• 一种命中注定意识控制

    A sense of fatality gripped her.


  • 如果顺利成为第一个能用意识控制轮椅那么复杂的设备的系统

    If all goes well, it will be the first mind-controlled system able to operate something as complicated as a wheelchair.


  • 指令意识控制你的无意识将他们隐藏起来。

    This instruction set is held by your unconscious mind and it is your unconscious mind that hides these instructions from you.


  • 作为人类我们宁愿相信我们决定处于意识控制之下的—我们拥有自由意志

    As humans we like to think that our decisions are under our conscious control - that we have free will.


  • 目的探讨偏瘫患者康复过程主动意识控制对肢体功能恢复影响

    Aim: to explore the influence of active consciousness control upon restoration of limb function in rehabilitation process for one who has paralysis.


  • 目的:探讨偏瘫患者康复过程中主动意识控制肢体功能恢复影响

    Objective To study the affect of the limb function with early rehabilitation for hemiplegia patients after stroke.


  • 目的探讨偏瘫患者康复过程中主动意识控制肢体功能恢复影响

    Objective: To evaluate the effect of early rehabilitation nursing training on the swallowing and limb functions of cerebral infarction.


  • 你们具有任务早你们是意识控制之前意图促进你们dna进化。

    The task you have before you is to consciously command, intend, and will the evolvement of your DNA.


  • 结论偏瘫患者康复过程中主动意识控制肢体功能恢复较好的促进作用

    Conclusion: active consciousness control can accelerate the restoration of limb function for the ones who have paralysis in rehabilitation.


  • 几年诊断出患有肌肉性疾病,该疾病具有意识控制面部抽搐的特点。

    Several years ago, he was diagnosed with a muscular condition characterized by involuntary jerking of parts of the face.


  • 明白这些消极效果学习如何意识控制它们帮助自己实现目标绝对重要的。

    Its absolutely essential to your development that you understand these negative effects and learn how to take conscious control in a way that helps you fulfill your goals.


  • 收束延展呼吸控制方式由此也是一种提高脑力延展意识控制方法

    Bandhas are a means of extending control over breathing and are thus a means to extend our knowledge and control over consciousness.


  • 结果患者用脑意识控制幻想患肢动作时,电图同步显示实时神经信息电信号

    Results The real-time signals of the nerves can be displayed on the EMG instrument as the patient imaged various kinds of actions with consciousness.


  • 通过两个实验分别考察了在自然判断社会判断条件社会印象意识控制情况的不同特点。

    Two experiments explored the social impression controlled by the conscious or the unconscious under the tasks with neutral judgement and social judgement.


  • 影响运动员心理素质主要是记忆思维行动反馈以及意识控制机能个人技术打法运用的控制能力。

    Psychological factors affecting the psychological quality include memory and thought, action and feedback and limit of unconscious control on individual techniques.


  • 完全不需要使用任何形式意识控制我们只是简单的事实真相放在你们面前涉及到一些一直拖住你们后腿的信仰

    Without using any form of mind control we will place before you the facts concerning some of your beliefs that are holding you back.


  • 产生这种自下而上颠倒效果基础仅仅刺激物本身性质不受意识控制本能大脑反应,和达到某目标毫无关系

    Such "bottom-up" effects are based solely on the properties of the stimulus itself and the brain's involuntary, instinctive response, and has nothing to do with attaining a goal.


  • 通过三合训练原始动力肌肉力”变化成为意识控制身体平衡协调的“浑圆力”、“活化力”、“力”。

    Through the "inside and outside trine" training, will force from the original power "muscle" change become conscious control and body balanced "round force", "activate" and "play" shake.


  • 其实非常害怕,但又不得不意识控制自己

    Part of me was very frightened and I consciously had to get a grip on myself.


  • 意识嫉妒发展无法控制之前它消灭于萌芽状态一点至关重要

    It is important to recognize jealousy and to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.


  • 因为到那时我们就会意识到,我们生活不是莫测命运控制的,而是由我们自己、我们自己的行动我们自己的意志控制的。

    For then we will realize that our lives are not controlled by the whims of fate, but by ourselves, by our own actions, and by our own willpower.


  • 权威人士这些影响力格外强大的心理事件不仅可以控制而且可以我们意识控制帮助改善睡眠,让我们感觉更好

    And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better.


  • 卡特莱特认为人们可以意识控制反复出现的噩梦

    Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams.


  • 先前的项研究指出海豚总是意识控制自己呼吸

    A previous study noted that dolphins always consciously control their breathing.


  • 们越来越意识到,我们不能仅仅靠工程来控制地球系统,并且意识到如果我们希望生活在平衡中,我们需要调节我们的行为。

    We're increasingly aware of the fact that we can't control Earth systems with engineering alone, and realizing that we need to moderate our actions if we hope to live in balance.


  • 所以,整个情形就是面对危机时,突然意识这种控制只是一种错觉

    So, what happens is, when you face crisis, all of a sudden you realize that the control was an illusion.


  • 然而如果我们足够意识自我控制抵制侵蚀的话,我们就能采取相应的反应

    However, we can influence our response if we have sufficient awareness and discipline to counter its unhealthy encroachment.


  • 然而如果我们足够意识自我控制抵制侵蚀的话,我们就能采取相应的反应

    However, we can influence our response if we have sufficient awareness and discipline to counter its unhealthy encroachment.


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