• 教师们表示他们课程结束放学给予个别学生另外辅导,必要时还会安排额外的作业

    Teachers say that they give individual help at the end of a lesson or after school, setting extra work if necessary.


  • 全世界数百癌症患者,将卵巢睾丸组织冷冻起来,以期治疗结束后有孩子。

    Hundreds of cancer patients worldwide have ovarian tissue and testicular tissue frozen in the hope of being able to have children once their treatment has finished.


  • 用户会话结束通过注销关闭浏览器必须用户重建bean

    When the user's session ends (either by logging out or closing the browser window), the bean must be recreated for that user.


  • 另一健身房不能做的事就是不要力量训练器械健身器材乱这样健身结束下一健身者很容易就找到它们

    Another no-no is "not putting your weights or equipment away when you're through with them so the next person can find them easily."


  • 诚然,这场危机结束华尔街游说者反对资本金要求流动性方面的繁重监管

    The lobbies of Wall Street will, it is true, resist onerous regulation of capital requirements or liquidity, after this crisis is over.


  • 些日子任何一个希望举办大型体育赛事——尤其是奥运会以及足球世界杯——的城市国家都竭力吹捧赛事结束后宝贵遗产”。

    THESE days any city or country hoping to stage a big sporting festival, especially the Olympic games and the football World Cup, trumpets the “legacy” that the event will leave.


  • 用户可以任何用户分配一个活动任务设置优先级活动结束后删除活动。

    A user can assign an activity or a to-do to any user, set priority, or delete the activity when the activity is over.


  • 面试结束后一定要及时跟进无论觉得面试情况如何,在小时第二发送一封询问续进展电邮都是很好的求职习惯。

    When your interview is over, FOLLOW UP! Send a follow up e-mail as soon as possible, a few hours later or the next day are good rules of thumb, regardless of if you think it went well.


  • 单位工作结束后斯塔克建议体育馆锻炼一会儿、去杂货店买点东西一会儿指甲。

    After work, Stack suggested going to the gym or running errands like grocery shopping or getting a manicure.


  • 结束长跑不要急于休息使身体马上处于静止状态,可以几百原地蹦跳踢腿

    Don't stop immediately and don't have your body in actionless status. Please have jumps and kicks in the place or walk for a hundred meters.


  • 可以为已作出决策提供信息使其在项目结束后通过资产总结活动(可能包括所有从以往经验中得到的正式非正式评论)将信息反馈给指导模型

    It can feed information about decisions made back to the guidance model after project closure via asset harvesting activities that might include informal or formal lessons learned reviews.


  • exec-step *stopped消息一个OOB记录它提供关于断点检查点目标暂停结束原因信息

    The *stopped message after -exec-step is an OOB record that provides information about breakpoints, watchpoints, and why the target has halted or finished.


  • 文件检查发生check函数中,仅简单地检查波浪号(~)井号(#)结束文件,以井号开始扩展名 .pyc 结束文件

    File checking occurs in the check function and simply looks for files ending with a tilde (~) or pound sign (#), beginning with a pound sign, or ending with the extension .pyc.


  • 但是一旦结束哈佛商学院其他顶级学术机构学习,你在日常中遇到大多数可能聪明

    But once you've finished at Harvard Business School or any other top academic institution, the vast majority of people you'll interact with on a day-to-day basis may not be smarter than you.


  • 对于错误EOF[文件结束],返回NULL,这是stdio . h中定义的;循环结束我们会检查究竟是哪种情况。

    It returns NULL, defined in stdio.h, for either error or EOF [end-of-file]; after the loop, we check for which one occurred.


  • 任何承载航空航天局航天员太空的飞船,都必须执行23次任务2011年即将结束服役的航天飞机高安全等级

    The agency wants any spaceships flying its astronauts to be an order of magnitude safer than the space shuttles, which are being retired in 2011 after two or possibly three missions.


  • 比如一个Party度假结束人们往往e - mail其他参与者以确认是否可以Facebook上发布照片

    For instance, after a party or vacation, people will often E-mail others in the group to find out if it is O.K. to post the photos on Facebook.


  • 10月份世博会结束,有很多国家拆除变成写字楼零售中心。 一个在这里工作了多年美国建筑师Ben Wood告诉我们是个很好的计划,很多污染严重的工厂被搬走。

    When the Expo ends in October, most of the pavilions will be demolished and much of the site will be turned into office and retail space.


  • 过去没有替代方法可用来捕获定制绑定过程结束后的System .exitJVMexit

    In the past, there was no alternate way by which you could trap the System.exit or JVM exit after customization and the bind process.


  • 资产成本一部分价值,一部分价值等于预计在资产使用寿命结束,并将资产销售处置可以收回的金额。

    The portion of an asset's cost expected to be recovered through sale or trade-in of the asset at the end of its useful life.


  • 事件影响已经克服处理结束,受事件影响多方必须立即通知其他方。

    The influenced Party or Parties, upon the overcoming of the events or the ending of the processing, shall inform other Parties immediately.


  • 能够选择两种观看余下战斗方式释放灵魂尸体的角度观看,释放灵魂观众(灵魂状态)的视角观看直到战斗结束

    There are two options if you decide to watch the rest of the fight: Don't release and watch from your corpse, or release and watch in spectator (ghost form) mode until the fight ends.


  • 需要东西就是结束数月即便是不故意地。

    The last thing you need is the passing, even inadvertently, of fuel into the fire in the weeks and months after the end of the affair.


  • 初始训练结束后受试者可以小睡90分钟从事其他很安静活动必须保持清醒

    Following this initial training, participants were assigned to either take a 90-minute nap or to engage in quiet activities but remain awake.


  • 初始训练结束后受试者可以小睡90分钟从事其他很安静活动必须保持清醒

    Following this initial training, participants were assigned to either take a 90-minute nap or to engage in quiet activities but remain awake.


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