• Lifetime频道近期头条一部有关阿曼达·诺的影片,这个美国学生因涉嫌2007年“梅·彻”谋杀案,意大利入狱

    The channel made headlines recently by airing a film about Amanda Knox, the US student jailed in Italy for the 2007 killing of Meredith Kercher.


  • 不过她们并不喜欢玛丽•波平那种朴实无华的鞋子偏爱意大利称作mezzotaco鞋:可以将这种鞋想象为介于卡拉·布吕尼·默克尔之间的那种风格。

    Not Mary Poppins's sensible shoes, but what Italians call mezzo tacco, half heel: halfway between Carla Bruni Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, you might say.


  • 意大利微妙贝卢斯科尼化可能解释过去年席卷全国趋势有所帮助

    The subtle Berlusconisation of Italy may help to explain a trend that has swept the country in the past 12 months.


  • 5月29号30号失去了来自故乡米兰支持。 1993年以来,米兰一直意大利金融中心以及贝卢斯科尼的大本营

    On May 29th and 30th he lost control of his home city of Milan, Italy's financial capital and a stronghold of the right since 1993.


  • 2001年,贝卢斯科尼获得了选民们压倒性支持(驳回了本报认为商场上摸爬滚打多年的适合领导意大利的观点)。

    In 2001 voters overwhelmingly backed Mr Berlusconi (rejecting this paper's view that his chequered business history made him unfit to lead Italy).


  • 斯科最近米兰街道,他看到的非意大利人多到让他感到不再身处一个意大利欧洲城市而是非洲城市。

    Mr. Berlusconi recently said that when he walks the streets of Milan, he sees so many non-Italians he feels he is no longer in an Italian or European city, but in an African one.


  • 由于贝卢斯科先生默许法国公司收购意大利公司以及意大利加入空袭利比亚来的决策使得北方联盟不满

    It was also upset by Mr Berlusconi's acquiescence in the takeover of Italian companies by French firms and Italy's belated decision to join air strikes on Libya.


  • 斯科这份协议应该结束两国之间长达40不和而且表明意大利道义上承认自己殖民时代利比亚造成的破坏,并为此作出具体补偿。

    Prime Minister Berlusconi said this agreement should put an end to 40 years of discord and is a concrete and moral acknowledgment of the damage inflicted on Libya by Italy during the colonial era.


  • 因此欧元未来可能两位意大利行动所左右:可能杀死欧元小丑斯科尼,可能最后一个有能力拯救欧元的技术官员德拉基

    The euro's future could thus be determined by the actions of two Italians: Mr Berlusconi, the buffoon who may kill it; and Mr Draghi, the technocrat who may be the last man able to save it.


  • 贝卢斯科先生同盟北方联盟最近质疑意大利是否应该继续留在欧盟抱怨意大利正在证伪法国殖民地

    The Northern League, Mr Berlusconi’s coalition partner, which recently questioned whether Italy should even remain in the EU, has complained of Italy’s “becoming a French colony”.


  • 斯科否认指控,发生在意大利女性这件感到愤慨背景下并且影响到了她们这件事的认知

    The charges, which Mr Berlusconi denies, were laid against a background of public indignation among Italian women over the affair and its effect on how they are perceived.


  • 贝卢斯科仍然控制着私人电视仍然意大利首富,他仍然因政企利益冲突问题被围攻,即使他将来是改革家,他也还是没有资格治理意大利

    Private television is still dominated by Mr Berlusconi. He is still Italy's richest man, still beset by conflicts of interest, still unfit, even if he were a great reformer, to rule Italy.


  • 市场看法LCH也许触发因素意大利种种问题深度超出斯科尼。

    The view in the markets is that LCH may have been the trigger, but Italy's problems run deeper than Mr Berlusconi.


  • 尽管这些丑闻成为世界各地媒体的头条,贝卢斯科意大利的高支持率造成多大影响

    The scandals made front page news around the globe, but had only a moderate impact on Berlusconi's robust popularity ratings in Italy.


  • 与此同时意大利借贷成本斯科尼地位不稳下跌,在似乎稍有起色就上升现在已经达到了直指主权债务违约的水平。

    Meanwhile Italy’s cost of borrowing, which now falls when Mr Berlusconi wobbles and rises when he looks more secure, has reached levels that point towards sovereign default.


  • 与此同时意大利借贷成本斯科尼地位不稳下跌,在似乎稍有起色就上升现在已经达到了直指主权债务违约的水平。

    Meanwhile Italy's cost of borrowing, which now falls when Mr Berlusconi wobbles and rises when he looks more secure, has reached levels that point towards sovereign default.


  • 出“肥皂剧”一时间传遍意大利全国,人们众说纷纭,有的评论维罗尼卡的做法,有人则猜测70的贝卢斯科是否会20岁的妻子妥协。

    The soap-opera enthralled the country, with Italians sounding off on whether they agreed with Veronica -- and whether they thought Berlusconi, 70, would submit to his wife, 20 years his junior.


  • 斯科表示如果没有得到更多帮助这些难民发放临时居民许可证允许他们前往意大利边境以外的其他国家。

    Mr Berlusconi says he'll issue them with temporary residence permits, allowing them to travel beyond Italy's borders if he doesn't get more help.


  • 如果贝卢斯科迅速采取行动解决意大利经济中的结构性问题利率可能飙升,降低意大利躲过灾难性违约几率

    But if Berlusconi doesn't move fast to address the structural problems in Italy's economy, the rate could skyrocket up, handicapping Italy's chances in avoiding a devastating default.


  • 斯科先生的传票似乎部分是出于清除残余意大利媒体反对势力的考虑。

    Mr Berlusconi's writs seem to be part of a drive to flush out the few remaining rebel enclaves in the Italian media.


  • 本周斯科意大利下议院赢得预算投票

    This week, Mister Berlusconi won a budget vote in Italy's lower house of parliament.


  • 没有什么比这更能说明贝卢斯科意大利媒体控制

    Nothing better illustrates Mr Berlusconi's grip on Italy's media.


  • 周五同事了一个重要说明意大利危机跟西尔维奥•斯科尼无关。

    ON FRIDAY, my colleague made the important point that Italy's crisis is not about Silvio Berlusconi.


  • 为什么意大利人民既19942001之后第三次次选了斯科尼?

    Why did Italian voters return Mr Berlusconi for a third time, after his previous wins in 1994 and 2001?


  • 为什么意大利人民既19942001之后第三次次选了斯科尼?

    Why did Italian voters return Mr Berlusconi for a third time, after his previous wins in 1994 and 2001?


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