• 没有发生在身上时,我感觉故事有趣。

    The stories were amusing when it wasn’t me.


  • 没有发生在身上时,我感觉故事有趣。

    The stories were amusing when it wasn't me.


  • 不知为什么讲述这些故事时没有一丝害怕感觉

    Somehow he tells these stories without a note of horror.


  • 眠过程中接下来发生的一切都必须和这个故事有关——注射变成了昆虫的叮咬;皮肤上的热度变成了太阳的感觉;响起的机器变成了一辆经过附近的警车。

    Everything that happens next during the procedure must be related to this story—an injection becomes the bite of an insect; the heat on the skin becomes the sensation of the sun and a machine that rings becomes a police car passing nearby.


  • 但是等待这个故事感觉都太熟悉!

    But, wait, this story feels all-too familiar!


  • 大部分跑步者关于比赛至少故事,当最初英里他们感觉非常好,他们步伐领先只是为了在最后几英里精疲力尽。

    Most runners have at least one story about a race whenthey felt so great during the first few miles that they ran ahead ofpace, only to crash and burn during the final miles.


  • 也许游戏交互性特点在和故事角色这样叙事元素结合起来,让玩家产生只有这种媒体带来的特别感觉

    Maybe the interactive nature of video games can, when combined with narrative elements like story and character, evoke feelings in players in a way that is unique to the medium.


  • 道义上故事如果家人完全拒绝全麦面包,可以停止选择精制版本的主食的不好感觉因为也有营养优点

    The moral of the story is that if your family resolutely refuses wholemeal, you can stop feeling bad about opting for the “refinedversion of the staff of life, because it has nutritional merits too.


  • 评论家以及这部优秀连续剧粉丝们表示,他们坠机幸存者神秘小岛故事结局,总有一种悲喜交加的感觉

    TV critics and fans of the award-winning show had mixed feelings about the conclusion of the tale of plane crash survivors stranded on a mysterious island.


  • 人们当然感觉得到出身多大程度上决定命运那些出身低微的成功人士受到仰慕,因为白手起家故事罕见了

    Of course people sense how far birth still determines fate: those who make it from humble beginnings are admired because rags to riches stories are so rare.


  • 然而瓦尔特镇里四处走动打听别人故事好奇心没有使更好地理解世界而是感觉这个世界的神奇

    Yet when Walter walked around town gathering other people's stories, his curiosity led him not to understand the world better but only to marvel at it.


  • 天命想法深深植入亚当夏娃故事中,植入到他们决定偷禁果的毁灭性决定时,似乎我们有种不公平感觉

    The very idea of divine providence, when it's injected into the story of Adam and Eve's perfectly disastrous choice to eat the apple, seems to arouse in a lot of us feelings of injustice.


  • 作为一个孩子必须承认故事字里行间严酷而不言而喻事实使母亲早些年不开心的经历,下意识感觉不那么难以忍受了。

    As a child I must have recognised, at any rate subconsciously, the harsh unspoken truths lurking between the lines of a story that made my mother's early unhappiness somehow easier to bear.


  • 这些故事时候,他们很难辨别出故事人们感情并且很难说出怎样故事中的人们感觉好点

    When he read stories to the multitaskers, they had difficulty identifying the emotions of the people in the stories, and saying what they would do to make the person feel better.


  • 不知为何,感觉需要写写这些他们为了书籍生,无论发生什么事都坚持做售书业,花了时间来让故事成形

    I felt a need to somehow acknowledge people like that, the ones who lived for books and kept selling books no matter what, but it took a while for the right story to develop.


  • 过了日子国王了作家自由。国王重新自己一些故事给作家看感觉怎么样

    After some time, the king set him free. Again he showed him some of his new stories and asked what he thought of them.


  • 这不是个愚蠢故事这只是现在感觉很舒服的版本

    It's not the full story, just the version of events I'm comfortable with at the moment.


  • 科幻小说挑战性大,因为书名读者故事体验惊悚的感觉

    And for a work of speculative fiction the challenge is even greater, as the title should give a taste of the wonder and weirdness the reader can expect from the story to come.


  • 扫视着条走廊感觉置身一个特别图书馆;成千上万个故事就像fromager' s lie等待着被发觉

    I look down the corridor. We stand in a kind of library; ten thousand more stories like the fromager's lie within view.


  • 感性我来说行李箱因为已经感觉讲述一个故事开头

    It is emotional, for me, that luggage, because you have a feeling of being at the beginning of a story.


  • 接着弗雷德里克朋友们故事老鼠们感觉越来越温暖起来

    And Frederick began to tell his friends some stories, and the mice to feel warmer and warmer.


  • 知道这位学子当时是一种怎样的心情,听过这个故事之后却强烈地感觉人格才是最高学位

    I cannot imagine how the student felt at that time, but for myself, after hearing this story, I strongly felt that good personality is the highest degree in our lives.


  • 因此一旦已经故事已经十分明确已经自己感觉舒服的方式完成故事板构架,那么这些故事转化为清晰、明快、有力的幻灯片时刻到了。

    So, once you've got the story nailed down tight and you've done whatever storyboarding you feel comfortable with, it's time to turn those storyboards into crisp, clear, powerful slides.


  • 我自己,令感到一点其中一个缘由就是,我写故事本身正经历着可以感觉得到的转换

    Speaking for myself, one of the reasons I feel this so strongly is the fact that the fiction I write is itself undergoing a perceptible transformation.


  • 至始至终一段奇妙经历,并且感觉角色塑造舒服故事也是我们讲述的。

    It was a fantastic experience all the way through and we really felt comfortable with the characters and the story we wanted to tell.


  • 这种悬疑方式故事情节构建上起到了帮助作用给人一种某事就要发生”的感觉而且还成功避免乏味感。

    That suspenseful method helps develop the story by giving a feeling that "something's about to happen", but not in a boring way.


  • 他们能够令人想象感觉安全主题或者他们读关于爱情故事

    They had subjects imagine feeling loved, safe and secure, or had them read loving stories.


  • 这些故事让人感觉很好

    It's a feel good story.


  • 这些故事让人感觉很好

    It's a feel good story.


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