• 将带进入矛盾怀疑失去意义领域,在那里你将忘记

    It takes you into the realm where contradictions and doubts lose their meaning, where you forget about life and death.


  • 这种指导性步骤允许新手高级文学研究者踏入讨论文本终极意义的领域一步骤都有助于诗歌阐释

    Such guided steps allow both novices and advanced literary scholars together to enter the discussion of a text's ultimate meaning, each contributing to the poem's interpretation.


  • 中俄双方建立互信机制推动战略关系方面,针对双方敏感性问题和具有战略意义的领域,主动提出可行性举措,诸如建立中俄相互通报机制、扩大交流,以推进双边关系。

    Some measures should be taken by both China and Russia, such as establishing a circular mechanism and extending the communication, so as to gain mutual trust and advance the bilateral relationship.


  • 新一届政府已经开始经济领域进行意义深远变革

    The new government has started to make sweeping changes in the economy.


  • 诚恳的批评作者创造了一个宝贵的机会,让自己的领域变得更好——这个过程通常极其痛苦往往都是意义

    Genuine criticism creates a precious opening for an author to become better on his own terms—a process that is often extremely painful, but also almost always meaningful.


  • 古列尔莫·马可尼可以说现代通讯领域第一真正意义上的全球性人物

    Guglielmo Marconi was arguably the first truly global figure in modern communication.


  • 例如安全号码组织一些特殊意义可以领域中定义它

    For example, a security number has some special meaning in your organization that you can define in a domain.


  • 意思是看来量子力学人类完全没有意义,在那些领域人们总是倾向于,有些奇怪事情

    I mean, quantum mechanics makes sense to no human being, in my view. In those areas, people are inclined to do sort of strange things.


  • 一个我们关注领域是在领域意义问题

    Each of these Focus Areas (as we call them) have to do things that make sense for their problem domain.


  • Web服务可以按照服务领域功能类别进行有意义分类

    Web services can be meaningfully classified by service domains and functional categories.


  • 究竟在哪个领域,奥巴马愿意作出意义削减措施呢?

    Where is he willing to make meaningful cuts?


  • 但愿人们开始认识到疟疾重要研究领域但是审视对于人类公共卫生意义时候,重要的风险放在环境中

    Hopefully, monkey malaria will start to be recognised as an important area of research, but when examining the public health significance for humans, it is important to put the risk into context.


  • 一发现人类生殖学之外领域同样具有意义

    The discovery has implications for research in fields other than human reproduction.


  • 创建一个涵盖自己领域功能复合应用程序时,主要用户界面元素可能与这个领域相关,只这个领域的上下文中意义

    When you create a composite application to cover the functionality of your domain, major UI elements may focus solely on your domain and make sense only in the context of your domain.


  • 你们高维领域的“分身”就是量子状态真实的“你”,他正梦想着颇有意义生命体验

    And the part of you in higher dimension is the quantum you, the real 'you' that is dreaming this profound experience of life.


  • 因此我们强烈建议使用服务使用者专业领域内有意义名称,优先选用业务概念而不是技术概念。

    We therefore strongly recommend the use of names that are meaningful in the domain of expertise of the service consumer, favoring business concepts over technical concepts.


  • 不过对于老鼠猴子研究发现似乎延长人类寿命领域这个一度视为边缘科学研究一项具有标志性意义进展

    But the mouse and monkey findings appear to mark the most substantial scientific progress yet in the search for ways to extend human life spansonce viewed as a fringe area of study.


  • 按照反映应用架构构建组织结构意义按据职能领域没有意义

    It makes sense to structure the organization to reflect the architecture of the application, rather than the functional areas.


  • 此外,“服务器诊所领域编程而不是管理那么在这里讨论这本书的意义何在呢?

    Moreover, "Server clinic's" domain is programming, not administration; so what's the point of discussing it here?


  • 保罗·萨缪尔森严密思维带进了一个以前主要依赖文字图表分析领域,从这个意义上说,是建立现代经济学

    Paul Samuelson created modern economics, in that he brought rigorous thinking to a field that had relied on mostly verbal and graphical analysis up to his time.


  • 看来对于学术界而言,最大挑战大学环境几乎不能建造计算基础设施情况下,如何鼓励学者云计算领域有趣意义研究工作

    The big challenge, as I see it, is how to enable academics to do interesting and relevant work on the cloud when it's nearly impossible to build up the infrastructure in a university setting.


  • 阿赫梅托夫表示,哈开展石油天然气领域能源合作具有战略意义希望双方领域合作作为哈中经贸合作的重点

    Akhmetov noted that it was of strategic significance for Kazakhstanand Chinato cooperate in oil and natural gas development, and hoped the two sides would focus their cooperation on this field.


  • 通过使用关键性能指标,可以了解这个问题组织哪些领域多大意义从而快速确定崩溃站点哪里造成问题最多。

    But by using key performance indicators to tell you how big a deal it is for which areas of the organization, you can quickly identify where the crashed site is causing the most problems.


  • 某些意义上来说,在未来交通开销我们有些不错讨论未来里,关于掌控手工产品领域劳资问题。

    At some point in the future, transportation costs, we'll have some good discuss over the next three days I think, will dominate labor costs for manufacturing products.


  • 他们大概测试15 000这样粒子已经达到了统计学意义,这表明科学领域把这个结果视为一个正式发现

    The team measured the travel times of neutrino bunches some 15, 000 times, and have reached a level of statistical significance that in scientific circles would count as a formal discovery.


  • 有人认为社交网络移动技术新的广告领域旅游业的变革具有特殊意义

    Social networking and mobile technology are a new advertising frontier, and it makes sense for the travel industry to jump on board, some say.


  • 中美合作领域意义远远超出双边范畴,正在全球产生越来越重要的影响

    The China-U.S. cooperation, in terms of fields and significance, exerts an impact which goes far beyond the two countries and expands globally.


  • 即使布朗先生在选举上最糟糕担心成为现实也能接下来28各月里在这些领域以及能源安全其他领域做出一些意义贡献

    Even if his worst electoral fears are realised, Mr Brown could make useful contributions in these fields, and others such as energy security, in the next 28 months.


  • 即使布朗先生在选举上最糟糕担心成为现实也能接下来28各月里在这些领域以及能源安全其他领域做出一些意义贡献

    Even if his worst electoral fears are realised, Mr Brown could make useful contributions in these fields, and others such as energy security, in the next 28 months.


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