


  • 即使最好董事会董事成员回偶尔同事意见分歧,或者有时矛盾公开

    Even in the best boards directors will occasionally disagree with their colleagues, or sometimes go public.


  • 匆忙写作——打个比方,当你速记员口授或者在做公开演讲时——陷入装腔作势的、拉丁式的风格自然的。

    When you are composing in a hurry — when you are dictating to a stenographer, for instance, or making a public speechit is natural to fall into a pretentious, Latinized style.


  • 主管们是否公开互相反对或者争论是否不太明显

    Do executives fight with one another openly, or are the battles less obvious?


  • 但是责任感应当作为任何类型极端份子规定什么观点或者不能公开的借口。

    But that sense should not serve as a disguise for allowing extremists of any stripe to define what views can or cannot be aired.


  • 例如私有注册中心的实体现在可以复制另一个附属的私有注册中心以大范围内公开或者被复制到根注册中心(如ubr)供公众使用。

    Entities in a private registry, for instance, can now be copied into another affiliated private registry for broader exposure or into a root registry, such as the UBR, for public consumption.


  • 对于衣柜里(指公开表明身份)或者没有足够的社会支持男人来说,问题可能严重

    The problem may be more severe for men who remain in the closet or those who don't have adequate social support.


  • 个定义性的特征从不或者很少公开承认错误

    One of its defining characteristics is never, ever, to admit to a mistake in public.


  • 每一个坚持下来摄影师同样依赖其他人照片,这些照片可能公开或者私有的,严肃的或者搞笑的但是也提醒他们社会的存在。

    Every photographer who has lasted has depended on other people's pictures too - photographs that may be public or private, serious or funny, but that carry with them a reminder of community.


  • 蓄意公开或者传播机密信息违反联邦法律

    It is against federal law to knowingly and willfully disclose or transmit classified information.


  • 第二则是表现焦虑通常是害怕公开发言或者被叫群人面前表演

    The second is a performance-based anxiety, usually the fear of public speaking or the fear of being asked to perform in front of a group.


  • 第二则是表现焦虑通常是害怕公开发言或者被叫群人面前表演

    The second is a performance-based anxiety, usually the fear of public speaking or the fear of being asked to perform in front of a group.


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